Losing Of A Loved One

They quickly rushed Rosita into one of the wards and gave her an oxygen support. The checked her pulses and gave a sigh. The ladies and Lionel looked expectantly at the doctor.

"How is she..." queried Kathie hastily

"She will be fine now. she got a shock attack and this made her collapse." replied the doctor

"Thank goodness." sighed the Kathie

The others also sighed in relief.

"I beg to take my leave now, I have other patients to attend to." pleaded the doctor

"Okay doctor but what about the patient who was involved in an accident and the lady who was brought here unconscious?" asked Melissa anxiously

"Doctors are working on them. You have to wait patiently for them to come out of the emergency ward." uttered the doctor

"But please, what is their chances of survival?" questioned Vanessa

"I can't give any assurance yet. We just have to keep our fingers crossed for the better."

"Okay doctor..." they replied with a nod

"Okay..,I will leave now.." replied the doctor and left, followed by Lionel.

Melissa, Leyla, Vanessa and Kathie slowly turned to look at Rosita and sighed

"Have you heard from Lian yet?" asked Leyla, turning to Kathie

"No..., should I call him to inform him?" queried Kathie

"I think so..." answered Vanessa.

"Okay....., excuse me then." she replied, took her phone and left Rosita's ward.

"What about Mad. Flora? Do you think we should inform her now?" asked Leyla

"I don't think so Leyla, let's wait for situations to settle first. It will be a great shock to her and you know her health status." replied Melissa

"Yeah..., I think you are right." uttered Vanessa

They gazed at Rosita lying unconscious on the bed and sighed.

"Poor Rosie...." murmured Leyla


It's been hours already and none of the doctors or nurses have stepped out of the emergency ward. Lionel and the ladies paced to and fro anxiously at the entrance of the ward.

Just then; Lian walked in,

"Kathie...., how are they now?" he queried worriedly as in approach them

"Lian...." called Kathie as she hugged him.

He glanced at their worried faces as he hugged and draw Kathie back from his hug starring her in the face

"What happened Kathie...?" queried Lian

"I don't really know Lian..." she replied amidst tears.

"Calm down Kathie, everything is going to be alright." assured Lian with a hug.

Just then, a nurse walked out of the emergency ward with a tray. Lian and the rest rushed towards him on noticing his presence.

"How are they nurse?" queried Lian

"We're doing our best sir..." replied the nurse dashing off.

They all sighed worriedly, starring at him as he walked away. Within few minutes, he returned back with extra materials on his tray and went back into the ward.

Lionel sighed worriedly and slammed himself on one of the seats

"I shouldn't have listened to you Riley...I should have stayed to protect you." he murmured to himself with tears dripping down his cheeks and buried his face in his palms.

Lian noticed him and went over to him. He sat beside him, patting his shoulder.

"You're Lionel, Riley's fiancée I guess."

"Yes sir..." he replied with a distressful face.

"Don't worry son..., Riley is a strong girl. She will be fine and so will my brother." he assured.

Lionel starred bluntly at him and nodded.

It was already 1am now, the doctor finally came out of the ward. Lionel first rushed to him on noticing him

"Sir please.., how is Riley?" he asked anxiously

"We have been able to stabilize Riley's condition. That is, she is out of danger now." uttered the doctor

"And what about Clifford?" asked Lian, cutting into their conversation as he and the ladies approached the doctor.

"We're still doing our best to save his life sir." said the doctor patting Lian's shoulder and dashed off.

"At least, we've heard a good news. Let's keep hoping for the best." uttered Lian to the ladies.

The ladies and Lionel nodded in agreement.

Not long after the doctor has left, two nurses came out of the emergency ward with a stretcher on which Riley laid still unconscious.

Lionel quickly rushed to them followed by the ladies and Lian

"Where are you taking her to?" Lionel queried

"We are transferring her to a different ward for her to receive treatment." one of the nurses answered.

"Can I come along?"

"Not now Sir..., excuse us" the other nurse answered as they pushed Riley away leaving the family behind.


It was already morning, Riley slowly opened her eyes regaining back her conscious.

"Where I'm I?" she murmured to herself.

"Ouch..., my head hurts" she added with a grimace, using her right hand to hold her head.

She slowly turned her gaze to the side of the bed and saw Lionel's head on the bed.

"Lionel....." she faintly called, moving her hand to touch him.

Lionel felt Riley's movements and suddenly woke up.

"You are finally awake." he questioned with a distressful face.

"Uhm....." she nodded with a faint smile

"How are you feeling now?"

"My head hurts a little." she replied with a grimace

"I'm glad to have you back Riley." uttered Lionel in relief, taking Riley's hand into his.

"You spent the night here?" questioned Riley

"Yes..." he replied with a smile

Riley smiled back but her smiles suddenly died out with her glancing the ward like in a search of something.

"Where are my parents?" questioned Riley suddenly, slightly turning her gaze at Lionel

Lionel was a little taken aback by her question.

"What should I say...? he thought to himself

"What is it Lio...., you're scaring me with your silence."

"Well...,Uhm....your parents....." replied Lionel stammering

"They went to see the doctor." he hastily added.

Riley was really not satisfied with his answer but nodded anyway.

"You just need to rest more..., no more questions. I will go and get the doctor." said Lionel, covering her well with the bed cover.

"Okay..." she replied with a smile

Just when Lionel was about to leave the ward, Lian and the ladies walked in with the exception of Rosita.

"Please.., come in.." he ushered them to Riley's bed

"Uncle Lian...., Aunts..." she faintly exclaimed with a smile.

"How are you feeling now dear?" asked Lian

"I'm much better now just some slight headaches." she replied with a grimace

"Your will be fine dear...." answered Lian

"Yes dear...." added Melissa

The rest of them starred down at her and nodded assuredly.

Riley smiled back, searching through her family but didn't see her parents. She starred at the door expectantly for them but didn't see any trace of them.



"Where is mum and dad..?" questioned Riley with a puzzled look

" Well..., they've gone home to get you some cloths. They will back soon." lied Lian, faking a smile

Riley starred skeptically at him and nodded, forcing a smile.

"What are they keeping from me?" she thought to herself.