(A/N. This is the longest chapter i have ever written. I hope that you enjoy it)
While Zeref was off meeting the lizardmen chieftain I was talking with Shuna, I had asked her if she could make me some new clothes. I wanted them so people would stop looking at me like a little kid all the time. And besides my current clothes really didn't suit me all that well.
"Are you sure this is what you want" Shuna asked.
"Yep" I replied back with a smile.
"Okay then I will get right on them, they should probably be finished before the battle begins" I nodded at her.
"I understand. Now if you don't mind me I'm going to check on kaijin, he should be able to make what I asked for.... hopefully"
"Okay have a good day lady Suu" I had gotten use to this by now even if I hated it.
I was now on my way over to kaijin's workshop. I had asked him to help me on a special project that i thought would be a good idea. I just hope he can make them in time the idea should work however there is just one problem.
"Hey kaijin how are you and the Brothers doing to day" I greeted the four of them with a small wave.
"Oh lady Suu we're doing fine thank you for asking" he smiled back at me.
"So have you found a way to do it yet?" I got right to the reason I came here.
"Well it took a while to find a way to get it right but I think that I have finally managed to figure out how to do it" he said apparently proud of himself.
"That's great to hear"
"The idea is so simple yet it could be quite the dangerous weapon if you can use it correctly" one of the Brothers praised me.
"Thanks for the praise. Now all we need is for Zeref to get back here and we can finally finished this"
"Let's hope he gets back soon" Kaijin said while nodding.
After that I spent my time helping Shuna and training with the twins in battle tactics. Once Zeref returned we got him to help with making our little project. He was a bit conflicted at first saying that it might be dangerous for me but I managed to persuade him and it's not like I could die anyway.
========five days later=======
In no time five days passed and we were now ready for the upcoming battle, I was currently standing with the twins and Zeref.
"You look so cool lady Suu" Yin practically had stars in her eyes as she looked at me.
I took a moment to look at my self and I had to admit that I agreed with her.
I had a white cloak on that went down to my knees it also had a large black X on the back of it. I was wearing a black and grey t-shirt with the same coloured pants and shoes. I also had a long bright red scarf rapped around my neck with the ends of it hanging down my back.
But the thing that I was most happy about was the mask that Rimuru had made for me. It was able to hide my aura however that's all it could do unlike Rimuru's.
The mask also look different compared to Rimuru's, it had two eye holes that were made in such a way that when I put it on all you can see are my white pupils. There was also two green streaks that connected to just underneath the eye holes and went all the way to the bottom of the mask.
"Thanks" I said as I rubbed her head.
"Hehehe" she giggled happily.
Out of the corner of my eyes I saw Yang with a slightly jealous look on her face. I couldn't help but smile at that.
"Oh. Do you want head patts too?" She began to nod her head up and down shyly.
"Fine come here" I sighed.
(Their so damn cute) I continued to pet them until I was suddenly interrupted by kaijin who appeared out of nowhere.
"Lady Suu"
"HARR. Don't scare me like that" I say while glaring at him.
"Oh sorry..... errrm a-anyway I have something for you" I looked at what he was holding.
In his arms were six tennis ball size glass spheres that were filled with a black liquid. These were as I like to call them basilisk venom grenades, it took a while to make them because we had to get the glass just right. If you made the glass to dense then it wouldn't break, if it wasn't dense enough then it would break way to easily. Also getting the vemon out off Zeref prove very difficult, as if you got any on you then you were fucked and let's just say I know that from experience.
[Poison resistance acquired]
"So you finally got them finished" I said smiling at him.
"Yes we just managed to finish them now sadly we only had time to make six of them" I nodded in understanding.
I took them from him and carefully placed them into the abyss for safe keeping. Once I was finished I thanked kaijin before leaving to check on everything one last time before Rimuru called for us.
About one hour later I was standing with Rimuru and the battle team as we said our goodbye to the group that would be staying behind.
"Please be careful" Shuna said with a worried smile.
"We will be fine, it is all of you that I'm worried about" I admitted
"Do not worry I will make sure that everyone is safe while you are all gone" Rigurd reassured me while flexing.
I could only laugh awkwardly at his antics. I then gave one last goodbye before climbing on to Zeref.
"Alright everyone let's move out" I heard Rimuru shout.
========Some time later=========
It was now night time, we had been on the move for about a day and a half now. Rimuru was at the front leading the way while I was at the back with the twins we were sitting on the back of Zeref. I was surprised at the fact that Zeref could keep up with Ranga and the other tempest wolves.
(Lord Rimuru, lady Suu do you have a moment?) I heard Souei's voice in my head.
We had send Souei out ahead of us to scout out the area. We really didn't want to just run right into an orc ambush after all.
(What's up Souei?) Rimuru replied back.
(Is something happening?) I asked.
(I've come across what looks like some kind of skirmish. I believe it's the personal guard of the lizardmen chieftain, she seems to be fighting a high ranking orc. What are your orders?) I razed an eye brow at that.
(Didn't you tell them not to engage the Orcs?) I said with a slight frown.
