
I woke up with the sound of chirping birds outside. I flapped my eyelids and rubbed my sleepy eyes. I can't believe it's morning. I look at Adam beside me who:' fast asleep and I remembered last night. I bit down my lip as I look at his handsome face. He's so gorgeous and hot. The stubble in his jaw is growing and it suits him even more.

I exhaled deeply. His arm snaked around my waist and one of his legs are over mine. His pectorals are out of this world and I blush just remembering how he did me.

His eyelids flapped open and his deep blue eye met mine. "Morning Sunshine," he said in a hoarse yet sexy voice, I can't help but smile.

"Good morning fucker." I replied.

He opened one of his eyes and he smiled back. Before I can say another word, his mouth is suddenly on mine "Hmm... You taste good." he said with a smug smile on his face.

"You taste bad," I said giggling.

"I am?" he asked, I felt one of his hands roamed my body, he rubs my sides until his palm rest on my waist. He pulled me closer to him and I savor his masculine scent.

"How's your sleep?" He asked.

"Better. What's our agenda today?" I asked back.

"We can do anything you like. If you want to stay in bed and make love the whole weekend that's fine with me-"

"Adam!!". I hissed.

He laughed heartily and I glared at him "I'm just kidding. We can take a shower now, join everyone for breakfast, then we can go and tour."

I nodded. "Okay " I'll take a shower first," I said.

"Na-ah! We'll shower together."

I want to wipe the smirk on his face "Naughty" I murmured.

"Yes, I am," he said, and climb out of bed without anything. Oh my gosh, that body! Her muscles are all in the right places. How much time did he spend working out, I don't know but his body is amazing? He walked to the shower and I shamelessly stare at his ass.

"Are you coming or not?" He called out without looking at me.

I didn't answer but rushed after him in the shower.

Just like what Adam said, he is determined to make me experience every part of New York City. Our first stop is The Grand Central Terminal. "You just can't miss the beauty of this famous beaux-arts building in New York City. It's one of my favorite places to be." Adam explained.

I am in awe and I can't say anything as I look up and around the beautiful building, it is a commuter rail terminal located at 42nd Street and Park Avenue in Midtown Manhattan, New York City "Built between 1903 and 1931." Adam continues.

A lot of passersby and commuters are around. Grand Central Terminal is stunning. "Hey babe, stand right there." Adam snatched my camera from my hands and pointed to the center of the building.

"What?" I asked in surprise.

"Just stand there and pose, I'll take a photo of you," he commanded.

"Okay," I giggled and stood awkwardly there with a peace sign.

"Lovely." He took my hand "Come on, let's go ice skating."

"Ice what?!"

My eyes widened when we arrived in Rockefeller Center and the massive Ice-Skating rink filled my vision "Oh my god, I don't know how to skate!" I panicked.

Adam chuckled beside me "I'll teach you, let's go."

A few moments later, I sat on a bench and crossed my arms over my chest, glaring at all the people happily skating. Adam followed while breathing heavily "Babe, just one more, you can do it."

I glared haughtily at him and burn holes in his handsome face "I fell the whole time! I can't do this. I'll just watch."

Adam sat beside me and lifted his hands "Fine, let's just watch while drinking hot chocolate." he smiled which lightens my mood. He left and came back a few minutes later with two cups of hot chocolate in his hands. He handed me one.

"Where would you like to go next?" he asked.

I thought for a second and smiled at him "Empire State. I want to see what King Kong saw."

"Fine. Finish your chocolate and we'll go there," he said and I happily oblige,

The chilling wind blew on my face and I hugged myself tighter. I felt Adam behind me and he hugged me. The Empire State Building in New York City is an icon. We are now looking at the beautiful view of NY from the 86th-floor viewing deck. I took a few shots from my camera a while ago and I took pictures of Adam too.

"Beautiful isn't it?" I whispered just for Adam to hear.

