Chapter 13 How A King Lost To A Cat

(A/N. I'm back yay. Haha anyway I hope that you all enjoy the chapter)

============Zeref pov==============

I was at the front of the village with several others, as well as lord Rimuru who was in his slime form. In front of us stood a large group of Pegasus Knights. Several of them were looking up at me with a slight hint of shock and fear. It didn't bother me that much as I was already used to this kind of reaction.

As soon as they landed kaijin had run over to them and quickly took a knee in front of a dwarf with a red cloak and silver armor. The man had short black hair that looked well kepped, he was also rather tall for a dwarf. The man's skin was also tanned a light brown.

Once kaijin had finished talking with him the man walked forward a bit. Lord Rimuru then did the same, moving forward to meet him.

"The slime" the strange man said.

"Who isssss he?" I quietly asked Rigurd.

"He is Gazel Dwargo the hero king of the dwarves" I nodded in understanding.

"Allow me to introduce myself, I am Rimuru tempest. While I am a slime I would rather you didn't call me that because I am also the chancellor of the Jura forest alliance" lord Rimuru then transformed back into his human form.

"Obviously this is not my real form but it should at least make talking with you a lot easier. So what is it that I can do for you?" Lord Rimuru asked calmly.

"I will get right to the point then, you see... I'm here to determine your worth" I didn't like where he was going with this.

"Meaning?" Lord Rimuru seemed a bit confused.

"I will judge you using nothing but the steal of my weapon" Gazel put his hand on the hilt of his sword.

(He dares to try and pick a fight with the lord, I should petrify him where he stands) I thought to myself.

"If you insist on boasting about being the chancellor of this forest then it's up to me and my sword to put you in your place. Unless that toy on your hip is just for decoration, you better except my challenge" Gazel said threateningly.

"Sir pleace don't do this. You will need to save your strength for when we meet that bird!" One of his men said catching me off guard.

"Wouldn't a fight be the quickest way to-" however before Gazel could finish I cut him off.

"What do you mean by 'that bird'?" I asked.

"Hmmmm? O-oh the giant black and gold bird that we got reports about" the man in question took a step back when he saw me glaring at him.

(How dare he call my lady a simple bird, she is a Phoenix) I thought while letting out a hiss.

"If you call my lady a 'bird' again I will-" i was about to continue when lord Rimuru raised his hand for me to stop.

"I am sorry about him, he is very protective of my daughter" lord Rimuru apologised while scratching the back of his head.

"Wait your daugh-" however before he could finish there was a bright green light.

(It seems everyone is getting interrupted today) I thought. I was still slightly annoyed because of what the man said.

I turn my head to see Treyni standing there. King Gazel and his knights were surprised to say the least to see a dryad.

"I am the dryad Treyni and I will act as a witness to this challenge"

"I-it can't be, a-a dryad" one of the knights stuttered out.

"Now please state the rules of this challenge and let us begin"

=============Suu pov===============

"This is a terrible idea" Yang shouted from my back.

"Na, there's no way this could possibly go wrong" I said with a chuckle.

"Wheeeeeeee. This is the best" unlike yang, Yin seem to be having a great time.

"See, Yin gets it"

"This is the greatest plan" me and yin said at the same time.

(A/N. Does anyone actually get that reference)

"P-please sl-slow down I-I I'm gonna be. *Gagg*. Oh shit" Kuro was not looking so good right now.


============Rimuru pov=============

(Wow he's stronger then he looks) I thought.

I had just gotten finished with my battle against king Gazel. I was only able to win because it turns out Hakurou was king Gazels teacher as well.

"You really surprised me there Rimuru, I was not expecting you to block my attack" king Gazel laughed while patting my back.

"Now before we continue these talks I would like to meet this daughter of yours, as i need to test her as well" he said with a now serious expression.

(Well I saw this coming. I just hope that Suu doesn't kill him) I could only hope.

Just as I was about to tell him that she was not here right now I felt that there was someone approaching me. Turning around I found Souei standing there with a worried expression.

"What's up Souei?"

"Well my lord you see... I sent one of my clones to fetch the young miss" he seemed a did hesitant but continued anyway.

"She is on her way here now"

"And how exactly is that a bad thing?" I asked confused.

Souei didn't say anything, he just turned around and pointed at the sky. Me and Gazel looked to where he was pointing and so did everyone else. What we saw made me sigh while the others laughed. King Gazel and his Knights however had a mix of awe and fear.

"God damn it Suu" was all I could say.

"When the report said she was massive..... I still wasn't expecting this" I heard king Gazel mutter.

To be continued.....

