
I pace back and forth in front of the operating room and I feel like a huge lump is blocking my airways. I've been afraid many times in my life but this fear is out of the equation. Why is this happening to me, I'm not sure. I know I've done many bad things and bad choices in my life but surely, this won't be the case. 

I am starting to think that the Universe is conspiring to make my life miserable. "Honey, you got to sit down," Catherine called my attention. 

I shook my head, "No, I got to be here so he'll see my face first thing when he walks out of that door." I said and kept on chewing my nails off. 

Catherine stood up and she wrapped her arms around my shoulder. When she did, I completely lost it and I burst out and cried over her shoulders. "There my child." she calmly soothes my back by rubbing it.