Chapter 16 The War Begins part 5

=========Moments before==========

The sound of my massive wings cutting through the air could be clearly heard as I flew towards my destination at full speed. I was currently in my Phoenix form heading straight towards the battle ground, in fact I would be coming in to view of it any second now.

(I am surprised at just how much faster I am in this form compared to my human one, you would think it would be the other way around because my Phoenix form is much bigger but that isn't actually the case. Honestly though I really need to experiment with my Phoenix form more often) I thought to myself as I finally came into view of the battle field.

When I first saw what was going on I honestly couldn't believe my eyes, to say that it was chaotic would be a very large understatement. No, no I didn't know the words to describe what the hell was going on here.

(Holy shit!)

(That's.... that's just, wow)

The base looked like a massive prison camp with two stone wall surrounding the whole place, there was also several stone and wooden watch towers in key locations around the area. Something else I noticed was that the walls and towers were covered in some kind of magic, it didn't take me long to figure out that the magic was a type of enchantment that was strengthening them.

The buildings were pretty ugly and blocky looking probably because the cultist didn't really care what they looked like as long as they served their purpose. Of course the fact that they were exstrimly damaged wasn't helping with their looks.

Most of the walls, towers and buildings were either on fire or damaged in some way. Also I noticed that there was several large pools of purple magma and stone spikes around the whole place, it wasn't that hard to figure out that they were created by the rampaging Magma golems. I also noticed that several Thunderpedes were wrapped around some of the watch towers firing lightning up into the sky while also using there barriers to protect their allies.

The air around the place was also filled with hundreds of flying Puppets that seem to be continuing to grow in numbers. Talking about the Puppets I had actually noticed several different new types that I hadn't seen before now, each one of them seemed to play a different role in battle. There were some that looked like they were more suited to defence while others seemed to be able to use magic, there was even one type that I only saw once, it looked like a humanoid covered in razor sharp spinning buzz saws.

The Living armours were helping the Thunderpedes by shooting down the flying Puppets, they were also helping the Magna golems by fighting up close on the ground. Some were useing bows and arrows, others were in large groups working together to form phalanxs and slowly move street by street taking out any enemies they came across while other Living armours supported all of them with hit-and-run tactics. All of them were also releasing a massive amount of black smoke, so much actually that it had already covered a large amount of the battlefield, this of course only added to the chaotic seen in front of me.

(Damn, when Mika said it was chaotic down here I didn't know it was going to be this bad) I thought to myself as I flew in closer to the battle while my Magic deflection barrier skill protected me from any incoming attacks.

To put it into perspective for you, let me just put it this way. My group only had about one hundred and fifty soldiers and all we had to deal with was about five hundred Puppets and Cultists, give or take. This group however, had about four hundred and twenty and was currently dealing with about four and a half thousand Puppets as well as hundreds of Cultist, not to mention those bloody things.

The things I'm referring to are the mutated human monstrosities that I can see running around the place. From the few of them that I could actually see from were I was they truly looked sickening, I honestly felt like throwing up when I saw them for the first time.

Some of them had extra body parts just fused on to them randomly, others were six metres tall and were made up of several dozen bodies that seemed to be missing there skin making them look like a mass of blood and flailing limbs. For fucksake there was even one of them I could see that looked like a human centipede. But all that didn't even come close to the horrific noises they made, honestly, the screams of agony that came out of their mouths are enough to give me nightmares by themselves.

(W-what the fuck, what kind of sick bastard could do something so twisted and horrible) I thought with a mix of disbelief and anger.

(Wait..... i-is that.... oh god no!) I couldn't help but freeze mid air as I saw something that made my blood boil and my stomach churn in disgust.

(I know Mika said something about this but..... but I guess that a part of me didn't want to believe that there could be such twisted people in this world) I thought to myself still not fully believing what I was actually seeing.

Children..... dozens of mutated children, some that looked no older then seven or eight. It was at that very moment that the little sympathy and hesitance I had towards the Cultist vanished instantly and all that remained was anger. In fact I was so angry, so pissed off, that I didn't even notice the glowing ethereal blue strings coming out of the back of my neck and disappearing into the distance.

