

The bottle of wine was gone, all the snacks were either gone or almost gone, my paints were all over the place as I continued to sing whatever random rock and metal songs that appeared on my random playlist while slapping a bunch of paint over a large canvas that would roughly be 54in x 72in. I had originally decided to use a smaller size so I could just do it at the lovely desk that was set up for me, but then I saw this beauty tucked in a pantry of sorts that was full of canvases for me which I assumed that Mikeal had set up. I grabbed a step ladder as I added lines and wisps from my brushes of all sizes. I knew this had to be given to Mikeal, he was all I could think of as I did it, the feeling I got was almost like my soul had bonded with itself. Eva and I were one projecting all our feelings for Mikeal onto this one canvas, all energy and memories were shooting from my fingertips as I continued to finish up the large piece. It had taken me hours and I knew the sun would be coming up soon as I finished on the last of my highlighting before signing the bottom right of the canvas. Pulling myself from the floor I felt great twirling around extremely happy with what I had created, it was definitely not going to the trash, this was one of the best pieces I made and I could only hope that Mikeal loves it as much as I and my soul does. Giggling to myself out of happiness and I guess a little of it had to do with the wine, I tripped and almost fell backwards before I caught myself landing almost face first in front of my door. That's when I noticed a little envelope with a black and cream ribbon on it, it was sealed with a very rich red wax seal having symbols I wasn't sure where they were from. Tilting my head slighting I got to my knees crawling to the floor to grab it from the front of the door where it had to have been slid under. Opening it very carefully I couldn't believe how much it smelt like Mikeal, maybe he sprayed his cologne on his stationary, the thought made me giggle again as I pulled out the perfect parchment that also had the handwriting of a god on it, gasping as I looking at the beautifully written not.

Miss Odam,

My dearest Freya, I am writing you here today to officially invite you to dinner among other activities. I suppose you could say I am formally requesting your presence and company tonight around 5pm.

I will supply you with a dress as well as anything else you may need for the night, including all costs to be covered by myself regardless of the modern notions of splitting the costs of an outing together.

I suppose you could say that I humbly asking you out on a date.

Below is a blank card that you could reply to me on, slide it under the door and I will receive it, if you accept we will meet in the front by the doors at 4:30pm.

Yours Completely,

Mikeal Agramonfilius

I giggled again and squealed like a little girl as I looked at the too good to be true letter. I have never been asked out by a man before, and this was so perfect in every way, I grinned to myself before glancing back at the painting. I would wrap it for him as a gift for this, no matter how the date goes, cause with the luck I've been having and the weird things I saw last time we went out, I couldn't guarantee what state we'd come back in. Getting up quickly I went to shower again before responding on the card a giant fat YES, sliding it under the door not even waiting to hear if it was received before I jumped into bed setting an alarm for 1pm to give myself time to sleep before getting ready to go out.

I woke up to the blaring alarm almost screaming, sweat dripping from my body as I recalled the horrid dreams I had the whole time I was sleeping under the bright sun that was shinning through the now opened window. The butler must of came in while I was asleep, I thought while I noticed a large box on the end of my bed along with food and water on my nightstand. Sliding out of bed I groaned at the thought of showering again, but I smiled seeing the painting again and remembering that the box must be the dress that Mikeal had sent me for our date. The thought hit me hard as my face hurt from how hard I was smiling, how excited was I truly for this night? I ran to the shower to get cleaned up again so I could smell decent and not like the sweat of a fearful little deer. It had only been less than ten minutes and I was running back out to see what the dress looks like so I could style my hair and makeup. Slowly opening the box I looked inside gasping at the sight of a black salsa looking dress with a very deep v in the front of it. I'm suppose to wear this? Did he not realize just how big I truly am? He had to right? So many questions flooded my mind but I shook my head like the motion would make the questions fly away from me. I will try it before I say no to it, I nodded while I laid it out looking for heeled boots with little studs on them to pair with it then laying out the makeup I wanted to put on for the night.


Looking in the mirror I nodded at myself, I had put on a black dress shirt leaving it unbuttoned on the top showing my tattoos and the top of my chest. The shirt tucked into my perfectly fitted black jeans that were almost as elegant as tuxedo pants, the jeans were clean as well as being just tight enough at the top but loose enough at the bottom to go over my large leather biker boots lined with chrome. Rolling the sleeves up on my shirt after placing the many skull rings that normally adorned my fingers, I couldn't help but smile thinking of my little lamb all dressed up. My hair was messy but in the most perfect way as I grinned at myself, my toothpick rolling over my lips while I popped up my starched collar. No one would be able to take their eyes off of us tonight, that is one thing I could promise. Henry had let me know the time of the reservations and the appointment with the art supply store that we will be stopping off at on the way home, well after closing hours. Biting my bottom lip I couldn't lie if I was hoping to at least get another chance to lay my lips on hers again, remembering the kiss after she explained her past to me, the thought of it sent amazing shudders down my spine and the demon within me couldn't wait to be released with our little lamb, her soul begs to my demon, Eva begs to my demon. My demon though craves my little goddess more than Eva now though, every movement, every scent, every look, it wanted all of her to himself, the fact that Eva's soul was within her was just an added treat to him. I smiled wider than most humans can as my body couldn't wait to go back home, but first this date, Freya had to be all I cared about, especially tonight. Nodding to my reflection, I grabbed my leather jacket before leaving the room heading to the front doors to await for my lamb, she would be dinning tonight not with the wolf, but with the predator that wolves fear.