(That doesn't matter right now. Souei do you think that you can defeat them?) Rimuru asked.
(Quite easily)
(Woooow. Handsome and cool) I say teasingly.
(I know right it's not fair on the rest of us guy's) Rimuru laughed.
(Well anyway hold them off while we get there)
(Understood) Souei Answered back.
"Assume battle formations we're going to help Souei" Rimuru shouted to everyone.
"Yes sir" everyone shouted back.
"Let's go Zeref" I say while patting his head.
"Assss you wissssh"
It didn't take long for us to arrive at the battle..... well I thought it was a battle but it looked more like a slaughter. There were orc bodys littering the ground some were missing limbs and some were even missing their heads.
I dismounted with the twins and made my way over. This was sadly not the first time I have been confronted with the death of another intelligent creature..... but that didn't make it any easier.
(You need to chill your heart to this kind of thing, you know what you are going to have to do...) I told my self as I looked away from the body's.
"Errrm lord Rimuru I thought you said that there was a battle" Gobta had a confused look on his face.
"He had all the fun without us" Yin said while pouting.
"I gotta hand it to him Souei really has some mad skills" Rimuru said as he made his way over to the blue haired kijin.
"She has been injured" I looked at the female lizardman that Souei was holding.
"Got it" Rimuru then bent down and began to give her a healing potion.
It took a second but the lizardman wound slowly began to close as a bluish Green Glow appeared around her. Her eyes then open as she shot up and began to check her wound.
"W-what my wound.... I was sure that it was fatal" her voice was filled with fear and confusion.
She then looked up to me and Rimuru who were standing above her. She hesitated for a moment before asking.
"Who are you?"
"My name is Rimuru tempest and this here is my daughter Suu" I gave her a small wave.
Her eyes widened as she realise who we were. For a moment she seem to not know what to do however that only lasted for a split second. she then quickly put her head to the ground surprising me.
"Please I need your help. Will you save my father the lizardmen chieftain as well as my brother Gabiru. Their in grave danger" she was practically begging.
"Wait your Gabiru's sister" Rimuru asked surprised.
"Yes" she said in a quivering voice.
"Well at least we know who got the brains out of the family" I say as I looked down at her.
"SUU now is not the time" Rimuru spoke with a deadpan expression.
"Sorry. Anyway what happened" I quickly changed the subject not wanting another hit on the head.
"My brother led a rebellion and imprisoned me and my father"
(Why am I not surprised) I thought while shaking my head.
"And worse he and his men are attempting to fight the orc army them selves. However he is underestimating t-the orc lord if we don't act quickly then the lizardmen will be exterminated"
"When the guards were not looking my father help me escape so that I could warn you. I know this is selfish especially after we broke our agreement to wait for you but.... a pair of powerful marjin like you could surely help"
"Please I will do anything I'm beggi-" she was suddenly cut off.
"Stop" she looked up at me confused.
I then bent down to her and looked her dead in the eyes before continuing.
"Stop" I said once again.
"You shouldn't beg for someone's help. Asking for help is fine but never lower your self to the point of begging for help"
"B-but" I put my hand up signalling her to stop.
"No buts just listen. Okay" she nodded.
"When you ask for help you stand up and ask, never do you get down and beg because when you beg your not just giving up your own pride but the pride of everyone you want to help. Do you understand" she gave me a wary nod.
"Now stand up" it took a second but she slowly stood up and looked at me.
"Good now what do you want" I asked with a smile
"Will you please help me save my people" I looked into her eyes and saw that there was no more panic, no more fear only determination.
"That's more like it. Of course we will help you"
"Thank you"
=========Rimuru Pov========
As I looked at Suu talking to the lizardman, I noticed that it was like Suu was talking to her self. It didn't even look like she was looking at the lizardman, it was like she was looking through them
=========Suu pov===========
"Well... anyway you said your the chieftains daughter right" I heard Rimuru ask.
"Oh errrm yes" she turn to look at him.
"I'm yours to command my lord" she said while taking a knee.
"Good. Then you will act as the chieftains proxy. Do you object to forming an alliance right now" Rimuru said while looking at her.
"Huh. N-no not at all" she quickly shook her head.
"Then it's settled. Consider us your new allies" he smiled.
"Yay" i heard yang say in the background.
"Now Souei can you use shadow movement to get to the chieftain" Rimuru turned to the blue haired ninja.
"Of course I can" he said with no doubt in his voice.
"That's Souei the coolest guy ever" this got me a small smirk from him
"Please go and rescue the lizardmen chieftain"
"Yes sir" Souei gave a small bow before vanishing
"Everyone else let's continue the march" he yelled.
========3rd person pov=========
The Marshlands were filled with the sound of battle and the sound of thousands of orcs marching forward.
However on the far right side of the Marshlands the orcs had stopped. The orcs were all looking at a strange white fog that has started spreading across the battlefield.
Every orc that went in side didn't come out so they were keeping their distance. As the fog slowly cleared the orcs saw what had become of their kin. They had all been turn to stone.
