Chapter 15 The War Begins Part 4

(Gotta go faster)

The sound of the air flying past me at incredible speeds could be clearly heard as I rocketed through the sky. I was heading in the direction of the Slave camps and was moving as fast as I could to make it there in time.

(Please be okay) I thought to myself.

(I would have liked to have stayed back just a little longer to find out about the casualty count but I didn't have time to spare, damn it.....) I thought in slight frustration.

I was pretty fucking mad about that to say the very least, I wanted to be there to help bury any of the dead as they are my responsibility. After all I was the one that gave them life and I am now asking them to fight and possibly die for me, so the least I could do for them is be their when they are being laid to rest but because of this damn war it will have to wait for now. After all if I had stayed there to help any longer there would be more dead in the other battle areas that I could have easily prevented, however, it doesn't make it any less frustrating now does it.

(At least Rai and Poe are still over there, I just hope they can keep everything in check until I get back) I thought as I remembered back to just after I had named Rai.


"Well errrm..... wow" I said as I looked at the being in front of me.

As the red and black crackling energy that covered Rai slowly faded away his body was revealed to me and honestly.... it was a little surprising. If I had to compare him to all the others that I have named then I would probably say that his new form was the most eye catching out of all of them so far.

Rai's body had become much darker in colour, meaning that his body was now a void like black that seemed to almost absorb the light around it. His fingers had become sharp claws and a pair of curved horns could be seen coming out from where the ears would have been if he was human. His overall body had also become more draconic looking as scale like patterns could faintly be seen in some places such as his arms.

Now on to the much more interesting changes to his form. Firstly, he no longer created black smoke from his body but instead he actually generates a large amounts of crimson lightning, this lightning comes from inside of him and pours out through the gaps in his armour. This gave Rai a very interesting look to say the least, his dark body that seemed to absorb light was surrounded by so much bright crimson lightning that it created quite the ominous look. Secondly, there was the fact that he had a long cape coming out of his back that was also made of the exact same crimson lightning. Finally, his aura was now much, much larger then it once had been, in fact it was almost three times it's original size and strength.

As he slowly stood up and began to look at his new body I quickly decided to check his new status. As I pulled it up I couldn't help being just a little surprised with what I saw.


///Name: Rai

///Race: Abyssal lightning guardian

///Titles: The crimson knight. The sword of Suu Tempest.

///Blessing: Abyssal Crest

///Class: Royal knight

///Disaster Rank: Special A


(Healing potions)

////Followers: None

///Species skills:

Abyss gate

Lightning speed

Lightning field. (The user can create a large area around themselves that is magically electrified. The user can also detect any creature with in this field and can even manipulate the lightning in side of it to an extreme degree)

Lightning armoury. (The user can constantly generate lightning from there body, they can also use this lightning to create weapons to fight with. Note, there is a large chance that anyone who is attacking the user will be electrocuted just by being close to them)

Electrical current manipulation

Electrical current detection. (The user can detect the whereabouts and movements of any living creature that has a working nervous system by sensing the electrical currents in their body)

Pain resistance

Physical damage resistance

Physical ailment immunity

Paralysation nullification

Electrification nullification


Crimson lightning


Weapon mastery

Cooperation. (The user's physical and magical strength increases when they are fighting along side near by allies)

A general's focus. (Increases the user's reaction time and other mental abilities to a great extent at all times)


Thought communication

///Unique skills:

Chivalry. Listing sub skills:

[Call of Justice. (Massively decreases the abilitys of people that the user considers evil, while also increasing the abilitys of those they see as good)

A kingdom's shields. (The user can create a nearly indestructible wall made out of hundreds of ethereal shields. These shields will block any incoming attacks for a very short time)

Champion. (When this skill is activated the user will not only become incredibly powerful but they will also be virtually immune to all attacks, however, this skill only last for a short time and once done the user will be completely powerless for sometime afterwards)]

///Ultimate skills: none


(Wait what! Why is his class royal knight? Is it because of my titles or something like tha-) my thoughts were stopped when I realized that he was looking at me as if he wanted to say something.

"What is it?"

"I would just like to thank you for this great honour that you have given me, my dear creator" he said in a smooth voice that sounded like the crackling of thunder while kneeling in front of me.

"O-oh I errrm...." I was slightly taken aback.

(If I wasn't into girls I would definitely find that voice very attractive) I thought to myself while rubbing the back of my head.

"Well it's fine, after all you deserved it" I said while coughing to get rid of the awkward atmosphere.