(A/N. Na just fucking with you, I'm not that evil or am I hehe)

I watched as Suu's massive Phoenix body flew over the town. She was so big that her body made a shadow that covered the entire town as she flew over it. I could see the twins as well as Kuro on her back, the latter was not looking too good.

As she got closer the Knights pegasuses started to panic, thankfully the Knights were able to stop them from flying off.

(A/N. What's the plural for Pegasus?)

Finally after a few more seconds she landed, when she did the ground shook under her weight. Kuro immediately jumped off of her and sprinted in to the trees, soon after the sound of him vomiting could be heard.

"Hi lord Rimuru. Who are your new friends?" Yin greeted me with a wave as she jumped off of Suu.

I didn't have time to respond as Suu had started glaring at king Gazel and his Knights. Her piercing red eyes made even king Gazel take a step back, it also probably didn't help the fact that she had her eyes activated.

"Y-you ca-can't scare t-the P-pegasus Knights you damn bird" one of the Knights yelled.

After said knight shouted this everything went quiet. The other Knights looked at the guy in disbelief, even king Gazel shook his head at him. Suu her self just looked at him for a second that seem to stretch on forever.


"RRRRRRROOOOOOOAAAAAARRRRRRR" she let out an ear shattering roar that shook the hole town.

After she had finished and the guy had pissed him self from fear, everything had went quiet again until.....

"Lady Suu it's not very nice to scream" everyone looked at where the voice had come from only to see yang standing in front of Suu.

"It isn't nice to yell at someone you just met, that goes for you too" she glared back at the Knight.

Me and the other villagers didn't say anything, we all knew never to make Yang angry. We couldn't help but feel sorry for the knight and Suu. King Gazel on the other hand seemed rather impressed at how little Yang was standing up to a massive Phoenix.

"Now change back right now and apologise" she said with puffed out cheeks.

And that was all it took. Suu's body turned into black flames witch quickly began to shrink back in to a humanoid shape. Once that finished the flames solidified revealing Suu's human body.


=============Suu pov===============

"Sorry" I quickly bowed not wanting to piss Yang off more.


"Soooooo.... who are you guys then" I asked while rubbing the back of my head.

"I am king Gazel the hero king and these are my Knights. I have come here to test you" the big guy standing next to Rimuru said.

"Test me?"

"He wants to have a battle with you" Rimuru explained.

"Hmmmm no thanks" I shrugged.

King Gazel glared at me for a second and opened his mouth to say something. However he never got the chance too.....

"My lady already said no, it's not nice to try and force someone" king Gazel looked down to see Yang looking back at him.

"I'm sorry little one bu-" he tried to argue but got cut off.

"No buts. What would people think if they found out the great hero king Gazel attacked a fourteen year old girl unprovoked, hmmmm" Yang began to let out a very dangerous aura.

"Unprovoked. She was the one who..." king Gazel stopped himself when he saw Yang give him a closed eye smile and her aura increase.

"I'm scared dad" I said while hugging Rimuru

"We're all scared Suu. We're all scared" he was right, even Zeref was dead quiet.

"....... well I suppose I can let it go, as I've already battled Rimuru" king Gazel took a step back while sweating slightly.

"Good boy" Yang gave a happy nod before walking back over to me.

And that's how the great hero king of the dwarves Gazel lost an argument with a little cat girl. This event made everyone present internally swear never to piss Yang off again.


///Name: Suu tempest

///Race: Abyssal Storm Phoenix

///Titles: A lost soul. The forgotten one. First born of the abyss. Ruler of the abyss. Princess of monsters. The black Phoenix of oblivion

///Class: reaper

///Blessing: Storm Crest

///Disaster Rank human form: Special A

///Disaster Rank Phoenix form: S



(White cloak.

Black t-shirt, trousers and shoes.

Red scarf.)


(Blue Ash *scythe*.

Basilisk venom grenades)

Other types of items:

(Healing potions.

Enchanted mask *suppresses the user's aura*.)


Kuro(Abyssal demon Orc )

Yin(2 tailed abyssal cat)

Yang(2 tailed abyssal cat)

Zeref(abyssal basilisk)

///Species skills:

Abyss gate

Abyssal flame

Flame eater

Flame control


Darkness manipulation

Ultimate regeneration

Heat immunity

Cold resistance

Flame body

Undying soul



Magic weaving

Magic control

Super Speed

bonded (Rimuru)

Hunger resistance

Poison resistance

Mental attack resistance

Shadow movement

Crimson lightning

Magic sense

Multilayer barrier

///Unique skills:

Sorrow.(Mind illusion. Mental decay. Emotional state. Emotion eater. Bottomless Void)

Eyes of the abyss

///Ultimate skills: none
