
Lionel went up to his room and freshen up. Few minutes later he descended the stairs to the dinning table.

"Have something son." uttered Nichole with a smile already seated at the table.

"Okay mum.." he replied as he pulled a chair and sat behind the table.

Nichole took a plate and served her son and did same for herself.

"Thank you mum." he replied and they both dug into their meals.

Lionel stares suspiciously at his mother as they enjoy their meals without Nichols's notice.

"Well..son.." she mumbled but stopped midway when she lifted her eyes to meet Lionel's suspicious gaze.

"Why such weird gaze? Anything the problem son?" she queried, a bit puzzled.

"Well..mum.., I think you have been acting weird lately. Is there something you want to talk about?" he questioned expectantly.


Just then, her phone rang. She checked the caller and it was Zed. She stared blankly at the phone contemplating on whether to answer or not.

"Mum.., aren't you going to answer that call?" queried Lionel with a suspicious glance.

"Well.., I will answer this then." she slowly replied, picked the phone standing up from her chair and walked over to the balcony.

Lionel stretched his neck to verify if she wasn't paying attention to him. When he was sure that she wasn't watching, he quietly stood from his chair and slowly moved towards the balcony to eavesdrop on her conversation.

"Why calling at this hour?" he heard his mother asked in whispers as he almost neared the balcony.

"Who is she talking to?" he thought to himself as he tried to get more closer but he was interrupted.

"Oh Lio.., you're home." a voice called from behind.

He quickly turned to the direction of the voice and it was his dad.

"Well.., yes dad..." he mumbled, slowly turning his gaze back to where his mother stood but she had already moved from there.

"What are you doing over there son?" his dad queried quizzically.

"Uhm....I...was just taking a view." he uttered, slightly gesturing his hand to the balcony.

"Mm...?" answered his dad skeptically with a slightly raised eyebrow.

"Well.., come over. I need to discuss something with you." he hastily added and left to his study room.

"Sure dad.." he replied, swiftly turned his gaze to the balcony again and then followed his dad to his study room.

After few hours of talking to his dad, he pleaded for his leave.

"I will leave now dad.." he uttered

"Okay son...send my get well message to Riley for me. I will come and visit some time later." said his dad.

"Okay dad.., see you later." he mumbled and left to his room. After few minutes, he descended the stairs ready to leave.

"Mum..,mum..I'm leaving now." he exclaimed reaching out for the door.

"Okay when will you come back?" queried Nichole as she came from the balcony with a glass of juice in her hand.

"I can't tell for now mum...but I will give you a call if anything." he muttered.

"Okay dear, take care and my best wishes to Riley." she uttered with a smile.

"Okay..mum.." he answered, peeked his mother and left to his car.


Kate, Loretta and Nancy were still with Riley when Kathie walked in.

"How are you feeling now dear?" she inquired as she neared Riley.

"Much better Auntie but my legs still feels numb." answered Riley looking a little concerned.

"Don't worry dear, you will get better soon. I was just from the doctor's office." she said with a smile as she sat beside Riley putting her(Kathie) bag on her lap.

"And what does he say Auntie?" queried Riley curiously.

"Well, he said you are responding well to treatment and will be discharged soon if you continue like that." she uttered assuredly as she slightly caressed Riley's face.

Riley smiled with a nod in response. Kate, Nancy and Loretta looked on and smiled as Kate robs Riley's back in assurance.

"So what my mum, Aunt? What did the doctor say?" she questioned anxiously.

"Don't worry Riley, your mum is also responding well to treatment. She will be out of coma soon." she replied assuredly as she took her hand into hers.

"Okay..Aunt, I hope so." she uttered.

"Anyway, I brought you something. I will just drop them on the table. I need to run to the office. I will come and see you later." mumbled Kathie as she moved to the table opposite Riley's bed and dropped the basket of food and fruits she was holding.

"Okay Auntie..Anyway, where is uncle? He hasn't come to visit yet." asked Riley.

"He will come visit soon dear. He was caught up in something." replied Kathie as she moved over to Riley's bed and peeked her.

"Goodbye dear, I will see you later." she added.

"Goodbye Aunt.." she uttered a slight smile.

" Girls, help me take care of her." uttered Kathie with a smile and dashed out to the door.

" Sure Auntie.."they uttered in unison as they watched her leave.

It was around 3pm when Lionel got to the hospital. He found a spot, packed his car and dashed off to Riley's ward. He slowly pushed the door opened and saw Kate, Nancy and Loretta still with Riley.

"You girls are still here?" he queried as he neared them.

"Yes, we are waiting for your return. We didn't want to leave Riley alone here." mumbled Loretta with a smile.

"Thank you girls.." he answered as he pulled a chair and sat beside Riley's bed.

"I think we will leave now Riley. We'll come visit again tomorrow." muttered Nancy.

"Sure Nancy, thank you girls for being here with me. It means a lot to me." mumbled Riley as she pulled them into a group hug.

Lionel looked on and smiled.

"Thank you girls for making her smile." said Lionel,chipping in.

Kate, Loretta and Nancy smiled as they waved Riley and dashed out.

Lionel sighed, drew near to Riley and peeked her forehead.

"Are you okay?" questioned Riley.

" Yes.." he mumbled.

" Sure?" she queried skeptically.

"Well...." he was about to say something when the door swung opened.

Both of them turned their gaze to the door and it was Lian.

"Uncle.." exclaimed Riley on seeing him.

"How are you my little princess?" he questioned as he neared her.

"I'm much better uncle." she answered.

"Well, sorry for coming to visit this late. I was caught up in something." he uttered.

"It's okay Uncle." she answered with a grin.

"Well, where is grandma? she has not come to visit since the incident.?" she added.

"Uhm.., she.."

"Is she okay Uncle? How did she take the news about dad?" queried Riley anxiously, cutting in.

"She is finding it hard dear but she is fine. She will come and visit soon." answered Lian.

"Okay.." she replied with a nod.

Lionel's phone was beside Riley on the bed when suddenly a message notice popped up turning on the screen. Lian turned to the direction where the phone laid and saw a picture of Lionel with Nichole as the screen saver. He quickly took the phone in surprise.

"Do you know her?" her questioned pointing to Nichole's picture.

"Well.., that's my mum." he answered with a smile.

"Your mum..?" he queried in bemusement, handing back the phone to Lionel.

"Yes..." answered Lionel, looking puzzled.

"Do you know her?" he queried.

"Well.., not really." he answered slowly speaking.

"Are you okay Uncle?" questioned Riley.

"Yes dear..I need to take my leave now Riley. I need to handle some issues. I will come and see you tomorrow." he answered hastily and rushed out.

Lionel and Riley stared at each other a little puzzled.

"Can I have a look?" asked Riley, reaching for Lionel's phone.

"Sure.." he answered and handed over the phone to her.

Riley stared at the screen blankly.

"This face looks familiar." she thought to herself trying to remember where she has seen that face but she couldn't. she shrugged and handed the phone over to him.

Lionel sighed and sat on the bed beside Riley looking distressed.

"What are you thinking about Lio?" asked Riley, concerned.

"Well, my mum has been acting weird lately." he uttered, lifting his eyes to face Riley.

"How weird?" she questioned.

"Like she is hiding something from me." he answered.

"Really? Are you sure it's not just your imagination? I used to feel same way about my parents some years back but it turned out to be just me overreacting." she uttered.

"You think so?" he queried.

"Yes.." she replied with a smile.

"I hope so.." he thought to himself as he stared at Riley, faking a smile.