Chapter 7 Orc Lord

(A/N. As thanks for all the support you all have been giving me and the fact that I told pepega123 that if we got to 20,000 views i would upload another chapter. So here it is I hope you enjoy it)

"You want us to defeat the Orc lord.... are you joking"

"No she serious dad" I said as I point to my eyes.

Everyone already knew what my eyes could do so they knew that Treyni could not lie in my presence. I was not surprised to see that Treyni seemed to also know this.

"That is a very high requests for someone who just appeared out of nowhere, if you don't mind I have a question I'd like to ask. Why did you come to us there are more powerful races then the hobgoblins" Benimaru asked while standing in front of me and Rimuru.

"You are correct. In fact if the Ogre village was not destroyed I may have gone to them for help. However either way I can not ignore the existence of these two any longer" she looked over at Rimuru then me.

"Well for now just give me some time to think about it" Rimuru smiled up at Treyni as he spoke.

"Yeah I agree with dad on this one" Treyni simply nodded and took a seat next to Rigurd much to his discomfort.

"Okay let's continue the meeting then, does anyone have any idea what they possibly could be after" Rimuru asked.

"I may know" Shuna spoke uneasily.

"Souei did you investigate our old village?" she turn to him and asked.

"Yes" he spoke in a low tone.

"And by the sound of your voice it's bad. Did you manage to find any of them"

"No not a single one not any of ours or theirs" he said grimly.

"Any of what?" I asked getting annoyed.

"Corpses" Benimaru answered bluntly.

"We were wondering how they could possibly be feeding such a large army" I started to feel sick as I realized what he was talking about.

"They eat the dea-" Rimuru stop talking as he saw me out of the corner of his eye, I was on the verge of throwing up.

Everyone looked over at me and realized that a fourteen year old girl shouldn't be hearing about something like this.

"Suu.... I think its for the best if you leave, you are way to young to be hearing about something like this" he spoke with concern.

"N-no I'm find" I said as I pushed the vomit back down.

"Are you sure" Shuna asked while rubbing my back.

"We live in a world where people die all the time that's just how it is here. I am going to have to learn to deal with this kind of thing eventually" I said with determination.

Hakurou looked at me proudly for a moment before closing his eyes. He would never admit it but he had started to see Suu as a granddaughter.

"Sigh. Good point but if you feel any worse you are free to leave" Rimuru said still worried about me.

"Do they have some kind of skill? Or are they just doing it for food?" Rimuru restarted the conversation.

"It's call starved" Treyni spoke up.

"It's a lot like your predator skill" she said while glancing over at Rimuru.

"What does it do?" I asked.

"It's a skill that all orc lords are born with. It makes it so that all the Orcs that serve the orc lord are filled with the desire to eat everything around them. This also gives them the ability to gain the skills of anything they eat" Treyni explained.

"So basically the orcs are trying to steal the powers of the other races. Sigh. Well if that's the case then we don't really have much of a choice now do we. Our little village is filled with powerful monsters the kaijin, the direwolves and the hobgoblin's and even three unique monsters from the abyss. At this point there bound to come here sooner or later" Rimuru spoke while looking around the room.

"Well I'm sure we be a good snack for them but aren't you for getting that we have the world's strongest slime and not to mention a new species of phoenix" Benimaru pointed out.

"Oh we do?" Rimuru simply smiled back at him.

"We have also found out that the Orcs are being back by a majin who is a servant of a demon lord" Treyni added dropping a bomb out of nowhere.

(A demon lord huh...) I thought.

"Hmmmm" Rimuru began to think about something.

Treyni then stood up and looked over the table at me and Rimuru. We both glanced at each other before standing up and facing Treyni.

"Rimuru and Suu Tempest once again I ask you to defeat the Orc lord. As someone who has the protection of Veldora, has recruited the direwolves and have become the patron of the kijins"

"And as someone who is the first born of the abyss and the one who is in possession of the eyes of the abyss, defeating the Orc lord should be easy for you. Also with your eyes you know that you can trust me" with that everyone faced me as my eyes activated once more.

"She is telling the truth all that she wants is to protect the forest" I said after several seconds of silence.

"So will you please help us?" before either me or Rimuru could answer someone beat us to it.

"Of course lord Rimuru and lady Suu will help you" Shion butted in.


"Of course they will" Shion said while smiling.

(I'm guessing we are not getting a choice in the matter) I thought.

"Sigh. Looks like it's decided then. If we are going to be up against the Orcs we should probably team up with the lizardmen but I really don't want to talk to Gabiru again" Rimuru groaned in annoyance.

"I agree with that" I nodded.

"Lord Rimuru if you don't mind I could go and talk to the lizardmen chieftain for you" Souei suggested.

"That's a great idea" me and Rimuru agreed

"But I think it would be best if you took Zeref with you just in case the chieftain is as stupid as Gabiru"

"That would be fine with me" Souei nodded in acceptance.

"Hey Zeref as soon as you get back here come straight to me understand, I have an idea I'm going to need your help with"

"Understood" I felt him leave my shadow and enter Souei's.

"Hey kaijin Shuna can I speak to you after the meeting" the two both nodded.

And after that we went on to think of a battle plan, Rimuru wanted me by his side at all times but I refuse. This was something that I had to do on my own, I couldn't always rely on others to protect me after all. After a long talk and some help from Hakurou he finally allowed me to fight.

(I have to be strong enough to protect them. I will not lose the only family I've ever had.... even... even if that means devouring the hole world in my darkness)

(A/N. Cough cough chapter 9 cough cough. Oh sorry I think I've got a cold just ignore me... go back to reading the chapter I'm not here....)

