
Last night, we planned that we'll drive through the airport and will wait for others there. Martin will accompany Catherine and Gertrude, in that way, it will be less of a hassle for all of us since Martin is closer to them than from my penthouse. 

Daisy is still giving me the cold shoulders and it's been hours now. Well, I am determined to give her exactly that as well. 

We stayed late last night just to put the tiny pieces of stars in the ceiling. I know it's beautiful and I love what she loves but, she's not being reasonable. I've been holding my temper since last night because I don't want to scold her. I was tired. I've been in the headquarters half of the day and been on a fucking raid the next half. When I came home, she said she's not in the mood to cook so I did. And just before bed she remembered the glow-in-the-dark stars she purchased from Target and she made me put every piece in the ceiling.