

Already in a bad mood after seeing my innocent lamb turning into something not far off from my own kind as I looked down at my phone. Narrowing my eyes as I stared at the name as my phone continued to keep buzzing, looking up a bit watching as my chubby little beautiful lamb was slowing down, I could tell her mind was running a million miles a minute. If she had looked back she would have seen the woman in the store shrinking in fear rendered mute from the fear of the illusions I planted in her mind. She didn't need to find out about that side of me just yet, and if this person calling does show up to the party tomorrow, then I am not sure how much longer I'll be able to hold out before she was ready. Placing a toothpick into my mouth I licked the opposite side of my lips before turning and opening her door to get her inside the vehicle, she looked so meek as she came to me sliding into the vehicle very quietly, was she embarrassed? Closing the door I walked to the driver side breathing in before I also entered the vehicle.

"Why that gown?" I spoke quietly while I buckled myself in and started the vehicle. Freya looked at me slowly trying to figure out what I had asked as she then looked back at her hands.

"Because it reminded me of something, and it's my favorite colour." Her voice was so soft right now, there wasn't any real emotion besides that of someone who sounded so defeated. What happened to my little lamb before I found her to make her so pitiful until pushed? Chewing on my toothpick I nodded before I began to drive us out of the downtown district, she slowly started to fall asleep on the door frame as I continued to drive, I wondered if butler had finished his job at her house as I entered the gated community I lived in. Since the phone call in the middle of the night, I was awake trying to find solutions so that no one would take her away ever again from me, so many solutions, but until I can claim her as mine in front of everyone I can't do anything I initially wanted to do to squash the problem of losing her again. It wasn't until I decided to just take her as she was sleeping that I realized I didn't need to be that drastic, and decided to move her in with me, my household workers would just open up some rooms beside my two rooms and she would have her own space until we officially marry and combine the rooms to one. Looking over to her sleeping body, knowing how upset she will be after she realizes what I have done, I decide to just admire her right now before the drama from my decision will ensue. I can't explain yet it's for her own safety.


Waking up to my favorite scents of frankincense and myrrh, I shuffled a bit in my bed before opening my eyes, my room was almost completely dark minus a little light coming in through the window, probably from the moon. Wait, the moon? I shot up in bed as I looked around, everything in this room was mine, but it was almost literally everything of mine in a room almost the size of my apartment. What happened? Is this another dream!? Standing up out of bed I realize I'm still dressed in what I went out with Mikeal in, walking around the room, I see that everything is set up just like my apartment, minus some walls and a kitchen. Turning to the door I open it and looking out my door, in front of me was a very large oil painting of Mikeal with another man who looked a lot like him but a little older with very long black hair, beside him was a beautiful woman with long white hair and fair skin, she had piercing blue eyes and wore a beautiful faint green dress. I wonder if these are his parents. Wait, that's not the point right now Freya! I curse myself as I look down the hallway realizing that I'm in Mikeal's mansion and his room is right beside mine. Closing the door, I look down the stairs and see the butler by the dinning room as I hear voices coming from the study.

"How dare you bring her back here! How dare you do that to me! Do you not understand what this is doing to me! You're suppose to be mine! We are suppose to be the ones together, you were never meant for anyone else. You even gave her those rooms!" A female's voice was very loud and almost like a shrill high pitched wail, it was screaming at who I am guessing is Mikeal. I hear some banging causing me to creep a little closer to the door.

"Those are her rooms, always have been." Mikeal's voice was so calm and it sent chills down my body as I heard footsteps. "And you and I were and never will be a thing Claudia. You and Brianna need to stop this childishness, you have both been doing this too long and it doesn't matter how many woman you know I have bedded or even seen me bed you both still come back to me. I have never asked for you. If I haven't asked for you, what makes you girls think you're even up to my standards to f*ck." His voice was so smooth, so captivating, but I still felt really bad for the woman named Claudia in the room with him.

"So if you're not even up to that standard which isn't very high to be honest, what makes you think you're up to the standard of being my wife?" My heart felt like it was being squeezed hearing him admit that his bar for what women looked like to want to sleep with them wasn't very high. Shaking my head at myself I couldn't believe I actually believed that he truly liked how I looked. He just enjoyed women, nothing to do with how they actually looked. Rolling my eyes at myself I sighed quietly before standing away from the door deciding to move from it when the door shook violently.

