Chapter 22 Light Spirit

"C-come on, move, I ha-have to keep going"

Currently, there was someone running through a dark creepy looking forest, they were visibly female and they were just a little bigger then your average house cat, meaning they were incredibly tiny in size. She had a set of insect like wings that were made of gold light, also similarly to her wings, the girl's body was covered by a very weak and dim golden light. She had short blond hair that went down to just below her neck and had what looked like golden tattoo like markings covering parts of her body, adding that with her pale white skin and over all looks she was incredibly beautiful, however, the fact that she looked incredibly weak and malnourished greatly ruined her appearance.

"If o-only I could fly ri-right now, I would ea-easily be able t-to escape fr-from them" she said through faint gasps of exhaustion as she struggled to keep moving forward.

In the distance the girl could hear the sound of voices getting ever closer. She tried desperately to speed up only to find that her legs were starting to give out, it was like trying to walk with massive stones tied to her legs, this of course only seem to fuel her panicking mind.

(N-no, I can't stop here, not after they bought me so much time to escape from that horrible place. I have to find help for them no matter the cost) the girl tried even harder to make her aching body move, only to quickly find herself falling to the ground as she struggled to keep conscious.

(Get up get up Get Up!) She screamed in her mind but her body wouldn't move, she could only lay there as the voices in the distance grew ever louder.

(I'm.... I'm so sorry, I couldn't save you all...) she thought as what little hope she had left vanished, however, soon after this something very strange happened that she definitely wasn't expecting.

As the strange robotic sounding voices continued to get closer and closer they suddenly paused, soon after that they returned but something had changed about them. They began to sound almost afraid or maybe shocked would be more accurate to say. Not long after this change did the sound of fighting begin to echo from deeper within the forest before everything just went dead silent.

(W-what just happened?) The girl asked as the silence seemed to drag on for an uncomfortable amount of time.


"EEEEEEEEK!" The girl screamed in surprise as she heard a sudden and unexpected voice yell from behind her.

"Hahahahahaha, that was fucking priceless hahahaha" the voice began laughing like crazy but no matter how hard the girl looked around herself she couldn't find the source of it.

"Your so mean Pinky" a new disembodied female voice said while giggling.

"I told you to stop calling me that already!"

"Guy's, you're scaring the poor thing half to death. Seriously just look at her, she looks like she's about to piss herself from fright. Also she can't even see us, so that is probably not helping the situation either" a new male voice said.

"W-who is th-there?" The girl asked while shaking slightly.

"It's find dear~ we won't hurt you, how could we hurt someone so cute and adorable looking~" a mature female voice said as the space in front of the girl began to ripple and change.

After a second of waiting the girl finally saw where the voices were coming from, however, she definitely wasn't expecting this. In front of her stood a small group of five somewhat see through ghost like beings that had body's that were made of different glowing coloured ribbons.

"Who... who and what are you?" The strange girl asked with a look of confusion and fear, she was deeply hoping these people would help her but for all she knew they could be apart of the cult that had imprisoned and tortured her.

"You can call me whatever you want beautiful~ and as for what we are, well, we're Abyssal Wraiths" the mature female voice said, it had come from the purple feminine looking one, of course hearing what she said the girl couldn't help but blush brightly.

"Stop flirting with the poor girl already" the one that the girl assumed to be there leader said while sounding somewhat annoyed with his teammates antics, also, he was crimson red in colour which made him look a little intimidating to her.

"Ow, you meanie~" the female Wraith yelped in surprise when she got smacked on the back of the head by one of her companions.

"Sigh, anyway, we're here to save you"

"Why? And why should I believe anything that you say? After all, for all I know you are with those monsters" the girl said with suspicion clear in her voice, she refused to believe that they would just show up out of no where and save her.

"First we are a part of a... rebellion, if you want to put it that way. Second, you may not believe us but we are not a part of the cult, let's just say that we hate them more then you can possibly imagine. Also you don't really have any other options, either stay here and possibly get captured again or come with us to a place where you can be safe" the red Wraith said calmly while crouching down in front of her.

"....Fine, I'll go with you" she said reluctantly after a moment of silence.

"Good choice" he said before going off to the side were he seemed to start talking to someone, probably through thought communication or a similar skill.

"Don't worry about him, he's always like that but he does mean well. Also by the way, do you mind telling us who you are?" The grey Wraith asked politely.

"Oh errm... I am a Light spirit, I don't have a name though"

"Now that's interesting" the leader muttered from where he was.

