
26 hours flight made my bones ache. When the flight attendant announces that we are ready to land, the adrenaline in my veins came rushing and I felt all the excitement once and for all. "Maldives here we come," I murmured to myself. 

Adam was awake and the others too. He took my hand and kissed the back of it "Someone's excited." he said. 

I nodded "I am, so much. Especially once we're already in the islands."

"Every part of it is beautiful. Make sure to engrave it in your memory." he reminded. 

I nodded and looked at the window to see the pathway where we're going to land. Everyone in the plane feels the way I feel. This will be one hell of a vacation. 

"Baby," Adam called me. 


"I need to tell you something." 

I looked at him and waited for him to tell me what I know already. "Go on."

"I lied to you," he said. 

"About what?" I asked innocently. 

"The letter came from-"