Chapter 9 New Followers


"You are too slow"


"You need to predict my movements better"


"And you need to put more strength behind your attacks" I said as I sent another armored figure flying into the wall.

'Don't you think that you're being just a little bit too hard on them' Mika asked a little concerned.

"Haha, if you think this is bad I wonder what you would think of Hakurou's training routine. Believe me when I say this, the training I'm putting them through is a walk in the park compared to his nightmarish way of training" I said while glancing at the three figures that were lying in a pile on the ground.

It had been about a week since I made Poe and I was still very shocked about how absurd his status is, he honestly just looks like a normal stuffed bear but I guess his Innocence skill has a lot to do with that. Anyway back to the current situation in front of me, laying against the cave wall in a small pile were three figures. They all looked some what different from one another but they had one thing in common, they all seemed to be sentient living armor.


"It doesn't count as a sneak attack if you scream at the top of your lungs while doing it" I said as I used Blue ash to block a massive stone fist that came falling down from above me.

I then turned and kicked my attacker in the stomach sending them flying in to the cave wall. With a loud crash the massive stone creature slammed into the wall causing the cave to shake slightly.

"Okay, you four can take a break" all I got in response was several groans.

(I have to admit I feel a little off about all this, I mean is it really okay for me to bring a bunch of creatures to life and then ask them to fight for me. Sigh, it's not like I have any other options right now, after all I can't destroy an army and save all the trapped souls and slaves by myself) I thought as I walked to the side and sat down.

As I sat down I glanced around the large underground cavern that I had been useing to train, the whole place was filled with the sounds of combat. I had been useing this place to train my creations in the art of battle, I did this even though they all seem to have been born with basic knowledge and information. I had created three different types of creatures so far two of witch could speak with the last one needing to use thought communication.

First is the Abyssal living armours, as the name suggests they are sentient moving armour. They look like normal black coloured metal armour however they have black smoke coming out of their helmet and joints, also they have dark blue ethereal looking eyes that seem to glow every now and then. They also had the ability to create weapons out of the black smoke that poured out from their bodys. Another thing of note is that even though they're all black in colour and all have black mist coming out of them the actual look and design of the armour itself is unique to each of them.

Second is the Abyssal magma golems or the living volcanoes as some have taken to calling them. They are five metre tall giants with the ability to cover their hole body in extremely hot purple magma when angered. Their skin is made of dark grey almost black rock that looks very much like obsidian, however, it is covered in small cracks. They have two large curved horns similar to those of a ram coming out of their head. The golems walk up right with a bit of a slouch and have a very bulky and muscular body that only seems to add to there beastly appearance, they also can run on all fours in a similar way to that of a gorilla.

And finally the Abyssal thunderpede or as I like to call it, the metal centipede from hell. It may only be two meters tall but it's over twenty metres long and can raise it's silver body up so that it towers over most things. What is weird about it is the fact that even though I made it using only metal it has an organic inside with a metal endoskeleton outside that is covered in sharp deadly looking spikes that can absorb electricity. They have two massive pincers that they can use to shoot beams of electricity and their legs all end in large jagged blades.

'How many are there now?' Mika asked after a moment of silence.

"Errrm, let me check" I said as I pulled up my status.


///Name: Suu tempest

///Race: Abyssal Storm Phoenix

///Titles: A lost soul. The forgotten one. First born of the abyss. Ruler of the abyss. Princess of monsters. The black Phoenix of oblivion. Conqueror of the skies.

///Class: Reaper

///Blessing: Storm Crest

///Disaster Rank human form: Special A

///Disaster Rank Phoenix form: S



(White cloak.

Black t-shirt, trousers and shoes.

Red scarf.)


(Blue Ash *scythe and a lot of other things*.

Basilisk venom grenades)

Other types of items:

(Healing potions.

Enchanted mask *suppresses the user's aura*.)


Kuro. (Abyssal demon Orc )

Yin. (2 tailed abyssal cat)

Yang. (2 tailed abyssal cat)

Zeref. (Abyssal basilisk)

Poe. (Abyssal terror bear)

Abyssal living armours, (430)

Abyssal magma golems, (160)

Abyssal thunderpedes, (42)

///Species skills:

