

Nichole after being discovered as the culprit behind Riley's abduction and attempt on her life, escaped from being apprehended. She disguised herself and ran to the train station with the help of some of her men. The police officers sent their patrol team across the city searching every corner for her.

She got to the train station only to meet police men all around, inspecting the trains. She quickly hid herself.

"I need to find a way to escape from this town." she mumbled as she hid behind a pillar waiting for an opportunity to get into the train.

She stood behind the pillar, spying for a chance of escape when she suddenly felt a hand touched her. She jolted , turning to the person.

"Are you okay?" queried a lady with a bright smile on.

"Hmm...yes.." she mumbled, adjusting the cap she was wearing.

"Nichole....? Is that you?" she expressed quiet surprise.

"Um...do I know you?" she queried, stammering.

"Oh my God Nichole, don't you remember me? It's me Tarsha, your room mate in college." she uttered still smiling.

"Oh...Tarsha, wow...you're looking great."

"Yeah..yeah..., anyway, why are you hiding here? Who are you hiding from?" she questioned as she glanced around curiously.

"Well, you've got to help me Tarsha, some men are after me. They want to kill me." she answered anxiously as she held Tarsha's hand.

"Kill you? but why?"

"I witnessed them killing someone so they want to eliminate me to clear any evidence that will lead to them."

"What..? Then why don't you go to the police Nichole? Your life is in danger."

"No Tarsha, they have their men among them. I will just be falling into their trap. It will be a dead end for me. Please help me."

"Okay, okay Nichole, come with me. My car is just packed over there." she uttered, pointing to the direction of the car.

"Okay Tarsha, thank you so much." she mumbled as she followed her to the car.

Tarsha immediately opened the car as they drew.

"Get in Nichole..." she added.

Nichole nodded with a smile and quickly got onto the car, taking her seat at the back while Tarsha took the drivers side and drove off.

"Are you okay back there?" inquired Tarsha.

"Yes" she answered.

Just then, Tarsha's phone rang. She picked it up, checking the caller.

"Dickson." she mumbled, answering it.

"Hello dear.." she added.

"Hello? where are you dear? It's already late and it's not good to be walking around this late in your condition. The doctor said you need a lot of rest because is good for the unborn child." uttered Dickson worriedly on the other side of the line.

"I know dear. Mother just won't let me go, she kept ranting about how I need to take care of my health for the baby. I just left her but I got caught up in something. I will tell you more when I get home."

"Okay dear, drive safely."

"Okay sweetheart, I will be home soon." she muttered and hanged up, smiling.

"Was that your husband?" queried Nichole.

"Yes Nichole..., that was Dickson. Do you remember him? He was our mate in college."

"Dickson? The captain of the football team?" she muttered, surprised.

"Yes Nichole, the same Dickson you know. I remember you had a crush on him during that time."

"Yeah Tarsha, I was full of him when we were in college. I was actually his die hard fun."

"Yeah.., I remember that. You always go and watch his matches." uttered Tarsha and they roared into laughter.

"Anyway, tell me. How did you guys meet?"

"Well Nichole, it amazes me too you know. I met him during a project work I was asked to handle in my fame. He was actually the CEO of the company I was asked to interview. We later became close and now here we are, married." said Tarsha with a chuckle.

"Wow...so how long have you been married?"

"2years now and we're expecting a baby soon."

"That's great Tarsha. Congratulations." she uttered with a smile.

"Thank you Nichole..." she mumbled and they continued the rest of the journey chatting.


It was around 10pm when Tarsha and Nichole got to their destination. Dickson came out of the house to meet his wife when he heard her car pulled up in front of the house.

"We are here Nichole..." she uttered as she came out of the car.

Nichole slowly opened the door and also came out.

"Hi Darling, have you been waiting for long?" said Tarsha smiling as she neared her husband.

"Not long dear..." he replied, hanging his wife.

"Did you have a good day?" he inquired.

"Yes.." she nodded with a smile. Just then, Dickson lifted his gaze from his wife and saw Nichole standing not far from them. Tarsha followed his gaze and smiled.

"Dear, do you remember Nichole? She was a mate in college."

"Oh yeah.., I remember her."

"That's her." she mumbled as Nichole drew nearer to them.

"Oh wow..Nichole, nice have you here." he uttered, reaching a hand to her.

She took it starring seductively at him.

"Well dear, she has a little problem. Can we go in and talk about it?" said Tarsha not noticing how cunning Nichole was.

"Sure sweetheart." he uttered.

"You're welcome Nichole, come in." he added and they strolled into the house.

