Home Again But It's Empty

It's been 6months now since the accident and the attack on Riley. Rosita is still in coma and Mad. Flora is still battling with her health issues. Riley sat beside her mother's bed waiting for Lian and Lionel to return from the doctor's office. She took her mother's hand into hers and sighed.

"You know something mum.., I'm all fit now and getting discharge today. I'm returning back home but you and dad are not there. I miss you so much mum." she mumbled to her mother.

Just then, she heard the door slowly opened. she turned her gaze to the door and saw Lionel and Lian.

"Let's go now dear.." uttered Lian.

"Okay... Uncle." she uttered dully and shrugged up from her seat. She glanced at her mum as she slowly walked over to the door.

"She will be okay dear.." mumbled Lionel as he wrapped a hand over her shoulders and they walked out of the door.

Lionel went over to Riley's ward to get her things whiles Lian took Riley to the car. Kate, Loretta and Nancy were already there when they got there.

"Riley..." they exclaimed in unison and went over for a group hug as Riley and Lian got to the car.

"We've missed you Riley...I'm so happy you are well now. We missed going to school together." murmured Loretta.

"That's right Riley, school was so boring without you in our mix." added Nancy.

Rosita smiled slightly and hugged hugged them again.

"I missed you too girls." she mumbled.

Lian looked on and smiled.

At this time, Lionel came out of the hospital with Riley's things.

"Oh, you girls are here already. I thought of calling you after sending Riley home." he uttered as he neared them.

They broke from their hug and turned over to him, smiling.

"Well.., Uncle Lian called us and we couldn't wait to see Riley so we rushed down here." mumbled Nancy as Lionel passed by them to drop Riley's things in the car.

"Yeah..., I can see that myself." he muttered with a grin.

"Can we go now girls?" queried Lian as he walked over to the driver's seat.

"Sure..." they uttered in unison.

They all got into the car and drove off.


After few minutes of driving, the car pulled up at Clifford's apartment.

"Are you sure you don't want to go over to my house to stay with us?" queried Lian with a concerned look.

"No Uncle..., I will be fine here. I always want to smell my parents around me and there is only one place I can find them." she uttered, starring at the house.

Lian looked on and sighed whiles her friends patted and back slightly.

"Are you sure dear?" questioned Lionel as he held her hand.

"Yes." she nodded, slightly smiling.

"Okay then..." mumbled Lian as he got off the car. Nancy who was sitting beside Lian also got down followed by the rest.

Riley sighed heavily as she stood starring at the house. Lionel went over to her and wrapped a hand over her shoulders.

" Sure you will be fine?" he queried searching her face.

"Yeah...." she replied with a sigh.

"Okay then, let's go." mumbled Lian and they dashed off into the house.

Lian took Riley's things over to her room whiles Lionel and her friends sat with her in the living room. She sat looking around the house.

"Nothing much has changed here. Just mum and dad not around." she uttered as she turned to her friends.

Kate and her friends slightly stroke her back and pulled her into a hug.

"You have us Riley, always remember that." muttered Kate.

Riley smiled and wiped a drop of tears away from her eyes. Just then, Lian returned from Riley's room.

"Are you okay?" he queried.

"Yes Uncle." she replied with a smile.

"Okay then, I will take my leave now. I have to go to the FBI to see the progress of accident investigations of your dad." he muttered.

"Okay..." she replied with a nod.

"Okay.., love you my little princess. I'll see you later." he uttered, peeking Riley on the cheeks.

"You guys should help me take care of her okay?" he added.

"Sure Uncle." they uttered in unison and he dashed out of the house.

"Now, let me make something for you." uttered Nancy as she stood up to the kitchen.

Riley smiled with a nod and Nancy dashed off along with Kate. After a while, they returned with some dishes and they all had a meal.

They stayed a while with her, cheering her up.

It was already 6pm now; Kate, Loretta and Nancy took their leave.

"We'll come over tomorrow." muttered Loretta and they left.

Lionel stayed a little while with Riley and soon it was time for him to leave too.

"Are you sure you will be alright alone?" he queried worriedly.

"Why not let me take you to your Uncle's house. I'm so concerned about you Riley." he added trying to convince her.

"No need Lio, I will be fine." she answered assuredly.

"Okay.." he reluctantly relied and Riley saw him off.

Now, the house is empty with just Riley. She slammed herself in the sofa and sighed. She looked around to see the once happy home with giggles looking so quiet. She slowly stood up from her seat and walked over to the kitchen.

She starred blankly at the kitchen as flashbacks of her together with her mother run across her mind. she chuckled slightly with tears in her eyes. She slowly moved to the dinning table and stood quietly starring at it whiles pictures of her time together with her parents flash before her eyes. She smiled with tears running down her cheeks. After a long glance of the house, she left up to her room. She slowly walked to the door about to open it but suddenly stopped when she saw the door to her parents room slightly opened.

In a daze, she walked over to the door. She slowly opened it and went in. It looked intact with the bed perfectly laid. She glanced over the room filled with pictures of her parents hanging over the wall. She slowly turned her gaze to the table beside the bed and saw a picture of her and her parents sitting on it. She went over and picked it up. She slowly sat on the bed starring at the picture.

"Mum..., dad..., I'm home but I can't find any of you. I feel so lonely, you know? Dad..?Why did you leave mum and I like this?She has even refuse to see me nor talk to me. What should I do dad...? The whole house feels so empty without you guys around. I miss you so much." she mumbled to the picture in her hand amidst tears as she hugged on to it.

"Why Dad..., why did you have to leave us like this?" she exclaimed(sobbing bitterly)as she slowly sat on the floor.