
(7 months later)

"Keep walking" Adam instructed and guided me as we walk somewhere I know nothing about. I held on to my huge tummy to support my baby's weight. It's getting harder and harder to walk each day.

My eyes were blindfolded. Adam is guiding and waiting for my every step patiently, making sure I won't stumble and fall. 

"Where are you taking me?" I laughed with nervousness.

"Shh... We're almost there." He whispered. 

"Adam if it's something that will scare the shit out of me, I swear I'll cut you into pieces!" I threatened. 

I just heard him chuckle and talk "Brutal are we." 

"It's starting to creep me out."

"Just relax and walk, my love. Just a few more steps." He reminded. 

"Ugh, this is driving me crazy "

"We're here!" He announced.

"Here where?"