(A/N. .... ...... ......... HARRRRRRRRRRRRRR. Sorry about that I just needed to scream a little. Why? Because I was up all night getting this chapter finished. It's my own fault for playing Destroy all humans for most of the week but still..... anyway hope you enjoy this chapter :3)
(P.S. Just thought that I would ask if there is anyone that is willing please give this fanfic a review, it helps a lot)
========Rimuru's pov========
I was watching over the battle field thinking to my self about how well it was going. The kijins were really bringing the pain as they cut down orcs after orcs.
(I need to find the orc lord and end this quickly, the only problem is where is he. Hmmm)
"Hey great sage any idea on wher-"
[Warning, warnings the heart rate of the entity known as Suu Tempest is rapidly increasing] great sage suddenly cut me off.
"WHAT! What's happening to her?" I started frantically looking around for her
[She is experiencing very high brain function, I believe that it may be some sort of panic attack. I suggest that you get to her as fast as possible]
(Shit. I knew that I should have kept a closer eye on her) I thought.
"Where is she?" I asked frantically.
[Right behind yo-] before great sage could finish a massive pillar of black flames erupted from behind me.
"What th-" I was cut off as four more massive pillars of fire erupted in a square around the middle pillar.
Then there was nothing but silence, it was so quiet you could probably hear a pin drop. It took me a second to realise that I no longer could hear the sounds of battle. I looked around and noticed that everyone had stopped fighting, even the orcs stopped to look at the massive pillars.
The outer pillars then suddenly began to move, they started bending until they hit the centre pillar. As soon as they did the flames began to form a massive sphere.
The sphere continued to grow until it was at least one hundred and fifty metres in size. The flame pillars then slowly began to disappear, now all that was left was the massive sphere of black fire.
"What the heck is going on?" I asked.
[Answer. What you are seeing is the transformation of the entity known as Suu Tempest]
Before I could question any fervour the mass of flames quickly started to solidify. It now looked like a massive ball of black and gold feathers. The massive ball then slowly began to unravel it's self, when it was done unravelling it revealed an absolutely stunning sight.
(Beautiful) was all that came to mind as I looked at what was in front of me with widened eyes.
There flying several hundred feet off the ground was amassive bird that looked alot like a crow but it had some differences. For one it had two sets of wings meaning it had four in total and that's not even mentioning the fact that it's wing span was over four hundred feet wide. It also had three extremely long tails that were covered in feathers, each tail was around thirty five metres long. It's beak and talons were golden and they looked like they were made of metal with how sharp they were. But the most eye catching thing about it where it's eyes that glowed a dark red.
"I-is that really Suu?" I asked completely shocked.
[Yes the entity known as Suu Tempest has now fully transformed into her true form the Abyssal Storm Phoenix]
Everything was quiet, everyone even the orcs were staring in amazement until Suu let out an ear piercing screech that made the very air shake. And all of the followers of Rimuru as well as Yin, Yang and Zeref all had the same thought running through their minds.
(God help whoever pissed her off this much)
=========Third person pov========
Suu's four wings spread open as they did hundreds of red orbs appeared each one was crackling with red and black lightning.
She then flapped her wings causing all the orbs to shoot out and turn into lightning bolts. As soon as they hit something they exploded vaporizing anything and everything in range of the blasts.
The orcs that were close to the explosions were killed instantly, while the unlucky once at were a bit farther a way had large parts of there body burnt off.
She then opened her golden beak and a black flame poured out. As soon as it came in to contact with the ground it spread out like a title wave.
The flame spread across the battle field like a hungry predator. It consumed every orc that was unlucky enough to have gotten in it's way.
Once the flames had dyed down everyone looked at the unbelievable carnage. In only those two attacks she had managed to kill over ten thousand orcs.
Rimuru who was looking at this had only one question. (Great sage just how much more powerful is she in this form?)
[Answer. Her magicules are equal to the time that you first met her] great sage answered.
(W-wait you mean that time when her aura was so powerful that Ranga thought it was a demon lord?) he asked as he remembered the event.
Suu then began to fly over the battle field the wind caused by the flapping of her massive wings sent orcs flying in all directions. She also started to shoot beams of lightning that ended up causing massive explosions.
The orcs that were in her way tried to get out of her path of destruction. Most of them were either vaporized or were send flying into the air and died on impact with the ground.
After a couple of minutes of this Suu suddenly started to fly higher into the sky. As she did a dark aura began to spread out from her body, the aura was so massive that by the time she had finally stopped flying higher the aura had covered the moon.
"What the heck is this?"
[Answer. This is the unique skill of the entity known as Suu Tempest, it is called everlasting hunger. Note the skill it's self seems to be evolving into something new] great sage answered.
"Okay. What exactly does it do and also what is it evolving in to?" Rimuru asked curiously.
[It is unknown what it is evolving in to, however from what I can tell it is extremely powerful. And for what it does it allows the user to suck in any material or living creature it wants into its self and absorb it. To put it into simple terms it turns the user into a black hole]
"Oh okay..... WAIT WHAT"
Suddenly everything started to be pulled up in to the darkness that covered the sky. The pull was so strong that even the surrounding clouds were pulled in. As soon as anything touched the darkness it was painfully compressed and absorbed.
