
Whenever I look at the ocean, the world stops revolving, and sometimes, I just want it to remain like that forever. The oceans bring a calming effect, the sand in my feet makes me feel I am rooted on earth, the bubbles of the waves tell me that nothing is permanent yet it exists, the chirping of the birds makes me feel grateful for my senses, and the touch of the wind in my skin tells me I'm alive. 

The feeling is majestic. 

I looked at the horizon and the sky. The sun's rays are blinding. The birds flap their wings in the sky as they own it. The honking of the boats can be heard from afar. 

I touched my growing tummy and smiled to myself "You'll see what I can see soon enough, honey." 

It's been a routine of me now, talking to my baby, describing the world we live in.