"Come now orcssss it issss time for you all to die" a sudden voice was heard.
All the orcs look to where the voice had come from. When they did they saw a massive black serpent with red glowing markings all over it's body, it also had the same white fog coming out of it's mouth.
Some of the orcs immediately ran forward to attack it but were stopped, When several lances made of fire shot forward impaling them. Then before they could pull them out the lances exploded, this obviously killed said orcs and any more that were near them.
"Sorry but I can't let you attack Zeref" a new voice sounded out.
The orcs turn there attention to the two cat girls that had just appeared out of no where, one of which had several more lances above her head. The other one then drew her sword and ran forwards as flames began to cover her body and her eyes turned red.
The black haired cat girl began cutting the orcs apart with out any mercy. When ever one would get behind her they would either be hit my flaming arrows or there armour and weapons would suddenly start to melt, this was caused by the white haired cat girl.
This continued for a while until the massive serpent decided to move again. It quickly moved forward crashing in to the orc lines, yet for some reason it didn't attack them.
Confused the orcs attacked it, yet they found out that was not a good idea as everything that touched the serpent began to break down. And when something that had started to break down came in to contact with something else, it would also start breaking down.
==========Suu pov========
(Wow. Those three are really not holding back) I was currently flying over head.
I looked around the battlefield, it seemed that the others have started their attacks as i could see massive spheres of black and purple flames off in the distance.
(Looks like the kijins have joined the party) I thought.
"You there!" I was taken off guard when I heard a sudden voice below me.
"Huh?" I looked down to see who was yelling at me.
When I looked down I saw a massive orc he was at least twice the size of his comrades. He was also wearing black armour unlike his men who were wearing silver armour. I was guessing that he was a commander or something like that.
"Come down here I want to eat you" he roared up at me.
"No thanks" i smiled back.
"Very well then I will just drag you down here. CHAOS EATER" as he finished talking three red tentacles with a glowing white mouth and eyes came out of his back.
(..... I can't help but feel like there is something very wrong with this scenario. A cute girl and three tentacles....) before I could finish that disturbing thought they shot towards me.
However to the orcs surprise I didn't dodge them and what shocked him more was when they got close to me they just went right through me.
I quickly activated my super speed skill and appeared next to the orc in under a second. I pulled out blue ash and slashed at him but he barely blocked it with his shield.
I used his shield to propel myself away from him, as I did this I also sent a bolt of red lightning at him but again he was able to block it. However by doing this his shield was almost destroyed and his arm was badly burned.
Seeing their commander in great danger several more orcs ran at me. I killed most of them by throwing two of the venom grenades in to the air and then shooting them with crimson lightning, this made the black vemon rain down on the orcs. The ones that had survived were finished off as black spikes impaled all of them from behind.
I felt a bit sick knowing I had just killed another intelligent creature but i pushed those feelings away for now.
"So physical attacks have no effect on you do they" the commander asked.
"That would be correct" I said while shrugging.
"Well then let's try this shall we" he grinned at me.
"UNBRIDLED FEAR" as he said that purple smoke shot out from him and began to surround me.
I tried to dodge it but I was already trapped. I was about to try and fly out of it when I realized that nothing was happening. I looked around confused as the smoke didn't do anything to me, well that was until....
Until images.... no they were memories began to flash in my mind, I saw everything and I mean everything. I had to watch my life play out over and over again. Even though it had only been a few seconds since I was trapped in the smoke it felt like years had gone bye
I watched as my past self slowly broke down into an empty almost emotionless husk and I watched as I slowly starve to death. God.... I lost count of how many times I had to watched my self die.
I screamed as the pain, anger and sadness all came back. All the emotions all the pain that I had suppressed came rushing to the surface.
[Mental attack resistance acquired]
And then it stopped.... everything just stopped. Then a warm almost burning feeling covered my body from all sides and everything went black.
Next. Chapter 9 The black Phoenix Of Oblivion and a long needed talk
///Name: Suu tempest
///Race: Abyssal Storm Phoenix
///Titles: A lost soul. The forgotten one. First born of the abyss. Ruler of the abyss. Princess of monsters.
///Class: reaper
///Blessing: Storm Crest
///Disaster Rank human form: Special A
///Disaster Rank Phoenix form: S
(White cloak.
Black t-shirt, trousers and shoes.
Red scarf.)
(Blue Ash *scythe*.
Basilisk venom grenades)
Other types of items:
(Healing potions.
Enchanted mask *suppresses the user's aura*.)
Yin(2 tailed abyssal cat)
Yang(2 tailed abyssal cat)
Zeref(abyssal basilisk)
///Species skills:
Abyss gate
Abyssal flame
Flame eater
Flame control
Darkness manipulation
Ultimate regeneration
Heat immunity
Cold resistance
Flame body
Undying soul
Super Speed
Hunger resistance
New poison resistance
New mental attack resistance
Shadow movement
Crimson lightning
Magic sense
Multilayer barrier
///Unique skills:
Everlasting hunger
Eyes of the abyss
///Ultimate skills: none