Chapter 21 New Information

(A/N. I'm alive! I still have a small cough but besides from that I'm perfectly fine. Also I just want to thank you all for the get well comments that everyone has been sending me, they mean a lot. Anyway, on with the chapter!)

"God damn it! Why isn't this working?!" I yelled as I lent back in my chair with an annoyed huff.

I had finally got my first project finished after all this time, however, now I had to deal with the process of creating the second project that I had planned and let me tell you this, making an entirely new living being from all most nothing is not fucking easy at all. I have spent the past few hours trying several different things that I thought might work, also even with the bits of 'code' that I have been using it was still incredibly difficult, every time I try and put it all together it either breaks apart or becomes something completely horrifying.

"Well considering what I'm actually trying to make here it's no wonder that it has been so difficult... but still I'm so tired of this bull shi-" before I could finish the door to the room flung open.

Knowing exactly who it was that had walked in to my room, I quickly held up my right hand. I did this to signal my two guards to leave the person alone because I could feel them getting ready to pounce down from the ceiling to intercept the intruder. With a somewhat exhausted sigh I turned my head ever so slightly to look at the person with a tired expression.

"Suu, I-" I quickly cut them off before they could say anything else.

"Mika, I am too tired and frustrated right now. I have been working non-stop for several long hours, so I'm going to be nice and give you a warning. If you have bad news I am going to strangle you, so please give me some good news instead" I said in a somewhat joking yet serious tone.

"Suu, this isn't time for your stupid jokes. One of my spies has just gotten back to me after there mission, apparently they have some very, interesting, information that you need to hear immediately"

"Alright, alright, let's just go then" I said while getting up from my seat, I also took a second to gesture to my guards that they could leave because I would be fine with Mika, thankfully they got the hint and left.

"So what's this all about then?" I asked while quickly leaving the room.

"Apparently we're not the only ones who have managed to piss off the Sixth and his goons" she said with a small amused chuckle.

Ever since we had started to send Abyssal Wraiths into enemy territory to spy on the Cultist we have managed to find out several very interesting things, these bits of information have greatly helped us on planning our next course of action. One of those bits of information we had managed to find out is that we are apparently only dealing with one member of the Six bloodied wings, the other members are unaccounted for at this time. What makes me just a little nervous is that if we're only dealing with one member of the group then just were the hell are the rest of them hiding? Are they even on the island or are they some where else?

"What do you mean?"

"Well you see, from the little that the spy has told me when they first got back, it would appear that someone very important to the Cultist's plans has managed to escape from them and is now on the run. Also before you say anything more, I've already sent several groups of my people out to look for them so you don't have to worry about that" Mika said probably guessing what I was going to ask next.

"Okay then, let's go meet this spy of your, if this information is as important as you say then we need to hurry up" I said while picking up my paste a little.

"By the way.... not to sound rude or anything like that but when was the last time you had a bath, you smell horrible and I'm literally a ghost that is made out of green glowing fabric or whatever this is, I shouldn't be capable of smelling anything"

"You really don't want to know" I said with a grimace.

(God, I really do need a bath, maybe it will help with my ever growing stress as well) I thought to myself while adding that to my mental to-do list.

After that Mika quickly lead the way towards the meeting room were the spy and the others were waiting for us. As soon as I entered the room I couldn't help but sigh in annoyance when I saw Yama and Rai arguing in the corner like a pair of children, Kaen was also there looking half a sleep as he rested his head on his hand. To my surprise the small old man or Gramps was also here, he was sitting in a chair that was way to big for him while having an apparently delightful conversation about tea, he was having this conversation with Poe who was waving his hands in the air dramatically.

Finally in the middle of it all was a very confused and awkward looking Abyssal Wraith that was a mix of light and dark blues in colour. I honestly couldn't help but feel bad for him because he looked incredibly out of place at this very moment in time.

(Why is it that my followers are so damn weird?) I asked myself with an annoyed expression on my face.

"Where is Fuyuko? Shouldn't she be here as well?" I asked when I realised that the female Guardian was no where to be seen.

"I am here mistress" Fuyuko said while suddenly appearing next to me.

"EEEEEK! Don't bloody scare me like that!" I said glaring daggers at her, however, I soon became even more irritated when I heard a certain Gargoyle laughing at me in the background.