========lizardman chieftain pov========

I was sitting in the thrown room talking to my daughter about the coming orc army. Just then the doors to the throne room suddenly slammed open and one of my guards came running in. It took a second for him to catch his breath before he finally spoke.

"Chieftain there is an intruder he is asking for an audience with you" he spoke quickly.

"Hmmm bring him in" I replied.

"But father are you sure...." my daughter ask while getting into a battle stance.

"So you can sense it too. There are two of them not one and both of them seem to have massive auras"

"I do father and I don't like what I'm feeling. They are both extremely powerful I doubt even a thousand of our best men could take both of them down" I couldn't help but agree.

The doors open to reveal a blue haired man with a single horn in his head, I was guessing he was an ogre. The other person seemed to be inside the man's shadow but there was something about their aura that put me on edge.

"I apologise for the rude welcome we are currently in a dire situation so we can't offer much hospitality" I greeted him.

"Don't trouble yourself I am just an envoy. I am only here today as a messenger of my lord and master" the ogre spoke calmly.

"Very well but first i must ask for your companion to reveal himself" I asked while glancing at his shadow.

The shadow began to expand as two massive yellow glowing eyes appeared out of it. Almost straight after the eyes had appeared a loud yet calm voice came from the shadow.

"Greetingssss. I just like my companion am an envoy, I am here on behalf of the young misssss. Ssssadly there isssss not enough room in hear for me to come out"

"Hmmmm very well. Also by young miss I'm guessing you mean the daughter of this one's master" I asked.

"Yesssss that is indeed correct" The way he talks I'm guessing he is some kind of snake.

"Very well what is this message you speak of?"

"An alliance, My master and the young miss wish to join forces with you against the Orcs" I was not expecting him to say that.

"An alliance you say... I see but sadly i have no knowledge of either your master or his daughter" I respond.

"My master is known as the great Rimuru Tempest"

"And my lady goessss by the name Ssssuu Tempesssst" that creature in the shadow spoke again.

"They recently received a very important request by the dryads. They have sworn that they will defeat the orc army!" This shocked everyone in the room.

"A request from the Dryads, truly?" I asked as I looked at the two in pure shock.

"She informed us that this army is being led by an orc lord"

"Impossible!" One of my men shouted.

"You may want to keep that in mind as we continue this talk" he warned.

"Yeah right Rimuru I've never heard of him. I bet that both him and his brat of a daughter are just scared of the Orcs and sent you here to beg for hel-"

However before he could finish or I could stop him he was cut off when a massive object shot out from behind the ogre. Then everyone except for the ogre was frozen in fear at what just came out of the shadows. I honestly couldn't believe my eyes to think that I would see one of the rarest creatures on the planet, I would have been excited if it wasn't for the fact that it was glaring at my guard.

A massive red and black basilisk! From what I was guessing only about one quarter of it's body was actually out in the open yet it still took up most of the room. It was like time had stopped as the massive creature look down at my guard who was very close to just running away in terror.

"You not only dare to inssssult my lord but you also insssssult my masssster, do all lizardmen wissssh for death or ssssssomething?" It's voice was no longer calm instead it was filled with killing Intent.

The red markings on it's body started to glow a dark crimson that was very close to the colour of blood. As well as that green flames had started coming out of the creatures mouth.

"Please spare him" the beast turned it's head to face me as it did a shiver went down my spine.

(So this is what it feels like to have an apex predator staring at you) I thought.

"He is just a young fool who does not know when to keep his mouth shut" I said the last part while glaring at the guard who put his head down in shame.

The basilisk looked at me for a little bit longer before slowly re-entering the shadows. When it did the tension in the room left and I sighed in relief.

(What did it mean when it said all lizardmen? Has another one of my people angered him before....) I really hoped that was not the case.

"To think that you were a basilisk it's an honour to meet such a rare creature. I do hope that you can forgive my guard's foolishness" the basilisk did not respond.

"Back on track I think your proposal could benefit us both. Now judging by your aura I am guessing that you are an ogre"

"I was an ogre however after my master gave me the name of Souei I evolved in to a kijin" Souei corrected me.

"But aren't kijins the superior race that is only born rarely among Ogres" my daughter asked.

"That must mean your master is very powerful and may I ask if you also have a name" i look towards to shadow.

"My lady gave me the name of Zeref"

"Concerning this alliance I will accept it however i do have one condition, I wish to meet your master's"

"Understood we will arrive in seven days and do not let any of your men fight the orcs until then" I nodded in understanding.

Souei then turned around and began to walk away but before he disappeared Zeref spoke once more.

"When we return I hope that you will have taught your men sssssome resssspect or I will do it for you" as soon as he finished the pair vanished


///Name: Suu tempest

///Race: Abyssal Storm Phoenix

///Titles: A lost soul. The forgotten one. First born of the abyss. Ruler of the abyss. Princess of monsters.

///Class: reaper

///Blessing: Storm Crest

///Disaster Rank human form: Special A

///Disaster Rank Phoenix form: S



(Blue hoodie with cat ears.

white trousers and shoes.

Black scarf)


(Blue Ash *scythe*)

Other types of items

(Healing potions.)


Yin(2 tailed abyssal cat)

Yang(2 tailed abyssal cat)

Zeref(abyssal basilisk)

///Species skills:

Abyss gate

Abyssal flame

Flame eater

Flame control


Darkness manipulation

Ultimate regeneration

Heat immunity

Cold resistance

Flame body

Undying soul


Super Speed


Hunger resistance

Shadow movement

Crimson lightning

Magic sense

Multilayer barrier

///Unique skills:

Everlasting hunger

Eyes of the abyss

///Ultimate skills: none
