What Happened To Tasha?

It's already been months since Nichole got Pamela killed. Tasha's baby bump is all grown and almost due. She strolled to the living room and sat beside her husband.

"How is the investigations going dear, any good news?" he asked.

"No sweetheart, they don't seem to find any trace of the culprit. It's like he/she totally erased every evidence. I think the attack was totally planned out."

"But does she have any enemies, let's say, anybody in mind you think can be the culprit?"

"Not that I know dear, Pamela was the free type. She loves everybody. I don't know who thought of doing such a thing to her."

"It's okay dear, let's hope the CIS gets somewhere with this investigation."

"I hope so dear." she mumbled and leaned her head on his shoulder with Dickson passing his hand through her hair.

Nichole stood in front of her room watching them and felt jealous. She glared at Tasha and stormed back into her room.

"You can have him all for now Tasha, but I promise it won't be forever. Just wait for it." she mumbled to herself,shuffling schemely in her room.

She was deep in thought when she heard a knock on hr door.

"Coming..." she uttered and went to the door. She slowly pulled it opened to see Dickson at the door.

"Oh Dickson." she mumbled with a smile.

"How may I help you?" she added.

"Hmm..Nichole, I need a favour from you." he muttered sheepishly.

"Sure, go ahead."

"Well..., I need to take Tasha to the hospital but I've been called to the office now. Can you please go with her?" he queried.

"Sure, sure, I will be glade to help."

"Thanks so much Nichole..., I owe you." he muttered hastily and dashed off.

"You sure owe me." she mumbled with a smile and went back into her room to change herself. Within few minutes, she was done. She sauntered to the hall to meet Tasha already waiting for her.

"Oh Nichole.., I heard from Dickson that you volunteered to send me to the hospital. Thanks so much." she uttered as Nichole neared her.

"Don't worry Tasha, what are friends for? Moreover, I wouldn't be alive if not of your help."

"I still have to thank you Nichole, you're a good friend." she mumbled with a grin.

"Enough already Tasha, let's get going." she replied with a chuckle and they stuttered out of the house.


Days passed by with Nichole being mischievous and cunning as always, deceiving Tasha and Dickson of her true intentions. Soon, Tasha was due for labour. Dickson was sitting on the bed reading a newspaper when Tasha came out of the washroom grimacing in pain.

"Tasha, are you okay?" he queried, shrugging up from bed. He rushed to Tasha's end and held her, wrapping his hand around her waist.

"Dickson..,aaahh" she winced.

"Let's get you to the hospital.."

She nodded weakly in pain. Dickson quickly picked his keys from the table and rushed her out of the house with Nichole tailing after them.

"You're going to be okay Tasha." said Nichole as she joined Tasha in the back seat. Dickson also got in and zoomed off.

After about 30mins drive, Dickson pulled up in front of the hospital. Nicole first got off and rushed into the hospital whiles Dickson helped Tasha out of the car. Soon, Nichole came out with nurses dragging a stretcher along.

"Help her onto the stretcher." exclaimed one of the nurses to her colleague.

They hurriedly rushed her to the labour ward. Dickson and Nicole stood nervously at the corridor, stressed.


The doctor glided out of the ward with a sweaty pale face, smiling.

" Doctor...how is she...?", Dickson cried, approaching him.

"Congratulations, you had a baby boy." he mumbled, smiling. Dickson swiftly turned his gaze to Nichole.

" I'm a father now Nichole..." he uttered ecstatically.

"Congratulations Dickson." she replied, slightly smiling.

"She will soon be taken to her ward." said the doctor.

Dickson turned to him and nodded with a smile.

"Okay..., I will be in my office then."

"Okay doctor, thank you." he answered and the doctor strolled away. Dickson and Nicole left to the waiting area in wait as the nurses prepared to transfer Tasha to her ward.

Twenty minutes later, a nurse approached them.

"Sir..., you can go and see her now."

"Really?" he muttered as he stood up from his seat with Nichole beside him.

"Yes" the nurse nodded with a grin.

"She is in ward 206" she added.

"Thank you." he hastily answered and trotted towards the ward with Nichole following suit.

The nurse swiftly glanced at them with a smile and left to her post.

After a few minutes walk, they got to Tasha's ward. Dickson slowly pushed the door half opened,glancing through . Tasha smiled when her eyes met his.

"Hey dear.." she mumbled.

"How is my sweetheart doing doing?" he queried, stepping in with Nichole following after.

"Nichole...." uttered Tasha with a grin.

"Congratulations dear.." she mumbled as they neared her.

"Thank you" she replied.

Dickson drew closer to his wife and hugged her.

"Congratulations dear.." he uttered.

"And you too."

Nichole stood starring at them, jealous. She faked on a smile whenever Tasha's eyes meet her gaze. They stayed together with her then Nichole asked to take her leave.

"I will see you later, Tasha." she muttered.

"Oh Nichole, why don't you wait so that go drop you off."

"Don't worry Dickson, I will be okay. Stay with Tasha." she mumbled with a smile and dashed out.

She trotted down the corridor and out of the hospital. She searched through her bag and took out her phone. By this time, she had stopped a cab. She sat in and the driver drove off.

"Please take me to the KINGS LODGE." she uttered.

"Okay ma'am." answered the driver.

Nichole went back to her phone and dialed in Zed's number.

"Hello Zed, I have a job for you." she uttered with a smirk.