"Mikeal Agramonfilius, how dare you! Imagine what your father will say tomorrow! I'm leaving!" Hearing the woman screech at Mikeal with his full name rolling off her tongue so effortlessly, I scurried to run away to only get a few steps away before she came stomping out the room glass crunching under her heels. She was tall, around 5'11 with shoulder length fake blonde hair with dark roots. Her body was that like Brianna's, very modelesque. This woman was also beautiful, did Mikeal only have such beautiful women around him? Maybe I am actually just someone he wanted to use as a ruse to scare off women. Trying to stand very still my hair messy and matted while my clothes were obviously disheveled from sleeping in them, if this woman saw me I can't imagine. My thoughts were interrupted as she glanced at me and I felt my whole body freeze from the stare from her deep sea green eyes.

"You little slut! How dare you show your face to me after you took my fiance from me!" She walked up to me about to slap me when her wrist was caught mid air before she could connect to my face. My eyes went wide as I stared at her and the anger she had for me burning through her gaze.

"Leave Claudia. Last warning." Mikeal's voice had gone hard and something told me this voice was only meant for a certain type of person. Her face turned fearful before she scoffed at me and spit at my feet turning on her heels she headed down the stairs and out of the mansion slamming the door behind her. Mikeal smiled at me his whole stance going from elegant gentleman to a bad boy villain in a second before he looked me over and nodded a little.

"Sorry for that disturbance little lamb, when some people are told they can't or never will have something, they seem to think they should fight harder for it and have delusions which they push onto others." His voice sounded angry and annoyed, looking at him I wanted to bring up my displeasure of what he did without asking, but wasn't sure if I would end up on the receiving end of his anger. Chewing on my lip I stood there stupidly in front of him before I realized just how silly I was being, he took my stuff out of my house without my permission, he did this all behind my back. Why am I trying to think about his feelings when he truly didn't give a crows ass about my feelings!

"Mikeal, why did you take all my stuff out of my apartment? Why did you bring me here yet again?" I looked at him putting both hands at my sides loosely while glaring at him. He grinned at me and turned walking to the top of the stairs.

"Because you're going to be married to me little lamb, now come. Supper is ready." I gawked at him for a moment before I started to speak again only to get interrupted by him. "No more questions. Supper now." His voice was so commanding to me as he started down the stairs not even waiting for me. That did not go how I imagined, why did I become some a spineless being in front of him, he must have some sort of hold of me, maybe it's witchcraft. I giggled a little at myself and started to think of little comics to do with his character that I'm using for my books now. At the dinner table I kept my eyes down as Mikeal and I ate and he put food on my plate for me so I didn't have to almost crawl on the table to be able to reach anything. I didn't feel comfortable in this mansion, I wasn't even welcome in my families own house, never mind a place like this. Plus we are just dating, I don't understand how he thinks we will just get married and that's it. He hadn't even tried to get me to fall for him, so far all he had going for him was impeccable looks and a deep husky voice that made most girls want to melt into a puddle of goo. He had a horrible attitude, he always had to be so strict with his words, did he even know how to treat a woman or was so use to women just throwing themselves at him, he just expected me to want him. I huffed a bit with my thoughts, Mikeal looking at me very amused.

"Are you not happy sharing the same roof as the man you were so taken by that you had to use his image for your book? Or maybe, one of the hottest men this world can produce for you to enjoy?" His voice spoke with such confidence my jaw dropped at him speaking so highly of himself and I just rolled my eyes before he leaned a little closer to me.

"Or did you think you'd be living separate from your husband?" His words sent goosebumps all over my body as my heart did a little flutter before I glared at him.

"We are just dating Mikeal. That's all I actually agreed to." I spat the words out at him as my patients for his games were wearing very thin.

"That's not what everyone else besides you truly believes." He grinned stroking my cheek causing me to hit his hand away a little. "But then again, even you deep down don't truly believe that we won't become husband and little wife." He looked at me so amused as I got flustered quickly.

"What makes you so confidante?" I glanced at him and raising my brow before I took a bite of a piece of steak he placed in front of me. His eyes clouded over for a moment before he grinned at me and took a drink while continuing his meal.