"Anyway, let me introduce everyone. Firstly, my name is Grey, I know, ironic right. I was called Grey and just so happened to turn into a grey and white Wraith" he sighed while shrugging his shoulders ever so slightly, the light spirit was curious what he meant by 'turn into' but put that question aside for now.

"Anyway, the purple pervert over there is Elena, the walking embodiment of sunshine and rainbows is Ray and the rude asshole is Pinky" he said as he pointed at each of them one after another.

"My name is not Pinky!"

"Oh right, that is our fearless and some times cold squad leader, Dai" he completely ignored the other guy while pointing at the red Wraith from before.

"Stop ignoring me god damn it!"

"Shut up Pinky! Now, everyone get ready to leave the area, we have been ordered to return to base as soon as possible, the lady's orders" Dai said loud enough for everyone to hear. This caused everyone except the grumbling Pinky and the light spirit to nod quickly in understanding.

"My name's not Pinky" the poor guy muttered to himself angrily.

"Base? What base? And who is this lady your talking about?" The Light spirit asked somewhat confused.

"The base that we are talking about is this old castle that we took over after a battle with the cult. As for who the lady is, well, you could say she's our leader" Grey explained.

"She is an incredibly strong type of monster that has built a massive army to help fight back against the cult" Ray quickly said while hopping up and down happily.

"She is also super cute too~"

"Don't even try! The last time you tried flirting with her she sent you flying into a nearby wall with barely any effort at all, and besides, from what captain Mika told me she's already got her eye on someone else, so just stop already!" Dai yelled while glaring daggers at her.

"Such a shame~"

"Hehehe, it was super funny though"

"No it wasn't! Sigh, anyway, let's just start heading back now" Dai said tiredly while slowly starting to fly upwards off of the ground.

"I... errrm... I can't move at all... sorry" the Light spirit said as she was still too weak to move properly let alone fly.

"Hmmm, Grey, carry the girl back with you. I would have Elena do it but I would much rather the poor thing not get constantly harassed on the way back to base"

"On it" Grey responded while picking her up before floating up into the air.

"Awww, I would have taken very good care of the little cutie~"

==========Pov change==========

In a dark square room made of moving mist like shadows, two short figures stood. Unfortunately, their bodies were covered in darkness so it was impossible to see what they actually looked like, however, from their visible outline they looked neither female nor Male.

[It would seem that they're on the right track now... not that it will actually mean anything in the end] the taller of the two said with their arms crossed.

{Seems so} the shorter one said in a somewhat monotone voice.

[They'll die, everyone that 'thing' loves will die when the gates are fully opened, it's only a matter of time now]


[What's the matter? Starting to regret your choice hahahaha, if you really want to we can cancel our little bet, after all, we could save you the horrible humiliation of losing]

{No} the shorter one said as they continued looking forward.

[Huh? Then what the hell are you fucking doing? You have been looking at that wall for the past thirty minutes] the taller one growled while sounding slightly irritated.

{Thinking} this simple response was all they got.

[You know, no matter how much you want it to happen she will not be coming back, after all, even we can't bring back the dead] the taller one taunted.

{Believe what you want to}

[That thing is not her! It's just an abomination that will fall just like everyone else who has come into contact with us]


[Say something god damn it! You and I both know that... that thing can't handle us, even she couldn't handle us, so how the hell can it stop what's coming?!] They yelled while angrily stepping closer to their companion.

{We will just have to wait and see now won't we.... it won't be long now, soon I will be called upon, so you should hold your tongue until then}

[Tsk, whatever... I'll prove to you that they can't, yeah hahahaha, I'll break them just like I did before]


[Sigh, fine! Keep dwelling in your delusions, it will not change anything in the end anyway] the taller one said as they turned to leave.

{I know very well that they are not her and will never be her... but I still made a promise, so did yo-} the shorter one was unable to finish as they were quickly cut off.

[Shut up about that fucking promise already! I promised to protect her, not that damn thing! I promised to make sure that what happened back then never happened again but I realise now that it is impossible! Don't you understand, no one can handle us! Especially not some broken, half crazy, weak child, who doesn't have even a fraction of the power she used to have] the taller one shouted in rage as they whipped back around to face the shorter one.

{If you really do feel that way then why did you step in back then. They would have been fine in the end no matter how they died. So why did you step in and stop him?}

[I.... I may hate them... but even I'm not fucked up enough in the head to just stand by while some bastard is beating a kid half to death] the taller one said with visible discussed and hatred.

[Anyway, I'm leaving]
