Chapter 14 The Birth Of A Nation

(A/N. Just wanted to say that I was really tired while writing this so don't be afraid to point out any mistakes I may have made)

=============Rimuru pov============

"I see"

It has been a few hours since king Gazel first appeared and we are currently in a meeting..... well me and king Gazel are, almost everyone else is getting drunk. The only once who are not drinking are the head of the Pegasus Knights, the twins and finally Suu who is currently sleeping on my lap.

"So this was about the orc lord, you wanted to know who was behind his downfall" I nodded in understanding.

"Yes. We also wanted to find out if they were friends or enemies. Now that you understand I have two things that I would like to ask of you" king Gazel became a bit more serious.

"Okay. What is it?" I asked.

"First thing's first then. If I remember correctly you told me that she is a Phoenix correct" king Gazel gestured towards the sleeping Suu.

"Errrrm, yeah what about it?"

"I am just going to give you a warning. I suggest that you only tell people that you can trust about her race" I really didn't like were this was going.

"What do you mean? It's not like anyone can kill her.... right?" I asked hesitantly.

"By normal means no..... but as you may know the Phoenixs were almost wiped out by humanity a long time ago. I don't know the specifics but it is said that humanity use some kind of weapon to wipe them out...." he spoke so that only me and the head of the Pegasus Knights could hear.

"But wasn't the method that they use to kill the Phoenixs lost ages a go?"

"Indeed, most of the weapons were in fact lost to time.... however from what I've gathered some of these weapons were not lost. In fact they were taken by several countries that thought they could use them to gain power" he explained.

(That's.... not good at all) I thought to myself.

"And what exactly are these weapons?" If I was going to protect Suu I would need to know.

"I don't know. All I know is that you should be careful with who you trust"

(Great sage do you have any idea on what they could be?) I asked her hopefully.

[Answer. I have no information on what these weapons are]

(Sigh. Just great)

".....I have one question. Why exactly are you telling me all this?"

"Two reasons. First because I believe that you will need to know this information in the future and secondly..... because I wish to know if you are interested in entering a treaty with me!" I was not expecting that last part.


"If you were to gain control of everything in this forest as well as the surrounding area, it's possible that you could obtain wealth and power surpassing my own nation. That is why it's important you gain support from another country" he explained.

"Don't get me wrong, that would be awesome but....." I hesitated while looking over at the others.

"It's just.... are you really okay with acknowledging my monster country as it's own nation. That's a pretty big deal you know" I said more seriously.

"I do and I except it. This deal would benefit both of our party's and in this event we all stand to profit"

"Sigh..... it's not like I can really refuse now can i. Alright then consider it a deal" I say with a smile.

"Thank you. Now all that's left is for you to pick a name for your nation" he said with a smirk.


(Oh I'm just naming a nation.... NO PRESSURE OR ANYTHING) I couldn't help but yell in my mind.

I sat there for a while running through different names in my head. It took sometime but I finally came up with one after a minute of thinking.

"It's the Jura Tempest Federation"

"That's an excellent choice for a name" king Gazel nodded in approval

"That's our lord Rimuru" I heard Shion say.

"Indeed" Benimaru also agreed.

(Well at least they like it) I thought with a sigh.

"Now we just have to come up with a name for the town" this time it was Rigurd who spoke.


"Huh?" Everyone said at the same time

I looked down to where the voice came from only to see Suu looking up at me with cute sleepy eyes. I was a bit confused at why she called me Rimuru as most of the time she calls me dad.

"Sorry did we wake you up?" I asked.

==============Suu pov==============

"No you didn't wake me up"

"Then what is it?" Rimuru looked down at me questioningly.

"Well it's just I thought that we should call the town Rimuru after you" i said with an evil smile.

"Hang on that's kind-" Rimuru tried to argue but got cut off.

"That's a great idea lady Suu!" The twins and Shion said in unison.

"No other name could possibly be any better" Rigurd smiled still slightly drunk.

"Right I absolutely agree. No one could ever possibly object to that name" Benimaru said while giving me a closed eye smirk.

(Well my work is done here)

"Alright I'm going back to sleep now" I said as I lay back down.

"Don't you dare just go back to sleep after you just went and betrayed me like that. SUU" was the last thing I heard before I fell asleep again.

And just like that the nation of Tempest was born, dad was pretty annoyed at me but it was funny so who cares. The next morning king Gazel and his Pegasus Knights left to return back to his own nation.

(I wonder when we are going to end up meeting him again) I thought to myself.

==========Two day's later============

"I have returned Rimuru" king Gazel said with a large smile.

"Obviously but why are you back?" Rimuru asked confused.

"Yeah, did you really miss us that much already" I joked.

"Hahaha. No I brought you a gift!" As he said that his Knights threw something on to the ground.

"Is it a pinata?" I asked as I looked at the thing in front of me.

It was covered in brown cloth and was rather large.... it took me a second to realise a part of the cloth had unravelled revealing the face of a knocked out man. Well I think he was knocked out.

"Is that a dead body?" Rimuru yelled

"What's a pinata?" king Gazel looked at me strangely.

(Hey don't look at me like that, your the one who doesn't know what a pinata is) I thought with a huff.

"Wait isn't that Vesta?" I turned around to see Kaijin.


(I'm so confused) I thought.

"Vesta is...." Kaijin began to explain who this guy was.