Some Orcs tried to run for it but were stopped when massive chunks of the ground were ripped out and began to float upwards. Hundreds of Orcs were dying every second, it was an absolute massacre.
Rimuru was watching all of this in shock until great sage spoke again.
[Warning the entity known as Suu is running out of magicules!]
[It is because she transformed in a semi unconscious state. Her magicules are being used to keep her awake and also to keep the transformation going] great sage explained.
"What to I do then?"
[Get ready to catch her] great sage said with out any explanation
"Wait wha-"
But before Rimuru could finish what he was saying he was cut off when the pull suddenly stopped. He looked up only to see the massive black aura slowly disappearing into a quickly shrinking ball of fire.
For a second it was like time had completely stopped as everything that was being pulled up towards the sky started falling back down. And just like that everyone started running for their lives as a massive amount of debris came crashing down.
Rimuru desperately looked around trying to spot Suu. He eventually saw her falling head first towards the ground, as quickly as he could he flew over to her dodging all the falling debris that was in his way.
Once he reached her he quickly caught her in a princess carry. Rimuru checked her for any injuries, thankfully she was fine. However there was the fact that she was completely unconscious.
"You did a great job. Now sleep and let me do the rest" Rimuru smiled down at her.
============several hours later Suu pov==========
"W-where am i?" I say as I tried to remember what had happened to me.
"The last thing that I can remember is....." I tried to focus on what had happened and that's when the memories came flooding back.
My eyes immediately opened in fear as I shot up and started to look around. I found that I was in a room that's walls were made out of stone. I also saw that my scythe and mask were on a table at the side of my bed.
(Calm down, calm down everything is fine.... you are not back in that hell hole) i thought while grabbing my mask and hugging it. I was hoping that it would help me calm down a little.
After a minute of this a realisation hit me. I was so focused on trying to calm my racing heart that I had forgotten something.
(Wait why am i in a bed? Wasn't I on a battlefield just a minute ago? Is everyone okay? Did we win or lose?) Hundreds of questions flashed through my mind.
I was about to get up and look around so that I could find out where I was, when a voice stopped me.
"You really shouldn't be moving" I turned around to see who it was, only to see Rimuru leaning up against a wall.
"Where did you come from?" I asked confused on why I didn't see him before.
"That doesn't matter right now. Right now you and I need to have a talk" I was taken off guard by his serious tone.
It took sometime for him to explain but by the end of it he had told me everything that had happened. How I went on a rampage and how he ended up defeating the orc lord. I was thankful when he told me that no one on our side got hurt because of me.
"I really did that?" he nodded at my question.
"H-how many?" I really didn't want to know but I had too.
".....over thirty five thousand!"
"I..... I killed that many?" I said in a quiet voice as I looked at the ground.
The silence in the room went on for a few more minutes before Rimuru finally spoke again.
"There is something I need to ask you" he asked catching my attention.
"What is it?" I was a little confused to why his attitude changed so suddenly.
He exhaled before continuing. "What exactly happened to you out there"
"What do you mean" I started to get uncomfortable.
"Your heart rate suddenly skyrocketed and you started having a panic attack" I looked down not wanting to meet his gaze.
"Who knows... maybe it was because my skill started to evolve" I was obviously lying.
"Suu tell me the truth" I flinch at the small bit of anger in his voice.
"I.... I remembered a bad memory that's all haha-ha"
"What was it about?" He asked.
"I'd rather not talk about it" I said as I put my head on my knees.
"Sigh. I know that you don't want too. I really didn't want to force you, I thought that it would have been fine to wait for when you were ready. But now I realise that you need this, you need to tell someone" I could hear the worry in his voice.
"Why should I?" i snapped back at him
"Because if you don't your emotions are just going to pile up until you lose control all over again. It was a miracle you didn't hurt any of us but who knows what could happen next time you lose control. you may hurt someone you care about, you may even hurt your self"
"And don't you even think I've forgotten about that time with Gabiru. All he did was talk down to us and you were ready to kill him" I couldn't help but feel a bit ashamed about that.
"S-so I'm practically unkillable and even if I were to die I would just come back to life" I pointed out.
"Fair point but not everyone is immortal like you, what if you end up killing someone you care about the next time you lose control. Also do you really think that I want to see you die, even if I know that you will come back to life" that made me flinch again.....
"I promise to you that no matter what you tell me I will always be here for you. I will never tell anyone with out your permission"
"I know what I'm asking is hard but please....."
"Please tell me how you died" he pleaded.
"....fine" I said in a quiet voice
I sat there for some time trying to calm my self before continuing. Rimuru just sat next to me waiting patiently for me to start. I took one last deep breath before opening my mouth to speak.
"I was born in Japan, even though my parents were english.....
My mother had died in childbirth and my father blamed me for it. I was alive for only five minutes and my father already hated me.
As I got older that hatred for me grew. He started blaming me for everything wrong that happened, he thought that I was a curse on his family. The only reason he didn't kill me was because I looked so much like my mother.....
