
Nichole sat quietly in her room thinking about her encounter with Clifford.

"I know Clifford suspects me and I need to do something about this. And it's needs to be done fast to tame him." she said to herself

Weeks passed since Rosita disappeared and the search for her by the police seems to prove futile. Clifford tailing Nichole has also not yielded any fruits. He returned home exhausted, hurt and disappointed.


Mad.Flora and all the workers have left off to bed. Nichole tiptoed from her room to the hall and when she was sure that nobody was around, she sneaked out to the car park. She was about to get her car but thought it won't be wise going out with it. She sneaked out of the house and called a cab. She ordered the driver to take her to an isolated location.

"Please take me to this location." she said to the driver and handed him a piece of paper with an address on it.

"Okay, ma'am" he zoomed off.


In an hour later, the cab pulled up in front of the isolated building. Nichole got out of the car and ordered the driver to wait for her.

"Please, wait for me here"

"No ma'am, I have to go and work" he hesitated

"How about I giving you $100 for waiting for me" she asked

There was a long silence for a while but the driver accepted.

"Okay, I will wait" he replied

The driver found a spot to pack whiles Nichole went in to meet the goons. Rosita sat in the room weak and unkept. He heard murmurs from outside and recognized a familiar voice but couldn't figure out who it was. The goons showed Nichole where they hide Rosita after their long conversation. Rosita sat with her head bowed when she felt a shadow fell on her. She lifted her eyes and saw a lady's foot. In panic, she lifted her head and was shocked with what she saw.

"Nichole...." she called out in shock

"Yes.., it's me." she replied with a disdain smile.

" Why are you doing this Nichole?" she asked

"Because you stole my man from me." she replied landing a heavy slap on her face

"And I will make you regret for the rest of your life." she replied furiously and left

"I trusted you Nichole..., I thought you were my friend.." she called after Nichole in tears.

The night passed in pain and misery for Rosita.


Lian was busy sorting out some documents when he heard a knock on the door.

"I'm coming..." he answered

He opened the door and it was Clifford.

"Why so early bro, any news about Rosita?" he asked

"No Lian, but I have something to discuss with you." he replied and walked passed him into the house.

" What is it about?" he asked, closed the door and followed his brother.

"Where is everybody?" he asked

"Kathie has left to the office and the kids are off to school." Lian answered

" Okay, that's good. I want to talk to you about Nichole."

"What is it about her?" Lian asked

"I suspect Nichole of Rosita's disappearance."

"What...! Lian stood up in shock

" Yeah Lian, I believe she have something to do with it. I have been tailing her for weeks now but am not getting anything."

"Aren't you imagining things? She being a threat earlier to your marriage does not make her a bad person." Lian answered

"I know Lian but does not all." he answered trying to justify himself but Lian just won't listen.

"Don't think too much Cliff, we will find Rosita soon. I know you are worried and all that but please calm down."

There was a long silence,

"I will leave now Lian."

He stood up to leave looking gloomy and disappointed that his brother doesn't believe him.

"We will find her soon bro." Lian called after him

Clifford went to his car and drove off.


Clifford got home late and exhausted. He drove to the car park and parked his car. He went to the house and felt something unusual.

"Something is not right here." he said to himself.

He looked around but didn't find anything.

"I guess it's just my thoughts." he said to himself and left to the kitchen to get something to eat.

He left to the washroom to freshen up after his dinner. He heard foot steps in the bedroom

"Who is there?"he asked but there was no answer.

He quickly washed down and came to the bedroom but found nobody there. He searched everywhere in the room but found nothing. He gave up and went to dress up. Suddenly, he felt a hand caressing his back softly arousing him. He tried turning around but the hand keeps down to his pants. He had a borner on and couldn't handle the intensity of this desire.