It didn't take long for Rimuru and Kaijin to fill me in on Vesta. Apparently he is some ass hole who works for the king, the guy almost got Rimuru thrown in jail for nothing. To say the least just from that short story I already didn't like him.

"I have one question. Why did you bring him here?" I glanced at king Gazel.

"It's wasteful to let a gifted man like Vesta sit around and do nothing. You see he has not been allowed to work for me since the trial. Give him a job" king Gazel Answered.

"But my king you should think of the needs of Dwargon, the dwarfs will surely suffer with out his knowledge" Kaijin argued.

"Also there is the fact that he tried to imprison my dad and Kaijin" I pointed out.

"Bold words coming from someone who left Dwargon behind him self" this made kaijin flinch a little.

"And as for your point, I can understand where your distrust comes from. However I would at least like for you to give him a chance" he said while looking over at me.

"Our nation's are allies now, sharing resources is what we do. This is your chance to develop your country further"

I couldn't help but clench my fists at that. I knew exactly what he meant by it but still. The idea of seeing people as only resources.... well to say the least it pissed me off.


"Huh. Y-yes?" The man who had finally woken up looked over at king Gazel.

The cloth that was around him fell off allowing me to see what he looked like. He had short brown hair as well as a small beard and moustache. He was wearing a white lab coat with a blue T-shirt underneath it as well as dark grey pants.

"I want you to study here, devote yourself to it" king Gazel ordered. For a split second Vesta seemed hesitant before bowing down in front of king Gazel.

"I.... I shall. This time I promise... I promise I will live up to your expectations my king" he then turned around to face us.

"Lord Rimuru, Kaijin I am truly sorry. I-if you would allow it, then it would be my honour to work here and serve you" he deeply bowed.

"Well... having another talented researcher around would be a great help. Listen Rimuru if anything should happen I will take responsibility. I will supervise him so please say yes" Vesta seemed a bit surprised at Kaijin's declaration.

"Thank you Kaijin"

(That's not really fair on Kaijin though) I thought.

"If this is what you want kaijin then I'm okay with it.... however it's not just my call" Rimuru glanced over at me.

"Suu as the vice chancellor and my daughter you also have a say here" Rimuru pointed out.

I took a second to think about what I should say. I then looked down at Vesta before letting out a very long Sigh.

"Alright.... i guess he could help me out with my little project" I said while scratching the back of my head.

"So it's settled then. Vesta your hired"

"Thank you lord Rimuru..... and thank you lady Suu, I swear you will not regret giving me this chance"

Soon after that king Gazel left again. The villagers clapped and waved him and the Pegasus knights goodbye. All was well until....

"Alright now that that's over with why are you here" I asked while turning to face the very familiar group of lizardmen.

"Huh! Hahahahahahahaha I the ever amazing Gabiru have come here hoping that I may be able to assist you"

(Oh god no)

"Your amazing Gabiru"

"It's true you know, you really are the best sir"

(God not them to. I thought I was done with Gabiru's cheerleaders) I groaned internally.

"I will get rid of them" Shion said unsheathing her massive sword

"Shion my hero"

"W-wait just hear me out. Okay the real reason I came here is because we want to join your ranks. On my honour I swear that we'll be useful to you so please"

"Please my lord and lady" they all said in unison.

"Huh?" Me and dad were equally confused.

"My brother knows that he was wrong. All he want's to do now is repay his debt"

"Aren't you the captain of the guard" me and Rimuru were both surprised to see Gabiru's sister.

"Yes and unlike my brother I was not cast into exile. Instead my father sent me here hoping I would learn more about the world" she said while taking a knee.

"Wait so you didn't come here because you missed me?" Gabiru asked.

"What? No of course not"

(Haha you know i like her more and more every second) I couldn't help but laugh at the two as they continued bickering.

Soon after that Rimuru started naming them while I left with kaijin and Vespa. We needed to find a place for Vespa and then we could start on my little project.

(A/N. I'm just going to say this. To those who have been wanting Suu to go to the abyss your wait will be over soon)


///Name: Suu tempest

///Race: Abyssal Storm Phoenix

///Titles: A lost soul. The forgotten one. First born of the abyss. Ruler of the abyss. Princess of monsters. The black Phoenix of oblivion

///Class: reaper

///Blessing: Storm Crest

///Disaster Rank human form: Special A

///Disaster Rank Phoenix form: S



(White cloak.

Black t-shirt, trousers and shoes.

Red scarf.)


(Blue Ash *scythe*.

Basilisk venom grenades)

Other types of items:

(Healing potions.

Enchanted mask *suppresses the user's aura*.)


Kuro(Abyssal demon Orc )

Yin(2 tailed abyssal cat)

Yang(2 tailed abyssal cat)

Zeref(abyssal basilisk)

///Species skills:

Abyss gate

Abyssal flame

Flame eater

Flame control


Darkness manipulation

Ultimate regeneration

Heat immunity

Cold resistance

Flame body

Undying soul



Magic weaving

Magic control

Super Speed

bonded (Rimuru)

Hunger resistance

Poison resistance

Mental attack resistance

Shadow movement

Crimson lightning

Magic sense

Multilayer barrier

///Unique skills:

Sorrow.(Mind illusion. Mental decay. Emotional state. Emotion eater. Bottomless Void)

Eyes of the abyss

///Ultimate skills: none
