
I have a heavy feeling when I woke up in bed this morning. Last night, since Adam and Sophia arrived, his mood changed. He went inside the bedroom right away and never came out. I just reasoned to the guest that he's not feeling better that's why he can't say goodbye to everyone.

I served Sophia some food and wine and we talked for a while. I prepared the guest room for her so she can rest. When I came into bed, Adam was already sleeping so I wasn't able to talk to him about what's wrong. 

I looked at him beside me, then to the clock. 8:30 am, Adam doesn't wake up this late. He's usually up by 6 o'clock, preparing breakfast for the two of us. I know something isn't right. 

I climbed out of bed, washed my face, brushed my teeth. All the while, I kept thinking about what could have happened. I changed my clothes and went out of the room to prepare some breakfast before Sophia wakes up.