Chapter 8 It's Alive, IT'S ALIVE!

(A/N. Sorry that this didn't come out yesterday, I was busy and ended up losing track of time)

"Well this place looks like crap"

'It is a junkyard after all'

I was now standing at the entrance of the cave that was overlooking the junkyard, from what I could see there was a large opened space that was filled with literal mountains of crap. From large and broken ships that had just been stacked on top of each other to old metal armour and weapons, there was also a lot of normal things like tables and chairs. I could also see several very small groups of cultist just sitting around seemingly bored out of their minds.

"It also smells like crap too" I said in slight discussed.

'Like I said before, it's a junkyard, what were you expecting it to smell like?'

"Fair point"

'Now then, how do we start this little operation of ours"

"Well from the looks of the cultist here I doubt they will be paying much attention, however I think that it's still best for us to head in there at night" I said while turning slightly to see that the sun was already starting to set.

'Alright.... sooo back in the cave?'

"Back in the cave"

(Hehehe, what she doesn't know is that this is just an excuse, I could have gone right now but I really want to test out one of my enchantments) I thought to myself with a giddy smile.

After that several hours passed with nothing really happening, we ended up spending much of this time just sitting in side the cave while talking to one another. I found out several pieces of information like the fact that the only way I might be able to free all the souls would be to steal the skill from the one who used it on them or just kill said person. I also now know that the cultist keep anyone that is enslaved in either the slave camps that is in the northwest or the burial grounds.

(Let's just hope that Haruko is at one of these places because if not it is going to be very annoying to find him amongst all the mind control souls)

'Wait! Your dad is a slime' Mika said in disbelief.


'Don't you find that even just a little weird?'

"Not really no"

I had also been telling her a little about myself as it was only right that we got to know each other since we would be spending a lot of time together. We were actually playing twenty questions right now to pass the time.

'Well it is your turn now'

"Hmmmm, tell me about your family I guess"

'.....well I never knew my actual parents but the orphanage I grew up in was great, we were all like family there. I wish I could see them right now' she said sadly.

"Don't worry, you will see them again"

'Yeah, yeah I know'



'Well anyway, do you think that we have waited enough?' Mika asked while glancing towards the exit.

"Probably... however, before we get going let me just try something really quick" I said with slight excitement.

'Sure, what are you going to do anywa-'

"Ninja mode, ACTIVATE!" I yelled cutting her off.

'Wait what?!'

Mika watched in surprise as all my clothes suddenly turn pure black in colour before then seeming to rapidly change at incredible speed, while this was happening they started to wrap around my hole body. After several more seconds I stood there wearing a completely black ninja outfit with two kunai in my hands. I also put my mask on which had also turned completely black.

'Wait, where the hell did you get those kunai from?'

"Ninja mode" this was my only response to her question.

(Thank you for the ninja training Souei) I thought remembering back to Souei's stealth training.

"Let's go" I said as I use Lightning speed to shoot towards the exit.

As soon as I got outside I quickly checked to see if there was any guards around, it didn't take me all that long to noticed that most of them had left probably heading towards the small camp they had set up in the distance, the remaining guards that still stood around the area looked half a sleep and thankfully there were no puppets in sight. I then nodded to myself before quickly but quietly making my way in to the junkyard with the help of Shadow movement.

"Well we're here" I said as I slowly rose out of a shadow made by one of the broken ship.

'That was really quick, however was the hole transformation into a ninja really necessary just to travel to here?'

"Yes" I said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

(And besides when else am I going to be able to use this)

'What does it even do? I mean does it just make you look like a ninja and that is it?' Mika asked still not understanding the greatness of being a cool ninja.

"Actually no, you see it absorbs the light from the moon making it harder for me to be seen in the darkness and it also gets rid of the sound of my foot steps"

'Okay I gues that is kind of useful, anyway how do we start?'

"Well first I need to find something easy and small to test on because if this goes wrong I don't want some massive monster going on a rampage and giving away our position" I said while looking around at the piles of broken stuff.


"Not that"

"Mabye..... actually no"


'Would that do?' Mika asked as she pointed to my left.


I turn to see what she was talking about, at first all I saw was another junk pile but it was then that I saw what she was referring to. Laying close to the bottom of the pile was what looked like a heavily burnt and charred stuffed animal.

"What is it?" I asked because I couldn't tell what animal it was thanks to all the burns it had.

'I think that it might be a bear of some kind'

"Fine, it will do" I said with a shrug as I picked it up.

(Now then how am I going to do this, honestly I have no idea how this would work after all I'm literally trying to create life here)

I made sure that no one was around before I move to a more secluded place and sat down with the stuffed animal still in my hand. I then quickly began to brain storm trying to figure out just how this was going to work.

(Maybe I should be thinking along the lines of programming a computer, I don't know how that works really but I do understand the basics to some degree. If magicules are the building blocks of everything including souls and I think of things like memorys and instincts as code.... hmmm this could work)

I began to focus on the magicules around me while slowly bringing them together in front of me. Unfortunately as soon as I tried to move on to step two they just fell apart and dispersed in to the area once again.

(Hmmmm, well that wasn't supposed to happen....)

I quickly took a moment to try and figure out a way around this problem. It didn't take me all that long to find a solution but I wasn't sure if it would work.

I once again pulled the magicules back and gathered them in front of me but this time I began to almost nit them all together, of course this took several long hours because it was my first time ever attempting this kind of thing. I was very thankful that no one had come across me while I was doing this. Now that I was done with that it was time to try the next step, however I was not feeling all that confident as this part would be the hardest to figure out.

