Is It Just Me?

Riley returned to her class confused, not knowing what was going on.


A voiced called her from behind. she turned and it was her cousin Florencia.

"I heard from your friends that you are not feeling well. What's wrong with you?"

"Nothing sister Florencia, I just wanted to come and relax in my class." she replied

" okay Riley, I will come check on you after school."

"Okay" she nodded

The bell ranged for lunch over and Florencia left to her class. Riley's classmates rushed back to the classroom giggling and laughing. Riley's friends walked to her chair

"How did it go Riley? Did they see anything? asked Kate

" No Kate, they found nothing." she replied, looking stressed and disappointed

"Cheer up Riley, I'm sure it was nothing. Just forget about it okay." said Nancy

"Okay" she replied and forced a smile

Riley's friends returned to their seats and continued with their activities. After an hour, the bell went off for closing. Riley was about to go on the bus with her friends when she heard the horns of a car, she turned and it was her uncle

"Uncle Lian..." she called and ran to the car smiling

"Eei....little princess, how are you doing? Get in."

"I'm fine uncle Lian.." she answered and got into the back seat of the car

"That's good dear, so where is Florencia?" he asked

Just when she was about to answer, they saw Florencia approaching the car

"Hi dad...." she called and got into the front seat of the car

"Hi Sweetheart, how was school?

" Great dad" she answered smiling

"So where are your brothers?"

"Here they come dad." she answered

Lian turned and saw his sons coming. They quickly rushed to the car and joined Riley at the back seat.

"Hi dad...." they both exclaimed

"Hi guys, shall we go now?"

"Yes...." they all chorused

Lian took off and they left the school. Riley sat quietly in the back seat looking through the window, thinking about the incident that happened earlier. Lian has been starring at her through the mirror for a while and noticed how quiet she was

"Riley.., is anything the problem? You have been quiet for a while now." he asked

"No uncle, I'm fine. Just a little tired and feeling sleepy." she replied

"OK..dear, we'll get home soon so that you can go and relax."

"Okay uncle." she replied


After a while of driving, Lian pulled up in front of Clifford's apartment.

"We are home now dear." Lian said to Riley

Rosita saw Lian's car so she came out to meet them

"Lian...." she called as she came out of the house

"Anutie Rosita....." the kids chorused on seeing her

"Hi.., how are you guys doing....?" she asked smiling

"We are fine" they answered

" Hi Lian"said Rosita, turning her attention to Lian

"Rosie...., it's been a while." he answered

"Yeah, I have been a little busy." she answered

Riley got out of the car and her mum draws her closer to her.

"Thank you for bringing Riley."

"Don't mention Rosie, it's my privilege." he answered smiling

"Okay little princess, I have to take my leave now." he said to Riley

"Okay, Uncle." she replied

"And take good care of yourself and mum, Okay?"

"Okay, Uncle." she replied

"Okay Rosie, I have to go now. Got to send the kids home. It's getting late."

"Sure Lian, some other time. Goodbye kids."

" Goodbye Anutie." they replied and Lian drove off.

Rosita and Riley went back to the house. Riley went up to her room to change whiles Rosita went to the kitchen to continue what she was doing. Few minutes later, Riley returned downstairs. Just then, she heard the door swung open.

"Dad....." she quickly ran to meet him

" hey...., that's my girl." said Clifford and carried her up for a hug

"Welcome.. honey...!" Rosita called from the kitchen

"Thank you Sweetheart...!"he answered

Clifford took Riley to the living room and sat down

" Come here Sweetheart" he called

Riley went and sat beside her dad

"I heard what happened today in school from your Principal and teacher."

" I'm sorry dad. I thought I saw someone." she replied

"It's okay dear, maybe it was just your imagination dear. Hope you are fine? You can tell me whenever you have a problem okay."

" Okay dad." she smiled

"That's good, I will go change now." said Clifford and left to his room

Riley went to the kitchen and helped her mum set up the table for dinner. Clifford later joined them and they all had dinner. It was already late, Rosita went up to her daughter's room to read her bed time stories. Riley listened attentively to the story and soon drifted off to sleep. Rosita gave her a peck on the cheeks, covered her up, turned off the light and left to her room.

" Is she asleep?" Clifford asked on seeing her wife

"She dear" she replied and crawled up to her husband on the bed

Just then, she heard her phone ringing. she went for it and it was the unknown number again

" Hello...Hello...Hello..."

"What's wrong dear?Who is it?Clifford asked

" I don't know Sweetheart, this number has been calling for days now but whenever I answer there is no reply then the line goes dead. When I try to call too, it does not go through."

"Really? let me have a look." he replied

He took the phone and called the number back but it didn't go through. Suddenly, a strange message came in from that number. They turned and looked at each other in shock.