
Gertrude fell asleep in the back seat. She insists I take the passenger seat so she can lie comfortably at the back. But I knew exactly what she's doing. She's trying to play cupid.

"Do you think she'll be fine?" Adam looked at the rear-view mirror to check on her. I look over my shoulder. Her color came back and she seems to be sleeping okay.

"She'll be fine. " I assured him. Silence fell between us and it's a deafening yet comforting one. "Anyway, thank you for helping me bring her home."

"You're welcome. I'm sorry if I ruined your evening. Looks to me that you hated me that much."

I rolled my eyes and glance at him before I focused back ahead, "I have all the reasons to. You arrested me last night and you made my life a living hell since then, and it's just 24 hours."

"Well, arresting you is a protocol. No matter how innocent you are, I have to, to make sure the process will be followed."

I breathed heavily "I know."

"Are we cool?" He asked and looks at me.

"Just because you helped me and Gertrude tonight. Fine."

"Great, so how long have you been doing your job?" He glances at me and back ahead. I don't see any harm in answering his question, and besides, it's better than silence.

"Since after I graduated college. What about you?"

He met my gaze for a while "What about me?" He asked back.

"When did you become a detective?"

"A year ago. I'm still new in the field."

"What made you choose to be a crime detective?"

"Now you're curious." he chuckled and I find it annoying.

"You don't have to answer-"

"Someone close to me died a few years back. Since then, I promised myself to give her justice. I never stopped working about that case, day and night. "

I heard the pain in his voice, as much as I would like to know about it more, I decided against it. I don't want to impose. "I'm sorry to hear that. Maybe that's why you're so good at what you're doing."

"Maybe." he answered in a low voice. There, I know I have touched a spot he doesn't want anyone to talk about. I'm glad my instinct stopped me from being nosy. Remembering the last night's event, I decided to jump on to it.

"How was the investigation going?"

He turned another corner on our street and continued driving smoothly "The club owner faces a lot of charges. It will be closed. As per the girl who was killed, we're still looking in a wide angle. Are you a frequent in that club?"

"No!" I shook my head "It was my first time. I'm not really a party goer type of girl." I admitted.

"Fair enough. I'm still sorry about how it turned out last night. It's just all part of the process."

I rolled my eyes and fake laugh "Including being an asshole?"

"Ouch." he feigned hurt. "Spend a whole day with me and you'll know me for who I really am."

I looked at him and found out he's already looking at me. "Uhm, to the road please." I reminded him that he's driving and it's dark outside.

"Shit, sorry." he focused back on driving.

I look outside and smile to myself, I'm glad that it's a bit dark so he won't see how I blush profusely. After a little while, I noticed the familiar surroundings, "You can stop in the next apartment."

"Sure." He made the car stop and I removed my seat belt to wake Gertrude up "Hey, we're here." I whispered.

Adam helped me usher Gertrude inside. Once we're settled in, he decided to just wait outside the apartment even though I insisted he wait on the living room. Who says he can be a gentleman?

"Will you be okay?" I asked Gertrude after she changed clothes and lay down in the bed.

"I'll be fine. I just feel dizzy. Please tell Adam I'm really grateful for his help, and sorry about your car Dee." She said.

"That's alright, It's clearly not my very lucky day."

"Hey, don't say that, we're lucky enough that Adam was there you know."

I just smiled and kissed her forehead. "You should sleep. I'll drop by tomorrow."

"Take care." she waved. I waved goodbye at her too and went outside where Adam is waiting.

I saw him leaning against his car. The dark sweater he's wearing suits him very well. The glow of his phone screen illuminates, lighting his gorgeous face. His face looks worried and stressed but he still managed to smile when he looked up and saw me.

"She's sleeping already and she said thank you." I hugged myself when the chilling wind blew.

"You cold?" he asked. I just nodded. "Come on, I'll drive you home."

"I still need to go back to the restaurant. My car's still there."

"It's taken care of." he said that shocked me.

"You what-"

"Shh. I sent someone to pick up your car, you said you don't want to file a police report so I just had your tires changed. You'll pay me, don't worry. It's cold, we have to get going." He opened the car door for me before he climbed in the driver's seat. I was left there astonished.

I insist that he drops me in the nearest bus station but he disagrees. He talks about his moral and the conscience of living a girl alone at night. "Morals my ass! You should've thought that before you dragged me in the police car last night!"

"Fuck, are you going to hold that against me for the rest of your life?" he chuckled and it made me irritated further more.

"Yes! I might." I stopped, just for the sake of not having to argue with him again.

After a long silence, I am so relieved when I finally had a glimpse of my house. Our house isn't big. It was old, the best part of it is the porch. It was handed down from Catherine's great grandparents. We have a nice neighborhood. Silent and peaceful.

"You can stop there." I pointed to the sky-blue painted house in the end of the street.

"Sure." he parked carefully and stopped the engine.

"Thank you, detective." I managed to say after we exited his car.

"Anytime. And please just call me Adam. Is that your house?" he looked behind me and I smiled.

"Yes. Seems like Catherine is still awake. Would you like to come inside for a coffee?"

"I would love to, but I need to take care of something." he crossed his arms over his chest and he looked at me for a long time "How about tomorrow?"

I hesitated for a while but I smiled eventually "Fine with me. Let me treat you as a sign of my thanks."

"No problem. I have to go, but please, forget about the arrest so you can sleep better. Goodnight Daisy."

I rolled my eyes. "Night, Adam."

He smiled charmingly that made my heart beat loudly. I stare at his retreating car until I can no longer see it.

I went inside and I saw Catherine watching TV in the living room. "Hey" I kissed her on the cheek. "Why are you still up?" I sat beside her.

"I'm waiting for you." She smiled "And I miss him." her voice quiver and she sniffed.

I put my arms around her. I hugged her and kissed her in the head. "Hey, Stop crying. I miss him too you know, every day." Yes, I miss him too. The only brother I ever had.

We stayed like that for a long time until she breaks free from me "You have to get some rest."

"You'll be fine. Okay? You have to sleep too. Goodnight." I kissed her again and I climbed up the stairs and vanished to my room.

I went directly to my bedside table and grabbed the picture frame displayed over it. I looked at him.

"I miss you Malcolm. I miss you." I never felt sad this much. Not after a long time.

Malcolm is Catherine's Only son. His only child. He became the eldest brother I will always be proud of. He's sweet, kind, caring and he always keeps my best interest at heart. He loves Catherine and He loves me. He died on my 20th birthday. It's so tragic. So tragic that until now, Catherine is still in pain and so am I.

I lay down in bed and stared at the ceiling. "Malcolm, please help us heal." I whispered.

And I remember a lot of things. For a while, I hesitate closing my eyes. I don't want to see the event over and over again. I just want my mind to stop going there. Not because I want to forget about him, but because I want to stop seeing him in that state.

When I finally closed my eyes, I am so glad another face appears. I never imagined I would see him again after the last night's event. Who would've thought that the man I despise the most will be the same man who will help me and Gertrude tonight? He event went through the trouble of having my car picked up.

Did I made the right choice when I agreed to have coffee with him tomorrow? I don't see any harm. He's just being nice and it's only fair I return the favor. I convinced myself. I thought of him and of many other things until I finally fall asleep.