He hugged me tighter and breathed heavily "Nothing compared to you." he kissed my head and I smiled to myself.

We stayed there for a while and we went shopping afterward. They say NYC is a shopping paradise and they're exactly right. You can buy almost everything, things from all over the world and designer clothes. "Try it on." Adam handed me a beige wedge and a black pump.

"That's too expensive," I commented.

"I didn't ask for your opinion lady, just try it on."

I rolled my eyes and took it from him "Fine!" I said and sat down to try the shoes on.

He just stood there watching me as I slipped the gorgeous pair in my feet. Once done, he looked at the staff beside him and smiled "We'll take it."

I crossed my arms over my chest and glare at him, he just shrugs and walked down the aisle of designer's shoes.

The shopping went like that, him asking me to try something on and me, tired of fitting everything he throws my way. "Stop!" I screamed when he handed me a tote bag.

"What?!" he asked surprised.

"Stop buying anything anymore. I'm hungry, let's just eat and stop wasting money on these things."

"Alright, let's go."

After we eat, we decided to rest for a while in Central Park. I inhaled the fresh air coming from all the trees and plants "Ahh! This is so stunning!" I watch as people jog and ride their bikes.

"We play soccer here when we were little. Me and my cousins. Would you like to take a walk?" he asked.

I nodded and he stood up and lend me his hand. I took it so he can pull me up, he then pulled down the hem of my dress behind. "Why did you wear a dress in the first place?" he asked annoyed.

"Stop it! Wearing a dress is normal."

"It covers so little! Men are ogling you."

"Stop being dramatic!" I swatted his hand and left him behind.

"Hey wait up!" he called after me but I ignored him.

It's almost evening, there's still a lot to see but we don't have enough time anymore. Tomorrow, we'll be heading back to Boston.

Our final stop is in Times Square. That's where we decided to spend the rest of the day. We were able to visit several places like the Laser Park, Madame Tussaud's Wax Museum, We also ate at Hard Rock Cafe and visited other nearby attractions, the most amazing of them is the doll store American Girl Place.

We're already on the way home and I scroll through my camera memory to see the pictures we managed to take. "Did you enjoy it?" Adam asked beside me.

The sun went down already and the city lights are illuminating the streets as we drive. I nodded in response to him and I smile as I look at all our goofy pictures. "I enjoyed it, so much I can't wait to come back and see more of it."

"We'll be back soon. Give me your hand" he took my hand and just like what he always does, he kissed it.

"Aren't you tired of doing that?" I asked.

"Nope. Not a chance." he kissed it again "Let me see the pictures."

"Later, you're driving. Keep your eyes on the road."

Adam's phone rings and he answered it. "Hey." he greeted.

I just listen to him,

"What?! Really? That is horrible. Okay- Okay, I'll talk to you soon. Great job." he hangs up the phone and I look at him.

"Before we left, I asked the team to keep an eye on Elisa Elwood's older brother. He once released a statement on his social media account about how much he mourns the loss of his sister. He said in his status that if only he was there that night, he could've protected her."

I listened to him carefully. "He gained a lot of sympathy in that post. One night, I was reviewing back the CCTV footage from the club and I saw him."

"But he said he wasn't there that night-" the chill of my realization run down my spine and I covered my mouth due to shock.

"He thought no one will find out since no one can see his face on the footage, I was able to pinpoint that it was him when I tried to look at his old pictures and saw the same shirt, he was wearing the night he came to the club. He was there."

"Oh my god-"

"That's all I can tell," he said. "Just watch the news if you want to know more." Due to the sensitivity of the case, he restrained to give up the whole story.

"I understand," I told him. I saw relief in his face. Elisa Elwood's case will finally be over. But I saw something in there too. "Are you okay?" I asked him.

He just nodded, half smiled, and focused back on the road. Whatever it is that's bothering him, I have a feeling it's not just a simple matter. And If it has something to do with the special case, he's been working his ass off, I don't know. I just hope, he let me in.