I could feel my Clear mind sub skill trying to calm me down but it wasn't working, in fact it wasn't having any effects on me whatsoever. Instead of calming down my anger only seemed to increase the longer I looked at the seen playing out in front of me.

(Bastards, those fucking worthless bastards....) I thought in rage as something inside of me snapped and my vision went completely red.







Her massive Phoenix body was currently soaring over the battlefield with out a care in the world about the hundreds of attacks that were heading her way. As she flew by the strong winds that she ended up creating just by flapping her wings cause dozens upon dozens of Puppets to crash into each other at high speeds.

Some of the Puppets that were holding bows in their hands shot a large number of non magical and magical arrows at her from every angle they could. The Cultists also shot magical attacks up at her from the ground, however, all of their attacks were fired directly back at them thanks to Suu's very helpful barrier. On the other hand, the Puppets that could actually get close enough to her despite the strong winds began to grab on to her body, once they were on they began attacking her with their large variety of melee weapons, unfortunately for them this also didn't do much because her wounds healed faster than they could actually make them.

["How very cute"] Suu said as she began to spin her body around in a barrel roll throwing the Puppets off of her.

Seconds later an evil glint could be seen in her eyes as she seemed to have thought of something. Useing the momentum she had built up from the spin Suu began to quickly twist and bend her body around in various ways as black smoke began slowly leaking out from her golden beak.

["Burn, you fucking vermin"] Suu yelled as the black flames poured out from her beak, however, because of her strange movements the flames hit every Puppet around her that was too slow to get out of the way.

(A/N. If you don't understand what I mean then just imagine something like when the Red death started spinning in the clouds while constantly breathing fire in how to train your dragon)

["What's the matter? Don't you want to play with me, hahahahaha"] she said as she saw several Puppets beginning to retreat away from her.

In response to this she began creating massive bubbles of corrosive poison. Soon after creating them she use poison manipulation to transform them into something that looked like a massive cage that she began to slowly shrink around them. The Puppets were unable to escape from the cage in time so unfortunately for them they ended up slowly dissolving as the cage became smaller and smaller.

After that she created thousands of different magical arrows all around her body before suddenly firing them all across the battlefield causing a large amount of damage to her enemies and their forces. Thankfully she was only aiming for Cultist, Puppets and Mutants so non of the slaves or her allies got injured or killed.... for now.

["Oh, what's the matter little insects >^^¥^_ARE$&#\<

["What? You can torture women and children with out batting a %#^'FUCKING$;%EYE$^%= but you don't have the balls to face me, HAHAHAHAHA"]

["It doesn't matter if your willing or not after all %^YOUR_%#ALL÷^$GOING^%%TO%#^^:%DIE$^;"%^ANYWAY%$^;$"] as she said that a large black and purple aura that seemed to be made up of purely negative emotions poured out from all over her body covering a large amount of the sky.

Of course most of the Cultist were to busy fighting for their lives against the Mutants and rampaging Abyssal creatures to pay much attention to anything else. But the ones that were close enough to actually hear her however, were currently on the verge of pissing themselves because what they were seeing was something that scared the shit out of them, a gigantic black and gold Phoenix that was surrounded by a demonic black and purple aura that seemed to engulf everything around it in pure darkness.

["NOW DI-"]

{I think that's enough of that} Suddenly a new yet familiar voice spoke in Suu's mind cutting her off abruptly.

{I would rather not have to step in right now but at this rate the gate will open, sigh, and I can't have that happening yet as it would mess up my plans....} before Suu could say anything back to the voice everything seemed to just freeze in place for a moment.

Second later her massive body could be seen crashing to the ground destroying a large building in the process. Also right at that moment the mind of all her followers became clear as they began to think rationally again.

{Sigh, I won't be able to stop you next time so please, try and keep your emotions in check} the voice said as it slowly faded away leaving Suu's mind in darkness.