"Anyway we need to hurry up and get things done around here so that I can get going, I'm sure that the others will need my help soon"

"I shall do my best to aid you with anything that you require"

"Go and find Poe, he should be running around here some where. Once you find him go and hunt down any of the stragglers that may be trying to escape, capture some of them if you can. While your doing that I'll give out some orders to everyone else"

"Understood" he said before standing up and running off to find Poe.

==========Flashback over=========

After that I quickly got everything in order before putting him in charge of the area and the important task of sending reinforcements to the third group. As soon as that was done I took off towards the north west to my next destination, in fact I was rather close to it now as I could see smoke rising in the distance.

(It looks like Mika and Fuyuko have decided to start the battle a little head of time) I thought to myself as I started to speed up even more.

(I should probably tell them that I am on the way, also I need to find out the situation or I will be flying in there with no information) thinking this I quickly activated thought communication.

'Hey, can you here me?'

'SUU! Oh thank god' I heard Mika's frantic voice a second later.

'Is everything okay, you don't really sound all that good' I said with concern.

'It's chaotic down here to say the least and we also have a massive problem that we need help with....' I could tell she was somewhat hesitant to tell me for some reason.

'What is it?'

'...Damn it, I always wondered but this, this is just.... why did they have to do something like this?' Her voice was a mix of frustration, anger and disgust.

'Mika, what exactly is happening?' I said more slowly this time.

'They were experimenting on them'


'Men, women, elderly and even the children, we found hundreds of them chained to the walls inside of prison cells. Some of them were covered in those red markings, others were inflicted with dozens of different curses and hundreds more were horrifically mutated and out of their bloody minds'

'We have started evacuating everyone that we can through the tunnels but most of our forces are stuck on the surface and they can't help us. This is because their being attacked constantly by hundreds of puppets that have taken to the air'

We had found out while scouting the area that most of the actual structure of the Slave camps were deep underground. Thankfully we were able to find multiple ways in through the underground tunnels.

'To make things even worse some how the crazy mutants managed to get out of their cells and are now rampaging through the whole place killing anything that moves. Thankfully they are also attacking the cultists as well but because of this it has turned into a massive three way battle field down here. We're doing our best to protect the slaves while getting them out but we need more help'

'Fuck! Alright then just hold on a little longer, I'm on my way'


"Shit! I don't have time to fuck around anymore, I need to get there right now. Sigh, I really didn't want to do this because it might end up causing more trouble for me down the line.... but I guess I don't really have a choice now, do I" I said as a massive amount of black flames erupted from all over my body.

============Mika pov============

'Fuck! Alright then just hold on a little longer, I'm on my way'



"Incoming!" One of the Living armours yelled as he pointed down a long metal and stone hallway.

"HHHHHAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRR" Suddenly a large number of inhuman screams of pain and rage could be heard coming from that way.

"Crap, someone block that hallway"

"And you lot pull back any of the wounded, we need to save everyone that we can" I yelled as several Living armours ran past me to follow out my orders.

'Fuyuko, are you doing okay up there?' I asked.

'Yes and no' she quickly answered back.

I had to admit that I was slightly relieved when I heard Fuyuko's cold no nonsense sounding voice. We had not really gotten along all that well over the short time that we had known each other, however, right now it felt great knowing that she was still up there holding the lines.

'What do you mean?'

'The battle on the ground is going well but we can't push any further because of the current air situation that we're dealing with. I'm the only one that can fly out here but I'm not built for battling large numbers of enemies. Our people can shoot them down in large numbers but there is just too many of them' she said as her voice lost a little of it's professionalism and became a little more desperate sounding.

'Well I have some good news for you then, Suu has just contacted me, she's on her way here now'

'Oh thank heavens' she said sounding very relieved.

'Alright then, we just have to hold out-t unti....' she trailed off seemingly shock by something.

'Fuyuko? Hey are you there?" But I didn't get an answer.

I was about to say something again but stopped myself when I realized something, the sounds of battle that once echoed from every direction had almost completely stopped. I quickly looked around and found that every abyssal creature was looking up towards the ceiling. It was like they were looking at something that was some how invisible to me. However, it was then at that moment that I felt it..... rage, bottomless, unending rage that was not my own. It seemed to pierce my very soul as it when through me like electricity.

I took a large step back in shocked surprise while looking for the source of the unknown rage. It was then that I saw it, only for a split second but I saw it, an ethereal almost invisible string of blue energy that was coming out of my chest and slowly floating up into the ceiling. As soon as I noticed it the thing was gone and I was left feeling very confused.

The atmosphere stayed like this for a second with no one saying a word. I could only stand there as the unknown foreign emotions flooded my body and then.... nothing. Everything just stopped as if nothing had actually happened, until.....