
I look at Daisy as she sleeps peacefully. Catherine and Gertrude went outside to get us food so we can all eat inside Daisy's room when she wakes up. 

My heart wants to burst with pride as I look at my beautiful wife. She's a woman made of stone because of her strength and determination, she's a woman made of a gem because of her pureness and glam, she's a woman made of love because of her love for me, for the people around her, and our daughter, despite everything she's been through. 

I don't know what I'd do without her. 

The door opens and I look up to see Dr. Kendrick, smiling, and holding our freshly bathed and cleaned baby girl "She's a good girl. Never did make a fuss while we're cleaning her." 

"She gets her mama's obedience," I replied.