Ask 4


Question 1: IDO

I want to ask Rimuru what he thinks about Suu going on a journey alone to who knows where?


Rimuru: "Sigh. Honestly I wish she had at least taken Zeref with her instead of going off on her own..... at least I have some idea of where she is going, I guess"



Question 2: IDO

What does Milim want her relationship with Suu to be?


Milim: "Yay, someone asked me a question"

Author: "Milim.... the question, you need to answer it"

Milim: "Oh right, I think Suu is super cute especially when she is flustered. It's absolutely adorable"

Author: "The question was about what you want your relationship with her to be, not what you think of her when she's embarrassed"

Milim: "Hehehe"

Author: "Your not going to answer the question are you?"

Milim: "Nope"



Question 3: Scion_Rajaram

Okay so for Suu. When you met Gabiru you said that he reminded you of "him". When you said him, did you mean your father or someone else?


Suu: ".....yes I was talking about him. You see he used to act all high and mighty like he was always in the right, no matter w-what he did"



Question 4:

Also what would you do if you ran into your mother and sister again?


Suu: "I have no idea.... I never even knew my mother so I don't really know how I would react to meeting her. As for my sister, well first she should be still in my old world so the only way for me to see her again would be to go back and honestly.... I don't think I ever want to go back there"



Question 5: Cyko_Gamer

Suu, do you think lava would hurt you since you are made mostly or completely of fire in your Phoenix form?


Suu: "That's.... huh! You know what, now that I think about it lava probably wouldn't do anything to me as I do have the heat immunity skill. So yeah I don't think anything would happen if I tried jumping into lava"



Question 6: Garrett_Dodson_8179

This is for everyone? If you gain godhood how would you react and what would be the first thing you do?


Suu: "I would probably be incredibly confused but after getting over my confusion I'd use it to find answers for all my fucking questions"

Rimuru: "I actually would have the same reaction as Suu, however I would use the power to accomplish my dream that I've had ever since I came to this world and that dream is to..... create a tv so I can watch anime"

Author: "Really, that's it?"

Rimuru: "What can I say I'm a weeb"

Author: "Fair point"

Benimaru: "I think I speak for all the kijin when I say that if we were given that power we would use it to rebuild our clan"

Milim: "I probably wouldn't do much with it, in fact I would probably be bored because there would be no one powerful enough to fight me anymore"

Yin: " I'd use it to beat up anyone that hurt lady Suu or my friends"

Yang: "Yeah!"

Zeref: "Hmmmm, I don't really know. I would probably be very overwhelmed with the ressssponssssibly that comessss with sssssuch power"

Kuro: "An interesting question. I would probably use it to make sure no one had to go through what my people had to, no one deserves to starve after all"



Question 7: K1tten

(For Suu) what do you think of a place would be that is the opposite of the abyss?


Suu: "Errrrm, well I guess it would be just the real world because the abyss and real world are actually very different yet also very similar"

Author: "Hmmm where have I heard something like that before"

Suu: "I don't know maybe one of the other asks. Why are you asking anyway?"

Author: "Oh nothing I was just thinking that's all"

Suu: "Yeah yeah whatever"



Question 8: K1tten

Also I have no shame do you know how that feels, it's great one less negative(ish) emotion.


Suu: "No I don't because unlike some people I know how to respect boundaries"

Rimuru: "Are you still mad about the fact I was in the female hot springs"

Suu: "I'm not even going to answer that"

Rimuru: "I only did it two tim-"

Suu: *Releases her aura"

Suu: "What do you mean TWO times!?"

Rimuru: ".....Oops"



Question 9: shiro_kuma

For Suu: what will you do if Milim is brainwashed?


Suu: "...If that does happen well let's just say...."

Suu/????: ["$^;'WE^%#;,?(#MIGHT$&$/,;:$GET%;%A&;%%LITTLE^#&;:ANGRY:&&:$%&="]



Question 10: shiro_kuma

Also do you like bears?


Suu: "Their okay, I guess"

Rimuru: "That's a better answer then you got last time you asked that"



Question 11: _4_

If Suu and Milim had babys, what would they be?

Question 12: A_Living_Potato

If Suu had baby's (preferably with Milim) would they come out like a human or in eggs.

Question 13: TwinTsunami

If Suu had a child, would she feed it like birds do this young?


Suu: *Turns completely red*

Rimuru: "hahaha..... Suu?"

Suu: *Fainted*

Rimuru: "Well she won't be getting up for a while. Hey Great Sage mind answering them for us?"

