
I looked at myself in front of the mirror and flattened the crest on my yellow dress. Adam stood behind me and planted a kiss on my shoulder "You're overthinking again." he whispered. He looked at my reflection and our eyes met. I just nodded.

"Don't be. He'll like you, just like how Mom and Abby liked you. Let's go." he took my hand and we both went down to join the rest of them for dinner.

I can smell the aroma of roasted chicken in the air and it relaxes me. The dining table came to view and I saw Ofelia and Abby already there, Adam's father has his back on us but I can tell he's a big man. I can hear him joking and Ofelia and Abby laugh with him.

Ofelia saw us approaching and her face brightens "Oh there you are." she exclaimed.

They all looked at us and so was Adam's father and his smile widens "Great to see you son!" he stood up and welcomed Adam.

"Dad, great to see you too." they hugged each other. "This is Daisy, the most beautiful woman in Boston." he proudly introduced me.

"Nice to meet you, Sir." I humbly said that made him laugh.

"Oh my, don't call me that, it sounds old. Just call me Frank."

I smiled and nodded. "Okay, Frank."

"Let's go and eat. My Ofelia wouldn't like us eating a cold meal."

Ofelia rolled her eyes and Abby giggled; Frank is a natural charmer. No wonder Adam's parents combined all the charms they both have to be a man named Adam. Just like him, his father is a good man, I can see in the way he talks how he loved Ofelia and his kids.

Dinner went smoothly and I felt more at home this time. I was talking to them already and answering Frank and Adam's banter.

Coming here is not bad after all.


(Warning: Mature content ahead, Skip the rest of the chapter if uncomfortable.)

I stare at the ceiling as I wait for Daisy to finish in the shower. I can hear the running water and her singing inside. She's a fan of Adele, and she sings her songs every time she takes a bath. It's the small things about her that make me head over heels in love with her. I know I sound lame but my Dad always tells me that you'll be man enough if you were able to admit your feelings to someone.

I love Daisy from the bottom of my heart and I know that she belongs to me. She belongs in my arms to hold and she belongs to me to protect, to love, and to take care of.

I heard from Catherine that she had a hard time growing up. She's being bullied for being adopted; she became a loner. Her brother died when she was 20, and it made her and Catherine devastated. Who wouldn't when you lost a loved one?

"Why are you so deep in your thoughts?"

I didn't notice her came out of the bathroom and I stared at her gorgeous form. She has a turban in her wet hair, she's wearing a bathrobe that fits her perfectly. She's barefoot it makes her cute. I sat on the edge of the bed and motioned for her to come over. She obliged. I had her stand between my legs and I held her small waist.

"I'm just thinking of how lucky I am to have you," I told her.

She blushed and bit her lip to suppress the smile. "We're both lucky."

"I won't argue," I replied. I look at her and my eyes darted to her soft and plump lips. I remembered how many times I restrained myself from kissing her before.

I liked her the first time I saw her. She's beautiful in every way possible, she has a charisma that you won't be able to ignore, and I am so damned happy that I have her, and she's my fucking girl.

She put both of her hands in the side of my face and I stare at her. Her head lowered down and I took the opportunity to capture her lips on mine. It was a gentle kiss. I heard a soft moan escaping her mouth. Her lips are soft and sweet. She closed her eyes as I deepen the kiss and I pulled her down so she can sit on my lap. "Hmm" she moaned, I pushed the back of her head towards me and her arms snaked around my neck.

"I want you, baby. Now." I told her in between the kiss.

Our eyes locked and I waited for her to answer. Her eyes are burning with desire the same as mine and she nodded in agreement "Take me, please."

With that, I carried her and turned so I can lay her down in bed. I am on top of her in a split second and I kissed her madly. "Uh!" She arched her back when my lips touched the sensitive spot on her neck.

Her hands roam in my back, scratching it whenever I bite on her jawline. I took my time and made sure I'll give her the pleasure she deserves. She starts unbuttoning my dress shirt, I stood and took my shirt off while I look down on her.

Her eyes roam around my body and stopped on my abdomen, she's biting her bottom lip and she doesn't have any idea how sexy she looks right now. "Liking what you see?" I teased.

"How can you possess such abs?" She asked which made me chuckle.

"It's all your baby." I climbed on top of her again and pulled the ribbon on her robe. I parted it revealing her curves under the fabric. She's wearing nothing except her panties and I swear my head spins just looking at her full breast.

"Fuck you're sexy."

She giggled "It's all your baby." She winked at me and bit down on her lip again.

"I get lost when you do that." I took her lips and I kissed her more intimate and passionate this time. My hands roamed around her body and I gently squeezed her breast making her gasp.

Her body responded with goosebumps in my every touch. She's so sensitive that even the small friction of our skin makes her ark her back.

I kissed her neck, her jawline, her shoulders and as I go down, I can feel her body tense. I sucked on her breast "ah!" She hissed and pulled on my hair.

I unbuckled my belt and looked at her flushed face, she's breathing heavily, I parted her and positioned myself in between her slender legs. I kissed the inside of her legs and looked at her a moment after.

"Adam, please."

I grinned "What?!" I asked, I placed small kisses over her face and licked the tip of her nose "Tell me what you want baby." I whispered in her ear.

She touched the side of my face and looked at me intently "I want you to make love to me." She whispered, and that's all the invitation I needed. Slowly, I slipped inside her. Feeling her wall tightens around me.

"Fuck." She exclaimed and closed her eyes. "Ah!"

I thrust inside her in a steady rhythm and afterward started to go a little faster "Ahh!" Our bodies collide and danced in the same song. I don't want to take my eyes off her, her skin is glowing and the moonlight shines through the window to illuminate her beauty. She has her eyes closed.

"Open your eyes, Daisy," I commanded.

She moaned and tried to open one eye "Adam, I-I can't…" she said between heavy breathes.

I thrust deeper inside her and I felt her nails digging on my back. "Open it. I want you to look at me when you come." I commanded again.

This time, she opened her eyes and looked at me. "I love you" she whispered in heavy breaths, her eyes burning with passion and desire. At that moment, I fell for her even harder.

"I love you too," I replied. I kissed her on the forehead and my thrust became rapid until I felt the heat building inside me like a ball of fire ready to explode.

"Adam..." she whispered my name. I can feel that she's about to come too so I quicken the pace " oh fuck-" she screamed as she came undone. Her body shook and I came not too long after, collapsing over her, I kissed her breast.

I can't hear anything inside the room except our breathing and the beat of her heart "I fucking love you, Daisy Johnson." I lift my head to look at her.

She smiled at me, the smile I wanted to see every hour of everyday "I love you too fucker." she chuckled.

"Now you can call me that," I said playfully and claimed her mouth once more.

I lay down beside her and pulled her close to me, her head resting on my chest.

"Are you okay?" I asked before I kissed her head.

She looked up at me and smiled. "A little sore. But nothing I cannot handle."

"I'm sorry baby," I said and hugged her even tighter.

We stayed silent until I can hear her breathing became even, she fell asleep in my arms and nothing feels better than knowing she's here, beside me. The woman I found love after a long time.