(All I have to do is some how program it to work like an actual soul, simple right....)

============Mika Pov============

I watched carefully as Suu continued to work. I had found out pretty quickly that she is quite the interesting person, for one she seem to be far more intelligent then a girl her age. Also something else that surprised me about her was that she seemed to be incredibly strong physically and magically, honestly though on first sight she looks like a regular fifteen year old girl and I doubt many people would figure out that she was a Phoenix.

(I wonder why she has decided to help me.... it's not like it's her problem after all and I mean sure she can't leave with the barrier there but if what she told me about herself is really true then she should very easily just be able to destroy the source of the barrier and leave. Yet here she is trying to help me free everyone with out expecting any thing in return)

(Maybe it had something to do with what she said before) I thought while remembering back to when she said that 'she will not let her self become like them'.

(I wonder who 'them' are, does she mean the cult..... no probably no-) before I could finish that thought a flash of light cut me off.

============Suu Pov============

[Congratulations, you have gained the skill Soul manipulation]

[Congratulations, you have gained the unique skill Soul creation]

[Soul creation, listing sub skills:

Soul construction, (gives the user the ability to create artificial souls)

Soul storage, (the user can store souls inside of themselves to use later)

Soul sight, (let's the user see souls)]

(A/N. Note, she can not use this skill to become a demon lord because that would be way to over powered)

I looked at my hands only to see what looked like a pulsing white and black flame that flickered from side to side. It had taken me a second to figure out how to give the ball of magicules what it needed to become an actual soul, however after a second I found that I could almost push my own will and desire into it and with the help of a little Black blood it all seem to just fuse together. Also to my surprise I felt a small almost non existent connection to the little thing similar to those that I shared with people I had bonded too but no where near as strong.

"I guess that it's time to try and bring something to life then. Cross your fingers and let's hope this works"

'I don't have any fingers but that hasn't seemed to stop me before'

Ignoring Mika for a second I slowly pushed the soul into the bear's chest and watched as it past right through. Even though it was inside of the bear's body now I was still able to see it thanks to my Soul sight skill. I then opened a gate and pulled out some Black blood which I then slowly pushed into the bear's chest as well, as soon as I did I moved back just in case something went wrong.

I then watched as the black blood seem to be completely absorbed by the stuffed animal as well as the soul. Soon after the soul began to spread through out the bear, it now looked similar to a nervous system instead of the small flame it was before. I then deactivated the skill as I saw that the bears body had begun to change.

The stuffed animal that was once completely charred black now turned a pale almost snow white as it's eyes turned a light blue. Not long after this did a small some what sparkling dark blue ribbon appear wrapped around it's neck. As soon as this all finished the now living creature suddenly shot up and began to look around.

(...That .....that actually worked) I thought in slight disbelief.

'Hey errmmm, what do we do now? I mean you just created life after all' Mika asked a little awkwardly.

"I don't know, I wasn't expecting this to work" I admitted.

It was at that moment that the little guy seem to realise that I was here and turned to look at me. Seeing this I crouched down and looked at him, I didn't know why but I knew that it was a 'he' even though it technically had no gender. I had to admit though when I saw that he immediately started waddling towards me I couldn't help but find him adorable.

"Hey there" I said as he finally stopped in front of me before giving me a small salute which only added to his cuteness.

'Awww, he's adorable'

"I'm gonna call you Poe" I said as I patted his head.

As soon as I said that his body started to glow again, however this time there was no change to his looks. I decided it would be best to check his status as I was curious to see what skills he had.


///Name: Poe

///Race: Abyssal Terror Bear

///Titles: The nightmare of the abyss.

///Blessing: Abyssal Crest

///Class: none

///Disaster Rank: Special A

///Items: none

////Followers: none

///Species skills:

Abyss gate

Abyssal flame

Innocence, (The user can appear to be completely harmless to those that it doesn't want to know it's true strength. Note, this skill can be used to block any enemy attempt to gain information on the user with different skills)

Primal fear, (Whenever someone looks at the user they will feel a primal fear that can cause some weaker willed people to just completely freeze in place or even faint. Note, the user can decide who is effected by this, they can also just turn it off if they want)

Darkness Mastery, (Gives the user incredible control over darkness)

Shadow movement

Terror sense, (the user can sense what a person is truly scared of just by being close to them)

Fear eater, (the user can feed off the fear of those around them to increase their own physical and magical strength)

Shadow barrier, (a dark shadowy barrier that constantly surrounds the user and protects them from harm)

Darkness vision, (the user can see perfectly well with in darkness, they can even sense other living things around them that are in the dark as well. Note, this also extends to people using skills like shadow movement)

Fear immunity

Darkness resistance


Chaos ray, (the user can shoot dark blue beams out of their eyes that have several different effects, they can Petrify, vaporize, freeze, cause starvation, melting, madness and several more. Note, the user has no control over what effect someone will get if they are hit, after all it is completely random)

Draining screech, (any one that the user roars at will start to feel the energy and strength slowly drain from their body)

Void tendrils, (the user can summon massive black tendrils to attack their enemies)

Size modification, (the user can change there size at will)

Magic sense

Superspeed Regeneration

Magic resistance

Physical attack resistance

Pain resistance

Elemental resistance

///Unique skills: none

///Ultimate skills: none