Abyss gate

Abyssal flame

Flame eater

Flame control


Darkness manipulation

Ultimate regeneration

Heat immunity

Cold resistance

Flame body

Undying soul


Soul manipulation

Water breathing

Water sight

Weapon mastery

Night vision

Infrared vision

Quick draw


Stamina recovery

Magic arrows

Tempest arrows

Light arrows

Darkness arrows

Flame arrows

Damage absorption

Thought communication

Magic jamming


Body manipulation

Poison manipulation

Corrosive poison

Poisonous mist

Magic compression cannon

Magic weaving

Magic control

Lightning Speed

Acid immunity

Poison immunity

Petrification immunity

Physical attack resistance

Demonic attack resistance

Magic resistance

Pain resistance

Hunger resistance

Mental attack resistance

Shadow movement

Crimson lightning

Magic sense

Multilayer deflection barrier

///Unique skills:

Soul creation. (Soul construction, Soul storage. Soul sight)

Joy. (Clear mind. Peaceful aura. Eternal bond, (Rimuru. Yin. Yang. Zeref. Kuro. Milim). Judgement. Replication)

Sorrow. (Mind illusion. Mental decay. Emotional state. Emotion eater. Bottomless Void)

Eyes of the abyss.

Abyssal heart. (Abyssal corruption. Gifted life. Black blood)

///Ultimate skills: none


"Altogether there is six hundred and thirty two of them, that's if you add up all their numbers together" I said because Mika couldn't look at my status even though she could see through my eyes.

'That's a lot more then I was thinking that there would be'

"Well I have been making them non-stop for over a week now, however, it still won't be enough to take back the whole island"

'True but it's a good start' Mika nodded in response before seemingly turning to look at something else.

'I wish you would have made less of those Thunderpedes though' Mika said as I felt her shiver slightly.

"I honestly don't know how I keep making more of them, after all the way I make them is by just throwing a crap ton of metal in one place and turning it all at once. In fact I don't even use organic material to make them, so how exactly they ended up getting organs and blood is still a mystery to me"

'Maybe it has something to do with the mental image that you have when you are making them' Mika suggested.

"Mabye...." I said while looking around at the different sparring sessions going on in the cavern.

(Well at least they all seem to be progressing relatively nicely)

"Huh" I was suddenly brought out of my thoughts when something seemed to grab on to my leg.

I looked down only to see the cute eyes of Poe looking up at me while he was hugging my leg. Smiling softly at his actions I picked him up and put him on my lap.

"What do you want you adorable yet terrifying little guy?"

Poe who was unable to speak simply waved his little paws around in the air for a second before pointing off at something in the distance. I looked over at were he was pointing to see something that immediately got my interest.

Fighting not far away from us was one of the Thunderpedes, however, it was what they were fighting that surprised me a little. The Thunderpedes have a A- to A rank average, so seeing a creature such as the Abyssal living armours that have a rank of C+ to B average kicking it's ass is surprising to say the very least.

The living armour in question looks very slender and lean, they were also a bit taller then the rest being just under two meters tall. Something else that stood out about it was it's helmet that was designed to look like the head of a dragon. They were currently using a massive sword made out of black smoke to block the thunderpede's metal pincers before then quickly counter attacking.

'Doesn't that one look familiar?'

"I think that he was one of the first that I had created"

'Oh yeah, now I remember' she said before seemingly becoming confused about something.

'Actually Wait, how do you know what gender they are? I mean yes, some of the living armours do look female but how can you tell for sure'

"I don't really know myself, it's just some kind of connection that I have with all of them" I responded as I watched the living armour slam the thunderpedes head to the ground.

(Maybe I should name him, after all he is one of the first I created and he seems more powerful then the others..... of course I do plan to name all of them once the cultist are all dealt with) I thought to myself while watching the other living armours cheering for the victor.

(Unfortunately I can't do that right now because I really can not afford to pass out from magicule loss and sleep for several days)

"Creator" a ghostly female voice that seemed to almost echo brought me out of my thoughts.

I turn to see one of the living armours kneeling to my left. It was pretty obvious that she was female not only because of her voice but also her looks. She was much slimmer then the others and had a somewhat curvy body, not to mention the fact that she had a very feminine breastplate.

(God damn it, why does a literal sentient peace of armor have a bigger chest th-)

"Creator?" She said again this time with a slight tilt of her head. I of course looked away from her some what embarrassed because of my thoughts.

Anyway I was also a little annoyed about the fact that all my creations seemed to insist on referring to me as Creator. I mean their not wrong but come on, I had just gotten used to being called lady Suu. I couldn't help but sigh a little as I opened my mouth to respond.

"What is it?"

"We are ready for the meeting" she said still kneeling as I slowly stood up.

"I see..... well let's get going then, we have a lot to plan after all"

(A/N. I didn't know how to end this but I think that this is good enough, so yeah.... okay bye)