
I picked up Gertrude in her apartment at around 6 in the evening, we decided to go for Mexican food remembering it's been a while now since the last time we had it. The place is still the same. Warm atmosphere, chill mood, and comfortable couches. You can hear the soft Mexican song being played by a live band in the center stage. It's one of our favorite places on this side of town. We entered the place and find a seat near the window.

"Hey look at that guy, he's cute." Gertrude pointed in the direction of a guy in a dark sweater. His back is on us.

I looked at her with a questioning look "How can you say he's cute if you can't see his face."

She shrugs her shoulders and settles down on a couch "He has broad shoulders and nice hair. That's why."

"You're crazy. Always on the lookout for a cute guy."

"Well unlike you! You'll die an old maid if you don't start scouting." she rolled her eyes that made me chuckle.

A waiter approaches us and we both ordered our favorites "So what happened today?" she asked the moment the waiter left our table.

I took a sip of the wine they served. "Nothing good happened today," I said rolling my eyes.

"Come on. Fill me up with the details."

I breathed heavily and started to tell her the story of last night, how I got arrested, the crime scene visits today, and my encounter with detective Conway

"So, you mean you saw him again today?" she asked while smiling like a Cheshire cat.

"Yes. Don't make it a big deal. He's the detective in charge of the raid, of course, it's not unlikely to see him there."

"Or it could be fate." she winked which made me roll my eyes. "Daisy, he might be your soulmate. You know, they say when two people meet more than once unexpectedly, they are meant to cross paths and meant to be together." she giggled as if that's the best thing that can happen in the world.

"Cut that fairytale, will you? That is exactly what happened to me and Jake! We bumped into each other at least three times and we ended up together. Did that last?" I stated the obvious. "And besides, that man is annoying as hell and so full of himself."

"You know Jake is a Jerk!" she said with disgust. "I haven't met the detective yet but I feel like there's something more to him that you're not telling me."

"What's there to tell?"

"Like how he looks like. Is he an old man? Young and handsome?"

"He looks like someone no one will like. Handsome? No!" I denied, shaking my head.

When the waiter placed our order on the table, Gertrude dug in it. She eats like there's no tomorrow which is very unlikely of her who eats so little. "Hey relax. We have all the time in the world." I laugh.

"I really feel sick lately. I've been throwing up almost every morning for the past few weeks. I feel tired and I'm having abdominal cramps-" she stopped chewing and met my gaze.

I decided to ask the inevitable. "When was the last time you had your period?!"

She thinks about it for a while. "Uhm, I've been delayed for nearly 2 months." When it sinks into her, the color drained from her face. "Daisy, what if I'm pregnant?" she asked nervously.

I gulped and took her hand over the table and squeezed it. There's nothing to stress about. Pregnancy is normal, she's at her right age and she had a boyfriend. The only problem is that there's no baby daddy, given the fact she broke up with Terrence a few weeks ago, but we can deal with it later. "We'll figure it out. For now, let's enjoy our dinner."

A few moments later, we're back in our old selves. Laughing, like we never discussed pregnancy. I'm on my last bite of Burrito when my eyes darted to the guy wearing a dark sweater. The one Gertrude pointed a while ago. And as if on cue, he turned around and it made me almost choke on my food. When his dark blue eyes met mine, the world turns mute and my knees felt weak, I completely lost it, I was lost in the beauty of his eyes. How can his eyes look so cold and burning at the same time? I can't hear anything around me except the loud beating of my heart.

"Hey, hey! Are you still with me?!"

I can hear Gertrude's faint voice but I ignored her. She noticed me, and she looks over her shoulder "Oh my gosh, I told you, he's cute." Gertrude giggle.

I didn't answer, we both stare at him as he stands, and with confidence and dominance, he started walking towards us. Girls are watching his every move including both of us. He looks like a man who came out of a magazine cover. So cliche.

"Oh my gosh, is he really walking towards us?" Gertrude realized and asked the obvious.

"Shut the fuck up." I hissed and gulped the last amount of wine in my glass.

"Don't tell me he's-"

"Small world Ms. Johnson," he said the moment he reached our table. "Care to introduce me to your companion?" he shifted his gaze to Gertrude who's wide-eyed right now.

"Are you Adam Conway?" amusement and curiosity are evident in her eyes.

"Yes mam, and you are?"

"Gertrude. Nice to finally meet the man who a. Aww!" I kicked her under the table before she said anything I'll regret later.

Despite the thumping in my chest, I finally managed to find my voice and cut their introduction short "Why are you here?" I asked annoyed.

"As far as I know it's a public place, and I'm supposed to have dinner here with someone but unfortunately she won't be able to make it."

"Oh" I leaned against the couch and crossed my arms over my chest "you've been stood up. How does it feel to be rejected?"

"Daisy!" Gertrude hissed and kicked me under the table but I didn't budge. We stared at each other for I don't know how long. Amusement is evident in his eyes and I can see the lift in the corner of his mouth. Don't you dare smile!

"I'm really sorry Detective. I hope you forgive my friend for being intrusive."

My jaw dropped "Intrusive?!!!"

"You can join us if you want. Just ignore her." What the heck?! I came here with her and now she's inviting the man I despise to join us? What kind of best friend would do that? Oh yes, the Gertrude kind.

Without hesitation, Adam occupied the space beside me, "Wonderful. I would really love company tonight. after you know, being rejected." he looked at me and I gave him a death stare.

I felt the couch sunken the moment his hard rock body collided on the soft material. The couch is not so big so it leaves just a little space between us. I can feel the heat radiating from his body and I fought hard to concentrate.

"You look lovely," he whispered that surprised me. I looked at him but he avoided me and called the waiter instead. Something in my heart twitched. I've been called pretty, cute, average before but lovely? That's new to me.

I never said a word after that. I don't have to; they seem pretty close now. Throughout dinner, Adam and Gertrude exchange stories like they've known each other for years. I just listen to them. Gertrude keeps laughing at his jokes when I don't even find it funny. I kept playing on my food after losing the appetite.


"What?!" I snapped at Gertrude unintentionally. I was so deep in my thoughts I didn't notice she's been calling me. I look at her, and her complexion is so pale.

"Can you take me home? I'm not feeling very well," she said and worry comes rushing through me.

"Sure. Come on." I guided her.

"Are you okay?" Adam asked her and Gertrude just nodded.

"She's fine. But I need to take her home."

Adam offered to carry Gertrude. I forget about my pride for a while and allowed him to carry her. Gertrude held in him like a sick puppy and I hate myself for feeling jealous. Why would I? I don't understand what's happening to my emotions lately. We reached the parking lot in no time and I am so shocked to see my car without the back tires.

"What the heck?!!" my unlucky day! My tires have been stolen.

"Shit." was all I heard from him. We stayed there for a while and I heard him clear his throat. "I'll drive you both back home and if you need to file a police report, I can help you." I heard Adam behind me. I looked at him defeated and to Gertrude who's already sleeping in his arms.

Despite the fact I know I'll hate myself for letting him, I don't have a choice. "Fine. Thank you." I said. He half smiled and gestured in his car. "There's my car."

I looked in the direction of his gaze and I found a matte black Maserati. "That's your car?!" I asked without looking at him.

"Unfortunately," he said. What a brag! He walked past me.

What have I gotten myself into?! I hate it! I hate it! I know if I allow him in my life right now, I will regret it. Why am I overreacting? He just offered a ride home! So, with a heavy heart, I followed him. And I have a feeling that this is the start of him, turning my world upside down.