He never gave me anything... I didn't even have my own bed, he just made me sleep on the floor. To be honest I don't even know my own birthday, as I've never had one.
There was no escape from him no matter how hard I tried. I was not allowed to go to school or do anything like that, it was rare for me to even be let out side. I'm sure you want to know why I didn't just ask for help well I did. No matter who I told about it the same thing would happen every time, either they didn't believe me or they just didn't care.
I only had one person who looked after me, well if you could call it that. My older sister, she was the only person who even took notice of me. She taught me how to read and write but that doesn't mean she cared about me. N-no she.... she hated me just as much as my father did.
I think the only reason she help me was because my mother had asked her to..... that was until one year before I died. I don't know what started it but my dad and sister had a massive fight and it ended up in her leaving.
I think that was the day.... the day that my father finally broke" I stopped for a minute before continuing.
"H-he no... no longer cared about the fact that I looked like my mother, all that he wa-wanted now was to make m-me suffer. He would beat me, cut me, starve me..... one of the worst things he did was when he put my hand in to boiling hot water" my left hand started shaking at the memory.
"Then one day he just..... he just hung him self right in front of me. The last words that he said to me were, "It should have been you who died that day". Then he killed him self, even in death he still looked at me with hatred.
Soon after that I starved to death. I didn't care anymore and all that I wanted was to die at that point.
It's funny isn't it. If I was never born then my family would have had a happy life haha ha yeah... hilarious" my head was at this point buried in my knees and tears were streaming down my face.
After I finished there was no sound in the room just silence. At first I started to think that it was going to be just like the others, that he would just say that it's not his problem and leave. But to my surprise he just suddenly grabbed me and pulled me in to a tight hug.
I couldn't see his face because of the shadow that covered it and he also wasn't saying anything.
"W-what are you doing..... let go" I tried to get out of his grasp but couldn't.
"Huh?" I looked up at him.
"I will never let you go, understand. I will never let anyone hurt you like that again" he said with no room for doubt. Hearing this I didn't know what to do or what to say.
I was scared that this was all a dream that any minute I would wake up back in my old bed and be forced to go through that hell again. I grabbed on to him trying to confirm to my self that I was not dreaming and there was someone that finally cared about me.
"It's okay to cry. Just let it out" is voice was so calm and gentle.
I just listen to him as I finally let everything I was keeping down out. All the rage, sadness, depression and loneliness that I had locked away for all those years came rushing to the surface. I had no idea how long I cried for, all I know is that it was a long time.
=========Rimuru pov=========
She's been crying non stop for about two hours now, my clothes are completely drenched but I don't care. I continue to talk to her as calmly as I can but it's hard you know, really hard to keep my voice calm.
Why, it's because I'm extremely pissed off right now. I've never been this mad in my life, I really want to rip that asshole a new one. No person should have to go through something like that especially not a little girl.
In fact I'm so mad right now that it's become all most impossible for me to control my aura. If it was not for great sage helping me my aura would have gone crazy and destroyed the room.
'If I ever meet that bastard or anyone else who made her feel like this I will make them pay I swear' I thought coldly.
I was about to continue with my thoughts when I realized that she had stopped crying. I looked down to see her looking up at me, her black and white eyes were now very red.
"Are you feeling better now?" she just gave me a small nod.
"C-can I ask something" I could barely hear her.
"Can I hold y-you.... in your slime form I mean" this made me chuckle a little.
"Sure" I said as i transformed.
She then picked me up and put me on her knees before burying her head in my back.
"Squishy" she said in a childish tone.
This actually took me by surprise, ever since i found her she had always acted very mature. I'm guessing she was trying to act strong because of her past.
"Tha...." she said something that I couldn't hear.
"What was that?"
"T-thank you... thank you for everything.... papa" she said with red cheeks.
"Anytime" I answered back with a smile. However in my head I was celebrating.
We stayed like this for a while until...
"Huh" me and Suu said at the same time
///Name: Suu tempest
///Race: Abyssal Storm Phoenix
///Titles: A lost soul. The forgotten one. First born of the abyss. Ruler of the abyss. Princess of monsters. The black Phoenix of oblivion
///Class: reaper
///Blessing: Storm Crest
///Disaster Rank human form: Special A
///Disaster Rank Phoenix form: S
(White cloak.
Black t-shirt, trousers and shoes.
Red scarf.)
(Blue Ash *scythe*.
Basilisk venom grenades)
Other types of items:
(Healing potions.
Enchanted mask *suppresses the user's aura*.)
Yin(2 tailed abyssal cat)
Yang(2 tailed abyssal cat)
Zeref(abyssal basilisk)
///Species skills:
Abyss gate
Abyssal flame
Flame eater
Flame control
Darkness manipulation
Ultimate regeneration
Heat immunity
Cold resistance
Flame body
Undying soul
Super Speed
Hunger resistance
Poison resistance
Mental attack resistance
Shadow movement
Crimson lightning
Magic sense
Multilayer barrier
///Unique skills:
Eyes of the abyss
///Ultimate skills: none