"Please have a seat." muttered Dickson as they got into the hall. Nichole sat down and so did Tarsha and Dickson.

"Um..., sweetheart, I met Nichole at the train station this evening hiding from some goons."

"What..? What happened?" queried Dickson, shocked.

"Well.., I happen to witness one of their...." began Nichole, narrating her cooked up story as she shared crocodile tears with the plead that she as no family members to help.

"So sorry Nichole." murmured Tarsha.

"Dickson dear, what do you think about having Nichole stay with us here?"

"Hmm....., I think I'm fine with it if you are okay with it."

"Thank you so much dear..." muttered Tarsha as she pecked his husband on the cheeks, getting up from her seat.

"Let me show you to your room Nichole..." said Tarsha.

"Thank you Dickson." mumbled Nichole as she got up fro her seat and followed Tarsha to the guest room.

"This is your room Nichole. Hope you like it?"

"Like? I love it." she uttered with a smirk over Tarsha's shoulders as she hugged her.

"You're going to regret ever stealing my man Tarsha." she uttered in her thoughts.

"I will go now Nichole.., have a good sleep. I assure that you're safe here. You can come to us if you need anything." muttered Tarsha as she drew back from the hug.

"Okay Tarsha, thanks."

"Always welcome dear." she mumbled and dashed out.

Nichole stood in her room smiling smugly to herself as she glanced the room in satisfaction.

"You're so smart Nichole.." she remarked with a smirk and slammed herself on the bed.


It was a beautiful bright new day and Dickson had already left for work as he always leaves early. Nichole came out of her room to meet Tarsha with Pamela(Tarsha's friend) at the hall, chatting and giggling.

"Hello...Nichole" uttered Tarsha on seeing her.

"Hello.., Tarsha. It seems I haven't seen you today. I was actually busy I my room."

"Yes Nichole, I came over met saw you busy on your phone."

"Yeah.., anyway, I'm going to the kitchen. Care for anything?"

"No, thanks."

"Okay..." she mumbled and dashed off.

"Who is that Tarsha? " questioned Pamela anxiously as she watched Nichole walk away.

"She was my room mate in college. She had some problems so she is staying with us for the time been"

"Tarsha, I don't have a good feeling about this. I She doesn't smell of a good aura Tarsha."

"Hey..Pamela, stop overreacting. I think it's just your imaginations. Nichole is a good person, don't be judgemental dear."

"I'm not Tarsha, don't say I didn't warn you."

"I know Pamela." she mumbled smiling.

"Let me see go and see you off." she added, picking herself up from her seat.

"I'm serious about this Tarsha." uttered Pamela as she followed her out.

All this while, Nichole was listening on their conversation. She gnashed her teeth in anger and dashed off to her room. She picked up her phone and dialed a number.

She patiently waits as it connects.

"Hello Zed, I have a job for you." she muttered as soon as the line connected.

"Say it ma'am and it will be done." he answered.

"I will send you a picture, her name is Pamela. I need you to eliminate her."

"Sure ma'am, consider it done."

"Okay..., make sure there are no mistakes."

"Sure, it will be carried out." he answered and hanged up.

"No one provokes me and goes scot free." she mumbled, smiling smugly to herself.


It was around 11pm when Pamela got home. She drove to the garage to pack her care. Just when she got out of the car to lock it, she heard strange movements behind her. She jolted, swiftly turning but saw no one.

"Who's there..?" she mumbled, startled.

"Who is there..." she called out again but didn't see anybody around.

The next thing she heard was a gun shot.

"aah..." she shouted in pain and fell dead.

Tarsha was in the living room the next day watching movie when her phone ranged. She checked the caller and it was an unknown number.

"Who is this?" she queried as she picked the caller.

"Hello, This is detective Dave, I'm I speaking to Mrs Tarsha?"

"Yes please, how may I help you?" she questioned.

"Do you know one Mrs. Pamela?"

"Yes please, what has she done?"

"Well, we happened to find her dead in her garage."

"What?" she exclaimed.

"What happened?

" She happened to have been shot. Can you come over to the office to assist in the investigation? "

"Yes, yes, I will be there soon." she hastily answered and hanged up. She was about to dashed out of the house when she met up with Nichole, coming out of her room.

"Where are you going in such much hurry?"

"I'm going to the Criminal Investigation Unit. I was called this morning that Pamela has been shot dead in her garage.

"What?, how did it happened?"

"I don't know yet. I've got to go, I will tell you more when I get back." she added hastily and dashed off.

Nichole stood smiling smugly to herself.

"Good job Zed." she mumbled.

"One down, one more to go." she added as she clasped her fingers, smirking.