The Scandal

Clifford turned only to see Nichole. She advanced amorously towards him kissing and teasing him.

"Let me help you with this borner." she said to him

Clifford couldn't resist her advances anymore. He pushed her on the bed smooching and making out with her for awhile. Just when things were getting so intense, he suddenly stopped

"No, I can't do this." he stood up, took his cloths and left the house.

Nichole sat on the bed feeling happy and satisfied.

"Poor boy." she smirked, dressed up and went to remove the camera she set in the room and left the house.

Clifford drove off to a quiet place and packed his car. He sat in it feeling down and regretting his actions.

"aaaahh..." he cried and banged his hand on the steering wheel.

"I'm so sorry Rosita." he cried

He cried for awhile and drove off to a private club. He returned home drunk, feeling disgusting of himself. He sat regretting his actions and drifted of to sleep. He woke up the next day with a bad hang over and missing his wife.

"Where are you Rosita." he said to himself


Nichole took her laptop, edited the video, blurred her face and used a different number to send it to Mad. Flora and the rest of the family except Clifford.

"All...done..!" she clasped her arms and fell happily on the bed in satisfaction

Mad. Flora was busy with some documents when she heard a bing on her phone. She checked and it was a video file. She opened and was shocked with what she saw.

"What...!" she screamed


Clifford was lying on bed lost in thoughts about the incident that occurred between Nichole and him. He heard a ring on the door and went to check. It was Lian, he opened the door

"Oh Lian..." Lian pushed him over furiously and walked in

"What's the meaning of this Cliff." he asked furiously showing him the video

"What's not what you think Lian." he closed the door and walked to Lian

"Then what is it Cliff? Tell me." he asked furiously

"It's....." he was interrupted buy a ring from his phone. He checked and it was from his Mum.

"Hello mum..." he answered

"Come home immediately." his mother replied furiously and hanged up

Lian looked at him disappointedly

"What were you thinking Cliff? Didn't you even consider your wife? She has gone damn missing for weeks now Cliff." he said furiously

" Enough.....Lian!"

He took his car keys and they both left to their mum's mansion.


Clifford packed the car and they both went in to meet their mum. They got to the hall to meet the entire family. Mad.Flora got furious on seeing his son

" What is this Cliff." She asked furiously landing a heavy slap on his face.

"What were you thinking?! Rosita and your unborn child has gone missen and this is what you are doing? Huh....tell me.." she asked with tears in her eyes.

Nicholas and Houston held their mum down to calm her.

"Calm down mum." they both said.

Clifford looked at Nichole sternly with hatred and rushed out. Lian rushed out after him

"I will handle him mum" he assured and left

Nichole smirked enjoying the whole scenario.

"This is just the beginning Cliff" she said to herself


Rosita has refused to take in any food. She looked so pale and weak. She keeps crying and pleading with the lord of the goons to let her go.

"Please let me go.... I will give you anything you want." she cried

The Lord of the goons got so furiously with her continuous cry and plead and walked up to her.

"Shut up...." he shouted and slapped her

"Do you think your husband still loves you nor thinks of you? he asked

" Yes he does..." she cried

" think so" she said laughing

" Then take a closer look at this!" he shouted, showing her the video.

Rosita looked at the video and was shocked with what she saw. She broke down crying profoundly