
I don't have any idea what happened to my biological parents. All I know is that I grew up without them. I grew up with nuns and bishops, and with Catherine, and I am grateful for it. 

I never tried looking out for them, I'm not sure if they're dead or still alive somewhere but I still hope they are. I hope they are alive and happy, and surviving, because me, I am alive, I am happy and I am surviving. 

"Can you look up?" The makeup artist told me.

I looked up as she applies a waterproof eyeliner under my eyes "You're so beautiful." She said when it's over. 

I looked at myself in the mirror "You did great." I told her. "Thank you."

"No problem. Adam will be over the moon when he sees you." She joked.

"I hope," I replied and breathed heavily. 

This is it. Today is the day I'm getting married. 

It's a small wedding.