Final Attack

Tasha slowly moved to the door and hide behind it, waiting anxiously. The knob kept turning but suddenly stopped. She lifted her eyes from the knob to see the shadow slowly moving away from the door.

She held the door and was about to open it when someone pushed it opened, almost thumping her face.

"Tasha..., what are you doing standing at the door. I almost hit you with it." exclaimed Dickson, bemused.

"Did you see the man who was standing behind the door?" said Tasha anxiously.

"Which man?" he queried, quiet puzzled.

"The one who just left."

"What are you talking about Tasha? There was nobody at the door just a nurse who passed by. You were the only one standing at the door and I almost hit you." he answered.

"But I'm sure I saw someone behind the door." she mumbled, confused.

"There was nobody at the door dear, it might only be your imagination playing tricks on you. Come, let's go have some rest. Our baby needs his mother healthy and with a sound mind." he uttered as he puts a hand over Tasha's shoulder and took her back to her bed.

"I know Dickson but I'm sure of what I saw."

"Enough dear, just lie - down. You need to rest. I have talked to the doctor and he said you can be discharged tomorrow." said Dickson as he helped her back to bed.

"Okay..." she answered.

"Good.." commented Dickson as he sat on the chair beside her bed.


Nichole was still sitting in the car waiting impatiently for Zed's call.

"Why hasn't he still called? Has he been able to accomplish the mission?" she mumbled anxiously, starring down on her phone.

A few seconds after, she lifted her eyes from her phone and saw Zed approaching her cab. She quickly got out of the car and went up to him, dragging him aside.

"How did it go? Were you able to get ride of her?" she whispered, anxiously.

"No ma'am.., I wasn't able to." he muttered.

"What..!? What do you mean you weren't able to?"

"Sorry ma'am but there was no where I could get into her ward without getting noticed. I tried all my best and finally got the chance but then, I saw her husband coming so I had to escape."

"Okay, okay, go now. I'll call you when I need you."

"Okay..." he uttered and trod off.

Nichole stood with her face turning pale with fury as she gnashed her teeth in anger.

"Damn you Tasha. You're lucky this time but not forever." she muttered and dashed off into the cab.

"Take me to Beverlyn street."

"Okay..." the driver answered and zoomed off.

It was almost 1am in the morning when the car pulled up in font of the house. Nichole got off the car and dashed into the house, matching straight to her room.

She slammed the door opened and walked in.

"aaahhhh" she shouted furiously as she thumped the flower vase with her hand, smashing it on the floor.

"I'll make sure I get raid of you once and for all Tasha." she muttered.


Tasha sat on her bed with the baby in her arms waiting for her husband to return from the doctor's office so they can leave the hospital when the door flew opened.

"Nichole..." she uttered with a grin as she lifted her eyes to the door.

"Yeah..Tasha, how are you and the baby?" said Nichole as she neared her.

"We're fine dear, what about you?"

"Well, I'm good..." she uttered as she sat on the chair beside her bed.

"I head from Dickson that you'll be discharged today so I came over to help." she added.

"Thanks so much Nichole..., you're a good friend."

"Don't worry Tasha.., what are friends for? You're more like a sister to me, you know?"

Tasha looked on with a smile and nodded. Just then, Dickson entered.

"Let's go ladies." he uttered as he walked over to Tasha's bed, picking up her bag.

"Okay dear..." replied Tasha as Nichole helped her get off the bed. Dickson dashed off to the door with Tasha and Nichole following after. They got out of the hospital, walked over to the car and sped off after some few minutes.


"I want everything done today Zed, no disappointment." uttered Nichole on the phone with Zed as she shuffles in her room.

"Okay ma'am.., I'll get it done." he answered on the other side of the phone.

"Great, I'll have Dickson leave the house then you can come in. You just need to kill Tasha and leave the baby. Understood?"

"Yes ma'am."

"Good, talk to you later." she muttered and hanged up.

She quickly switched her number to different one and called Dickson's office.

"May I please speak to Mr. Dickson?" she queried as a lady answered the phone.

"I'm sorry ma'am but Mr. Dickson is not here right now. How may I help you?"

"Can you please get him over now? I'm the manager of BULKS COMPANY. He sent a petition earlier to my desk to have partnership with my company. I want to meet up with him to discuss the details.

"Okay ma'am, I will arrange a meeting with him. Please hold on for a while." the lady answered hastily.

"Sure..." she mumbled with a smirk.

Dickson was in the room with his wife, playing with his son as Tasha laid on the bed when his phone.

"Sweetheart, your phone." said Tasha, handing it over to him.

"Oh okay.." he mumbled as he took it from his wife, giving the baby back to her.

"It's from the office." he whispered.

"Go ahead, pick it up. It's might be an emergency."

"Sure." he mumbled as he answered the call.

"Hello...Nina, what's going on?" he questioned.

