A/N (Volume 2 Info)

Okay let's get right to the point, Volume 2 won't start for a little while because I've got a few things that I need to get done first. I plan to start Volume 2 in about 3 weeks or so once I've gotten everything done. I'll just list them all here to make it easier.

• Going through every chapter while spell checking and fixing some other mistakes. (Thanks again to everyone that pointed out mistakes that I made, it will make it easier on me)

• Ask 4. (If you want to ask questions now please do it below)

==Ask questions here==

• Follower statuses

• Something special. (And no I'm not telling you what it is you will have to wait hehe)

So these are the things I need to get done, once I've finished all of them I will start volume 2. As for my plans for volume 2 I will say this, this is the volume that Suu starts building an army. I'm not going to tell you why but I hope you all look forward to seeing a lot more abyssal creatures.