Wait.. What?


My mind was in a spiraling mess as Mikeal's words rang again and again in my eyes, he had said I was his everything, and I just nodded like a dumbass. How could I be his everything? I sat up from the bed walking to my desk looking at the story I was previously writing about Edgar, Mikeal and Eva. Sitting slowly down I try to get my thoughts in order, why was it so important that Mikeal know that I wasn't how my half sister said I was, why did I care so much that HE didn't think of me like that, normally I don't care. Why did he say I was his everything, does that mean he loves me? Do I love him? We haven't even gone on a proper date, no flowers, no massages, no sex, I don't even think we've had more then 30 mins alone at once. No, he saw Eva when he said that to me, not me, not Freya, and I just needed him to know the truth because in words he is my fiance and we are technically boyfriend and girlfriend. I couldn't imagine having everyone saying such things about him to me and I not knowing the whole truth not be able to defend him or at least ignore their ignorance and stupidity. I sighed running my hand into my nest of curls that flowed all over my face and back, maybe I should just focus on work for now, I've been neglecting my art for too long and I just need to relax. Standing up for a second I put on an over sized cameo green hoodie over my black underwear, I was short enough that it was a dress basically on me and if this is suppose to be my home now then I guess I should get use to doing what I wanted to do, except walking around completely naked, not even I truly wanted to see that again after losing all confidence I had this morning. Sliding on some slippers that I'm assuming Mikeal had bought for me because they happened to be lamb slippers and I couldn't help giggle a little while watching the lamb's ears flap as I walked out of my room making my way downstairs to the kitchen. The kitchen was beautiful and I could only dream of having one this large with all the right tools, I whistled at it as I searched for a wine glass. After a few minutes I was on my way back to my room holding a wine glass full of super sweet cherry wine along with chips and dips with some snacking meats and cheeses. Feeling very proud of myself I set up my area on my desk, left side for snacks and drinks, right side for all the tools needed to draw and paint, while I put aside my story for now I was going to do a large painting, maybe for Mikeal, maybe just to trash later on. Smiling I sat down letting the distressing commence.


In the basement of my home was what was once used as a dungeon for those who wished harm on my father, back when if you treated one of us wrongly you got to come to me and experience your deepest darkest fears over and over, along with any sadistic tortures I deemed proper to go along with the illusions that I placed in their heads. I stood there staring at a wall I had just punched, as the stone crumbled slightly where my fist had connected, I kept thinking about what those men had done to my beautiful innocent lamb. My anger was higher than it had been in forever and I wanted to kill someone, I wanted to destroy those men and fuck Freya in their blood while they watch how a real man would take her as she willingly enjoyed it, as the light slowly escapes their eyes. Maybe, one day, after I marry her and she becomes my family, that can be my wedding gift to her, the thought causing me to grin then sit down on the bench in the cell that I absently had entered. It was good that she had told me, it meant she trusted me right? Running my hand through my hair I sighed, thinking about ways to get her to open up more to me, opening my phone up I dialed Henry.

"Ah, I was curious when you were going to call me after I saw the tiny hand print your fiance left on Nancy's face." I could practically hear the grin on Henry's face as he answered the phone after 3 rings, and it made me laugh out loud hearing it echo in the stone dungeon as I leaned my head against the cold stone.

"Trust me, the wolf needed to be corrected by lamb, though I think she should of done more, but that just might be the blood thirst talking." I sighed thinking about the last time I fed my demon inside.

"Speaking of that, I have wine for you cousin, also I think since she's going to marry you, you should probably start training her on feeding you instead of you just waiting until I remember for you." Henry always made sure I was stalked with blood, like a vampire we needed a certain amount of blood to survive, though human food could also sate us, blood restored our powers when we weren't in our true home, or forms.

"Thank you, and I would but it'll be hard, especially after what I learnt today, in fact I learnt it because your little woman there was spewing a bullshit story and my chubby goddess had to correct her." I smiled thinking of it again, the sound, the way Freya looked, the whole thing gave me another boner causing me to shift a bit on the bench. Henry went a bit quiet waiting for me to continue not sure if he should ask what I was talking about.

"You know she was kidnapped, I told you after the party and all that what her stepmom had said to me, well Nancy, your sisters Brianna and Claudia came over with a similar story, but Freya told me the truth. 6 guys. She was a virgin and for days Henry, for days they had her." I growled as I spoke the words swinging a fist backwards into the stone behind me as I fought to control my anger again thinking of the story Freya had told me about all that happened to her.

"You'd think that her soul has been through enough. Though I wouldn't suggest letting Edgar know this. You saw how he reacted to her at the party and at the theater. He sees only Eva." Henry spoke all truth and I knew it, I didn't even think about if Edgar found out about what happened to her. I'm sure he senses Eva's soul in Freya's body, he knows she's a part of her, but he doesn't acknowledge Freya, and if his wife found him exacting revenge for her, I can't imagine what she'll do out of jealousy again.

"I won't tell him. But this isn't what I called for." I ran my hand through my hair again leaning forward placing my elbows on my knees. "Can you make a reservation for me at the best restaurant in the city? Also, I need exclusive access to the biggest well stocked art supply store as well. Then.." Henry cut me off before I could finish my sentence.

"Whoa whoa, hold up. Are you planning a date?" The shock was very evident in his voice. "I've never seen you take a girl out. Meet girls then invite them to your table, yes. But never not even Eva, did you ever make a plan ahead of time to take her out." I gritted my teeth but it was true, this would probably be my first ever date, I never dated Eva, we just kinda fell in love, we spent time together, but any gifts were things she pointed out when we went out, never anything I thought of in advance.

"Yeah, I can only imagine how badly my bad boy image will suffer from this. But she deserves this. Can you do it for me?" I grinned a little trying to think if my lamb will be happy.

"Of course I can, dates, seduction, lust, that's kinda my thing didn't you know?" I laughed at Henry, the demon of lust, who could just look at a woman and have her, her husband or boyfriend, her mother and father and anyone else that might also strike his attention. Of course he could do this.

"I"ll message you the details. I'm assuming it's for tomorrow?"

"You assume correct." I knew he was nodding to himself on the other end as we ended the call with some talk to you laters. My first real date, to be used on my beautiful godly chubby lamb. I need to make her completely mine, I need her to agree to stay with me forever, and if that means acting like a typical man in one of her old books with that goofy looking guy, then that's what I'm going to do.