Who Is The Culprit?

Lionel bend over to her, consoling her.

"I think we should go now Riley." uttered Lionel.

"No Lio, I want to stay a little longer with my mum." she murmured amidst tears.

"I don't think so Riley.., let's come back later. Okay? I promise I will bring you back to see her again." he muttered in the bid to convince her.

"Okay.." she reluctantly replied.

Lionel pecked her on the forehead and stood up. He slowly pushed Riley out of Rosita's ward and closed the door behind them.

Within few minutes, they were in Riley's ward. He gently helped her get on the bed and sat on the bed facing her. He took her hands into his and smiled.

"Everything is going to be alright dear. Your mother is going to be fine. She is a strong woman and she knows you are still waiting for her. Let's have hope. Mm..?" he uttered.

"Okay..." she replied with a nod and smiled.

Lionel smiled and caressed her face.

"I promise to go every length and breadth to help find the culprits who did this to your family." he uttered assuredly.

Riley smiled with tears running down her cheeks and hugged Lionel. Just then, the nurses came in to check on her and gave her some injections.

"Thank you." uttered Lionel to the nurses.

"Welcome." They uttered with a smile and left.

"I think you should lay down now." said Lionel.

"Okay.." she nodded and Lionel went over to help her.

He was returning to his seat when the door slammed opened with Kate, Nancy and Loretta trouping in.

"Riley..., What happened to you?" they queried as they neared her.

"Oh Kate, Nancy, Loretta" she muttered, trying to sit upright.

Lionel rushed to her end and helped her.

"Since you girls are here, I will go home and get changed then return back."

"Sure.." they mumbled.

"Take care dear, I will be back soon." he mumbled, pecked her and left.

Kate, Nancy and Loretta sat around Riley on the bed. Listening attentively to her ordeal.

"Who could that be?" queried Kate, looking puzzled.

"Same question I'm asking myself Kate. Why are they doing this and what do they have against my family?" she questioned amidst tears.

"Calm down Riley. I know we'll catch the culprits soon." uttered Nancy as she took Riley's hand into hers.

Riley looked on and nodded.


Lionel was on his way heading home when flashback of last night's incident hit him.

"Who could that be?" he thought to himself.

"I need to find out." he muttered to himself and speed off.

Nichole was sitting at the summer hut when her phone rang. She slowly picked her phone up and checked.

"Oh Zed, he finally called." she uttered as she answered the call.

"Zed..., any good news?" she questioned.

"Well..., Clifford is dead now and Rosita is still unconscious at the hospital with no hope of making it." answered Zed on the other side of the line.

"That's great..." she uttered slowly with a smirk.

"So what about Riley? Were you able to get her out of my son's life?" she added.

"Not yet ma'am.. I was about but was nearly caught by Lionel. But I managed to escape." he answered.

"Okay but I still need you to get rid of Riley soon." she uttered.

"Mum..." Lionel called from behind. Nichole stood stunned, slowly turned to his son and smiled.

" What are you talking about mum...?" asked Lionel, looking a little puzzled.

"Nothing son..." she uttered as she neared him.

" But I head you just mentioned Riley." she uttered skeptically.

"Well..uhm..I asked someone to send flowers and get well wishes to her so I called to ask if they have been able to locate her." she lied.

"But you could have called me to come for them mum..or even called me for the name of the hospital." he muttered still not convinced.

"I didn't want to worry you son. Moreover, I wanted it to be a surprise." she answered.

"Don't think too much son. I believe you are tired and hungry now. C'mon, lets go so that you freshen up on have lunch." she hastily and headed to the house.

Lionel starred at her in bewilderment as her back fades into the house.

"What are you hiding from me mum..? Do you have any hand in Riley's attack? I need to find out" he muttered to himself and dashed off to the house.