
I am so glad I was able to work things out earlier than I expected. Me, Martin, and Arthur went to a flight that same night when I met Arthur and we were back in Boston, MA after a 26-hour flight where we filed a full complaint and report about the incident that happened back in the Maldives. 

Like what Arthur said, he told the police and the investigation team everything including his conspiracy with Governor Sanchez. The authority is already looking at it to prepare another warrant for the said Governor.

As for my part of the bargain, I arranged for Arthur and his family's security, transferred him the money he's asking for and I also gave them flight tickets to Europe where they can start fresh, I owe it to him after all. 

Martin stood beside me as we watch Arthur being escorted by my friends back to the airport where he can meet his family. "I think it's about time to think about yourself too. You're bleeding," he said.