

I can see certain people in the room clench their jaws at the announcement, my father's eyes dart up to the entrance. He knew I was playing with a human, but he was unaware of just which human, he had no idea that it was her. Brianna, Claudia and Nancy were standing together with my father and Henry, it brought a sick smile to my face, how great it is that my little's lamb fan club is all in one spot it should be much easier to silence everyone at once in that aspect. Leading her on my arm I bring her more into the giant room filling with people all with money and a few demons that are not afraid to be pictured. I can feel her nervousness as I lead her through the crowds to the group of what I would call my family. Looking down at her I smile softly before I bring her hand up to my mouth kissing her little fingers gently watching as she blushed but relaxes a little. She may not trust me, she may hate me but she agreed to be my girlfriend she agreed to pretend and in such she is fine, and after this either she stays out of her own will or I'll make her, but that's truly for later. Pulling her eyes from me she turns and see's the circle of hags all glaring at her intensely, especially when her step mother walks up beside Nancy with a smug look on her face as she glances to my father watching his cold face showing no emotion as he looks to both of us.

"Father, I'd like to introduce you to my fiance," I pull her up in front and grin softly. "Freya Odam, and this my chubby little lamb is my father. Alexander Agramonfilius CEO of Halpon Corporations." I watch as her eyes widen, I'm sure she realized I had money but I doubt she realized I was the son of the wealthiest man in the country, and the world but no one else knows that. Quickly she let go of me and curtsied in front of me and him awkwardly trying to show a good impression which made me giggle and cover my mouth slightly holding my elbow with my other arm as my father's cold face breaks slightly to a very small grin. My little lamb took a hand that my father extended to her letting him bring it up to his lips before he kissed it, and I won't lie I was jealous, I didn't like others touching my lamb, and my father was not an ugly man. He grinned looking at me before he let her hand go.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Ms Odam, I'm very happy that my son has been able to find someone to help him settle down a bit." My father's voice was deep like mine but way more elegant, and every woman in hearing distance shivered a little as he added his own flare of seduction to it. Looking down at Freya she blushed but looked to me before her beautiful lips parted to reply.

"The pleasure is mine Mr. Agramonfilius. I appreciate the acceptance into your family. I can only wish to add to it and not subtract from it's prestige." Her voice was so elegant at that moment, it held high notes of how a violin brings attention to the whole room before a beautiful serenade. My father and I both stare at her in disbelieve. Without knowing it she had just done 2 things that shocked us both. One she used a voice that could have only compared to my mother's and the woman I loved back then before she was taken from me. Two she said the words that both those woman whom we both held very dear, had used. Almost word for word. My father looked to me his eyes almost black before he calmed himself and looked back at her, I watched as he looked her over and smiled, though it wasn't truly a real smile I felt something as he moved closer to her and kissed her hand again.

"I'm sure you will do just that my dear." He spoke again causing glares from the women, all directed towards my little lamb. I bowed my head to my father as he nodded and signaled for me to have a talk with him, torn I looked to my lamb and she nodded to me and smiled trying to motion for me to go talk to him. Nodding I lean down to her ear.

"Please don't run off. I'll be right back and don't worry, he is happy. Please watch yourself." My voice was stern but also soft as I kissed her cheek walking off in the direction my father had walked before me.


Standing in front of the four women who I am sure would gladly dance on my grave right now, I can't help but doubt myself at letting Mikeal go to talk to his father, which also made me worried that he was going to fight with him over my street self. Not long after Mikeal disappeared into the crowd of people all my thoughts were interrupted by a shrill voice.

"And this girls is when Mikeal leaves our little would be artist author. Mr. Agramonfilius will never allow such trash to be married into his family." My step mother cackled while the other women smiled at me before Brianna also chimed in.

"I knew a woman like you once Freya, she learned her place a long time ago, one day soon you'll be learning yours as well." Her voice was full of hate as she took a drink from her glass. They were all in very elegant very extravagant dresses, with gold and flowers, the skirts were fitted over wire skirts, and they had various pieces of jewelry scattered on them. Looking down at my dress I bit my lip feeling dejavu from my dream, I feel my lip starting to swell so I release it before I look back up seeing that Claudia had said nothing and was just staring at me almost dumbfoundedly. Nancy then came to my face and shook her head as she looked me up and down.

"I am embarrassed to say you are my sister to be honest Freya, you look like a peasant." Suddenly she pretended to trip allowing her glass of champagne to fall over my chest and down into my dress thankfully missing the front of the dress. I gasp and slide back a bit into someone's hard chest, turning slowly I see a man around 6'2 with long brown hair past his shoulders. His face is chiseled with strong brow and dark blue eyes which seem to glaring into my soul.

"I'm so sorry sir." I bow my head slightly as I try to walk from him but he stops me and pulls me fully in front of him.

"So you are his new thing." His eyes sweep across my body as I fight the urge to shiver and gag at the same time. "You may look like her, but you will never be her. I hope after he's done toying with you, you'll be able to give up on him unlike so many others, though..." He grins looking back to my face licking his bottom lip quickly before biting it. "I'm sure he will keep you and add you to his nice little harem of servants. But unfortunately you'll never get his money." I push him back away from me as I frown deeply glaring at this man, who was he to talk to me like that? As he walks up to me again I slap him hard watching his head snap to the side.

"Do no touch me sir, I am not yours to touch." My voice was edgy but I maintained my elegance and kept my face strong, I could hear gasps and giggles from the women behind me.

"Oh Henry, did you hear what our dear cousin said? Perhaps Edgar has hit right on the spot. A gold digger she is." Claudia's voice finally rang out and only then did I realize as I looked back at them that Henry and Claudia looked almost identical minus their hair, which is why her and Brianna are so close, they were all raised together, siblings. I sighed and bit my lip again as the man she called Edgar grabs my arm again leaning towards my ear, his deep but conceited voice rings in my ear.

"You will be mine. Prepare for it, I'll get you before he ruins you and I'll teach you a true lesson, you will never have our money and you will never become anything more than a thing to play with." My eyes widen at his statement as he stands up again grinning at me.