"Well sir..., the manager of BULKS COMPANY just called. She wants to schedule a meeting with you to discuss discuss about the partnership project."

"Sure Nina, when does she wants to meet?"

"Now sir.."

"Okay..Arrange for the meeting, I'll be there in an hour from now."

"Okay sir. I'll get to it now."

"Sure.." he muttered and hanged up.

"I have to leave to the office now dear. I just received a call that the manager of BULKS COMPANY was to discuss about our petition for partnership."

"That's great dear. Let me help you get ready." she uttered as she strolled to the wardrobe.

"No sweetheart, don't worry. I'll be fine. Just take care of our boy."

"Are you sure? Let me just....."

"No, no dear..., I'm totally fine. Just sit here and take care of our baby." he uttered, cutting in as he took her back to sit on the bed.

"Okay dear, if you say so."

"That's good." he mumbled and trod into the washroom.

With few minutes, he was done. He rushed out of the washroom to the wardrobe and took out his suite and tie. He got dressed and picked up his suitcase beside the bed.

"See you later dear.." he muttered as he peeked his wife on the cheeks and his son on the forehead.

"Okay dear.., take care."

"Okay, I will. And you too, take care of yourself and the baby. I'll ask Nichole on my way out to assist you if you need anything, Uh...?"

"Okay dear, bye.."

"Bye..sweetheart.." he added as he walked out of the room, slowly closing the door behind him.

He was half way through the hall when he met Nichole heading towards the kitchen.

"Off to work already?" she questioned.

"Yes Nichole, something urgent came up. Please help me take car of Tasha and the baby."

"Okay Dickson, you can count on me."

"Thank you so much Nichole.." he replied as he rushed off.

"Everything is going just as planned." she mumbled with a smirk as she clasped her fingers.

She quickly moved to the window and pecked through to verify if Dickson had left and saw him sped off.

"Now, let the game begin." she muttered with a smirk as she sent a message to Zed.



Tasha was in the washroom when she heard the door slammed opened.

"Honey..., are you back already?" she queried but there was no reply.

She suddenly heard foot steps in the room.

"Honey..., is that you?" she questioned, a bit alarmed.

She slowly pushed the washroom door opened and stepped into the bedroom tensed.

"Nichole..., is anybody here?" she muttered, frightened as she glanced through the room but saw nobody around.

She sauntered further into the room still glancing around. Then she suddenly felt the presence of someone behind her. She slowly turned to see a masked man.

"Who....,aaahhh" she grimaced in pain holding her chest as the person stabbed her with a knife.

She slowly fell to the floor bleeding and in pain. She tried to crept out of the room but he stabbed her severally from the back and she fell dead in a pool of blood.

He was about to leave the room when he met heads on with Nichole.

"Is it done?" she whispered.

Zed stared at her and nodded.

"Good. Go now, I will take care of the rest." she muttered hastily, helping him out of the house.

She returned back to the murder scene and cleared any evidence to will lead to the culprit. She then took out her phone and called Dickson.

"Hello Nichole, what's the problem?" he queried as he picked up.

"Dickson..., help..." she answered with a faint and weak tone.

Dickson panicked and jolted up alarmed.

"What's going on Nichole..?" he questioned anxiously.

"We got attacked, I....." she mumbled, her voice slowly fading and hanged up.

"Nichole..., Nichole..., Nichole..." called Dickson but there was no reply. He drew his phone back, checked the screen and tossed it aside.

He quickly turned his car and headed back home.

Nichole quickly took a secret knife from her pocket and made a cut on her wrist. She then hide the knife again.

After few minutes of driving, Dickson pulled up in front of the house. It still looked quiet and calm as he left it.

"You and the baby should be safe Tasha." he mumbled as he got out of the care and rushed into the house.

He got to the entrance of the bedroom and suddenly stopped in his tracks, shocked.

"Tasha..., Nichole...." he exclaimed as he rushed to where his wife and Nichole laid.

He quickly checked Nichole's pulses and she was still alive. He then checked his wife but there seem to be nothing.

"You've to be okay Tasha.." he mumbled as he called the ambulance. He went back into the bedroom and saw his son safe and sound.

After 20 minutes, the ambulance sped into the compound. They pulled up, rushed into the house and came out with Nichole and Tasha with Dickson following after them with the baby. They got into the car and it sped off.

After a few minutes drive, the pulled in front of the hospital and rushed Nichole and Tasha to the emergency ward.

The doctors and nurses stood, working on them for hours while Dickson shuffles anxiously outside the emergency ward.

After about an hour, the doctor came out with a pale sweaty face.

"I'm sorry Mr. Dickson, we tried our best but your wife was already dead before they got here. For Nichole, she is fine."

"What..?" he exclaimed and slammed himself on the bench shuttered as tears rolled down his cheeks.