"Pfff hahaha, w-wow, Creator I never would have expected you to scream like a little girl, hahahaha"

"Yama, please be quiet before I make you shut up permanently" I said with a sweet yet incredibly sinister smile.

"Yes sir!" He said immediately straightening his body like a statue while shaking ever so slightly.

"Alright, let's get this meeting underway then shall we" I said while taking a seat at the head of the table, soon afterwards everyone joined me and took their seat.

"Now then, would you please explain to me what happened in your mission" I said while glancing over towards the some what nervous looking Wraith.

"Errm, y-yes Miss"

"Awwwww, he is so nervous to be talking to you, how absolutely adorable" Mika said while giggling to herself.

"Oh, shut up you!"

=======Somewhere else pov=======

Far away from Suu's location a small group of five Abyssal Wraiths were flying together in a very loose formation. Each one of them was constantly glancing down at the ground below them as if looking for something.

"So just what exactly are we doing out here in the first place?" A light red almost pink male Wraith asked as they flew through the air hundreds of feet from the ground.

"Did you even read the mission briefing that we were given" A white and grey male Wraith asked while shaking his head in disappointment.


"Hehehe, this is Pinky were talking about, of course he didn't read it" a bright yellow female Wraith said while flying around the group happily.

"I told you to stop calling me that!" The pink Wraith yelled angrily at her.

"Pinky Pinky Pinky Pinky, hehehehe"

"Would you three be quiet already! And Elena please remind them of our mission" a crimson red Wraith said while looking over at another female Wraith that was purple in colour.

"Yes sir~ Mr. Leader sir~"

"We're looking for someone that has some how managed to escape from the Cultist. The poor little thing is probably terrified right now, when we find them I'll definitely give them a big hug to make them feel better~"

"And how do we know what they look like when we see them?" The pink Wraith asked.

"Just look for the only person out here besides us that doesn't look like a crazy ass Cultist or Puppets"

"Found them!"

"Wait what!" The grey Wraith yelled in surprise while quickly looking over at the yellow Wraith who was pointing at something happily.

"Oh, your right, there they are"

============Suu pov============

"So that's how it is, hmmm"

The Abyssal Wraith had just gotten finished explaining everything he had over heard to me and the others. I had also asked him if he tried to find out anything else about this ritual or whatever it is but sadly the room he believes that it was in is surrounded by a powerful barrier so he wasn't able to enter to see what it was all about.

"Well at least we know that the cult won't be attacking us anytime soon, so we should be able to relax a bit on our border patrols" Rai said to myself with a nod.

"A river can be slow and calm, yet it can change direction in an instant while becoming chaotic and violent without any warning" Gramps said wisely.

"And what the hell is that supposed to mean?!" Yama asked not understanding a word.

"He means that just because the cultist are not planning a counter attack now doesn't mean they won't decide to plan one later down the line" I translated.

"You could have just said that to begin with" Yama muttered to himself.

"Hmmm, Kaen have you had any luck with the interrogations?"

"No, sadly not my dear, most of the Cultist that we captured either killed themselves or bit their own tongues off, we tried other methods to get information out of them but most of the time they don't have any effect on them what so ever" Kaen said with an annoyed groan.

"Thankfully though we have managed to get a lot of information from the souls that we have saved as well as Mika's spies"

"Talking about information have you managed to find Haruko's location yet? Also is there anything we have on those three Bishops that was reported?" I asked curiously.

"No, but we have figured out that he is definitely in the dragon graveyard or whatever it's called" Kaen answered for Mika, the green Wraith also nodded in agreement to what he said.

"As for those Bishops, two of them are probably the ones that are in command of the other two territories besides the capital.... as for the crazy one... I can only assume that they were the Bishop that was in charge of the old slave camps" Kaen said with disgust and hate in his voice which was a slight surprised because he was usually super laid back most of the time.

"I would like more information on this ritual before I decide on anything" I said thoughtfully

"Well your about to get it" Mika said happily.


"One of my patrols I sent out just sent me a message through thought communication, they have found our little escapee"

"That's good news, what else is there?" I asked because I noticed that she had more to say.

"The interesting thing is, she's a Light spirit"