

The amount of respect I just started to have for girls like my step sister who go through all the body sugaring and hair maintenance is astronomical. They do this at least every two weeks, and I could barely sit still long enough to do this just this once, the body sugaring artist gal, who truly should be called a torture artist did things to parts of me that I didn't even know had noticeable hair. The hair stylist, took my raggedy curly hair and brought it up looking like I've been raised royally my whole life, while the makeup artist didn't erase my freckles but enhanced my whole face with slight bits of colour and makeup pops everywhere. My large brown eyes were paired with soft neutral browns and copper colours and lined then with black and brown to create something I couldn't understand but it made me look amazing. I couldn't take my eyes off of myself as I thought about grabbing my phone right now to take lots of pictures before a new maid girl came in saying she would be dressing me in my gown. I didn't ask about the previous one and nodded to her slightly as she kept looking at me almost shocked before i started to undress myself.

"Oh, you have been provided with lingerie as well, so please remove all garments." The new maid spoke softly but sternly as she pulled out a bag handing it to me. Inside was a set of black underwear, both were my exact size, the maid's eyes widening at the size of the bra and I held back my embarrassment, I am the biggest person in this whole mansion and that will probably be the case for the females in the party as well.

"I'll go to the bathroom and change." I spoke quickly before slightly running to the bathroom. Looking at the black lacy balconette bra in a 34 j and the xxl black thong for big girls, I couldn't help but gasp trying to figure out how he got my size, before remembering that he had his servants move my whole house to his and of course they looked at my clothing. My face became so red that you could clearly see it under the makeup as I tried to imagine them all making fun of me because of my size. Calming my breathing before I switched into the underwear and looking at myself in the bathroom mirror, my breasts looked amazing as they always do, but my stomach which hung a bit down and though you can see my hourglass shape, I was not skinny, I wasn't what men around me wanted. At this moment I know for sure that Mikeal is joking with me thinking that this is appropriate for a girl my size. I sighed trying not to cry looking at myself before i grabbed my towel hiding my body before I walked out to the maid who was waiting with the bloomers and the garment that I guess goes under the gown to help with the marks from the corset. She helped me put on both and took the towel away before we got the beautiful red gown over me and the had me turn to the wall and lean forward into it but not bending as she positioned the corset. The next part was like being shoved into a wringing machine as she tightened the corset around me enhancing my hour glass shape but leaving the bottom loose enough to not cause my tummy from bulging out. My back fat on the top was held in by the garment she put on for under the gown and then she began to fix the dress up so it fit on my shoulders and by my neck properly. Next she grabbed the little shoes with the inserts in them before she knelt down and put them on me. When she stood up she looked at me and turned pale as if she had seen a ghost then she bowed her head before she quickly ran to the door exiting the room, leaving me standing there like an idiot before I looked in the mirror amazed by how I looked. I couldn't believe how elegant and beautiful I looked with all the clothes, Mikeal could work with this, especially to use me to keep the other women away, now just let no one ever see me in my underwear, ever. A knock on the door made me jump a bit before I turned to open it up seeing the butler standing there and he bowed his head to me using his hand to motion me out of the room before closing the door behind me. He started walking in front of me leading me down the stairs where at the bottom stood Mikeal, and my jaw almost dropped completely to the floor as I got visions from my dream. There at the bottom stood Mikeal in the same amazingly tailored to fix tuxedo, he had put on red gloves to match my red laced gloves he had got me, the only difference was his hair was still shaggy and slightly curly under a beautiful top hat. I couldn't take my eyes off of him as I started down the stairs.


Sliding on my glove as I heard the soft footsteps from my little lamb in her heels, getting the hat on over my unstyled hair before I looked to the top of the stairs, to where I could see why the maid helping her had ran so quickly from her room. Standing there was the love of my life, though this was not the one I had all my memories with, this was my new chubby little lamb. She stood there like the goddess she is, her hair piled high and perfect ringlets framing her face with a red and cream ribbon bow in it. Her body was amazing in the corset dress, her breasts were held high and full while the rest of her body swayed under the skirts and it took everything in my control to stop myself from canceling the party and taking her back to my room right then. Watching her as she started down the stairs I couldn't stop staring, she was beautiful, every inch of her body was voluptuous and it was all exactly the way I love it. This will definitely get the point across to everyone why she is my one, and with the party I will be able to claim her, no matter what others might say, and I truly hope no one with ill intentions actually arrive at our engagement party tonight. Though the likelihood of the is very low. She walked to me slowly and we met eyes for a moment as I took her close to me by her perfectly shaped lower back, at that moment, we looked like the couple I was going to make sure we would become. She blushed at me as I grinned.

"My little goddess, shall we start onward to my fathers home?" I couldn't help but see the flash of fear in her eyes as she bit her plump tinted pink lip causing me to groan while I let her go to open the door.

"Everything will be okay there, right Mikeal?" Her voice was soft but I could tell she was trying to harden herself up for anything bad that may happen at the party tonight, I already had to lie to her about who I actually was, and not tell her about why others look at her the way they do. I didn't want to lie more than that so I just smiled a little and walked her out to my limo with my driver waiting. Getting into the limo I could tell she was nervous and I held her a little hand in which she held mine back as she looked out the window. After 45 minutes of driving further away from the city we started seeing the lights of cars and of my fathers castle which he calls my mother's little home. Guests had already started to arrive which was perfect, we were going to arrive an hour and half after the party was suppose to begin and I wanted to have everyone see us enter together. Of course press was everywhere taking pictures of everyone who came to it, my father was well known in the business industry as well as some political business as well. So the engagement of a son that no one truly knew anything about, which my cover story had always been that I was being raised over seas because it was my mother's dying wish that I could learn all over the world. Smiling at my chubby little lamb before the limo stopped, I looked into her eyes and held her chin up so she couldn't look away.

"Don't worry little lamb, you are the only goddess in my eyes, don't forget that." I took her hand while seeing all the goosebumps and the blush that spread to her shoulders before I gently kissed her fingers. The door was opened by my driver and I walked around the limo to the other side where I opened the door for her, and she took her sweet time to get out and grab a hold of my hand. The paparazzi started going wild as she exited the limo hurling questions about if I had met her on my travels around the world, or if she was a school sweetheart, one even asked if I was being forced into this marriage by my father. When the doors opened to the castle and everyone on each side of the party in and out could all see me, including my father who stood with a group of men on the inside, I stopped and looked into Freya's eyes before I put my hand on the back of head and the top of her neck pulling her back a bit and kissing her passionately right in front of everyone. I could feel the panic in her but she kissed back which wasn't very well making me grin while we kissed knowing just how pure she truly was. After leaning her back up I released the kiss and everyone outside were stunned and shooting many questions to us and on the inside of the castle, it had gone almost silent minus the music being played in the background. I smirked to the side as I curved my arm slightly and she placed her arm through mine, we walked through the doors in everyone's gaze as I turned slightly looking at her grinning allowing my slightly protruding fang to slip out from my lips before the butler at the front introduced us.

"Introducing young Master Mikeal Agramonfilius and his betrothed Freya Odam!"