Great Sage: [Displaying answers now. Answer one. It is unknown what the offspring of a Phoenix and a Dragonoid would be because it has never happened before, however the very rare offspring of a Dragon and a Phoenix is a Draconic Phoenix. Answer two. It would depend which form she was in at the time of impregnation because she would actually be locked in said form until she gave birth. Answer 3. Again it would depend on the form that she was in at the time]

Rimuru: "Thanks Great Sage"

Great Sage: [No thanks are needed. Also I would like to recommend we wait for Suu to wake up before we continue]

Rimuru: "Agreed"


Short break brought to you by chibi Milim protectively hugging chibi Suu.


Question 14: Not_Dead_Yet

For Suu: what would you name your kids.... or chicks I guess?


Suu: *Blush*

Rimuru: "Suu don't pass out, come on you can do it"

Suu: "I-I-I'm f-fi-fine"

Rimuru: "Okay now answer the question"

Suu: "I-I do-don't know, I've n-n-never thought ab-about it. Also h-how would we even... y-you know, we're both girls"

Rimuru: "Well you do have the body manipulation skill so I suppose you coul-"


Suu: *laying on the floor unconscious with steam pouring from her head*

Great Sage: [You just had to go and say it didn't you]

Rimuru: "Sorry"


Short break brought to you by chibi Suu shyly giving flowers to chibi Milim.


Question 15: Pepega123

For Rimuru: What are your thoughts on the fact that your daughter has a crush on someone that is over 20,000 years old? And what are your thoughts on Milim possibly wants to get in a relationship with your daughter even with that age gap?


Rimuru: "It p-probably isn't a good i-id-idea to just say t-that out loud bro"

Milim: *Angrily glaring at the question while releasing her aura*

Rimuru: "Well a-anyway if she really is that ol-"

Milim: *Glares at Rimuru"

Rimuru: "I-I-I me-mean if you are right about that then I can only guess Milim if probably immortal. The same can be said for Suu so in a strange way I am happy for her. Think about it this way if she had a crush on a normal person she would have to watch them grow old and die....."

Rimuru: "Also there's the point that Elves live a really long time yet most people (including myself) wouldn't say no to a beautiful Elf wife"

Rimuru: "Actually now I'm curious, Yes or no would you go out with an Elf girl or guy even if they were like 1000 years old. Tell me below"





Question 16: Pepega123

Also for the Author: Will Guy have any interactions with Suu before the whole demon lord thing?


Author: "I have no plans for them to meet right now but i could change my mind at some point in the future"



Question 17: Wayne_Evans_4164

For Suu. What is your favourite skill so far.


Suu: "well I have two that I like the most, the first one is my transformation skill as it feels amazing to turn in to a massive Phoenix and fly through the sky. The second one is..... p-probably my J-joy skill"

Benimaru: "Oooooh, is it because you got it after lady Milim kis-"

Suu: "SHUT UP!"



Question 18: Wayne_Evans_4164

For Rimuru. If Suu does fall in love will you be happy for her.


Rimuru: "That's a silly question, of course I will be happy if she finds someone that she cares about that much"



Question 19: LostFall

To Milim: What parts of Suu do you like most about her?


Milim: "Well there's four things that I like the most about her"

Milim: "Her pretty eyes, her super soft wings that are surprisingly sensitive, oh and I find it adorable when she acts all shy and embarrassed around me. As for the fourth one..... well that's my little secret now isn't it hehehehe"



Question 20: LostFall

To Suu: What did your sister and father in your previous life look like?


Suu: "My sister actually looked a lot like me, however she was taller and had green eyes and light brown hair. As for.... for my father he was also much taller then me and usely looked like a very pissed off drunk with black hair and green eyes. Also if you were wondering I had dark brown hair with blue eyes that I got from my mother, as well as that I was and still am very short compared to most people"



Question 21: LostFall

What do you think was the worst thing your father did to you in your previous life?


Suu: "Sigh..."

Rimuru: "You don't have to if yo-"

Suu: "No, no it's.... it's fine"

Suu: "Okay, th-that would probably be the time when he forced my hand into b-boiling hot water just for the hell of it"

Suu: "...Can we move on please"

Rimuru: "Sure, there's just one more left"



Question 22: LostFall

If you could have some sort of payback towards your previous life's father, what would you do?


Suu: "Honestly I'm..... I'm too tired, too tired of all of it to even care about revenge or anything like that and besides he's already dead. I just want to live my life and forget about him.






Yet it's never that easy is it"
