Chapter 23 Arrival

"FUCKING FINALLY!" I yelled in delight while I smiled brightly.

"Mistress, please calm down" Fuyuko who was here with me said with a small sigh.

"Oh come on don't be like that, it's finally finished, am I not allowed to be happy about my great achievement? After days of work I can finally rest" I grinned with a tired look in my eyes.

"Do you really believe that this will work?" She asked somewhat sceptical.

"Damn straight it will! After all the work that I put into getting it all finished and not to mention all the abilities that I ended up giving them, there is no doubt in my mind, they are going to be extremely useful in the future"

If the plan I have for them works out perfectly then my new fighting force will be incredibly deadly and versatile on the battlefield. However, the one problem I will have in the long run if getting enough food to feed them all, thankfully for me my first project should help a little with that problem once everything is up and running.

"I look forward to seeing it then"

"Anyway, how are things going with our food problem?" I asked because our food stores were finally starting to run out, we were still getting supplies from the teams we were sending out to hunt and forage but it wasn't enough.

"So far it's going well, if they keep growing as fast as they are we should be fine with in a week or so, in fact with the number of them that you planted it wouldn't be a stretch to say that we will have too much food" she quickly explained.

"That's good... and the escapee?"


"About that!" Mika said while appearing out of no where cutting Fuyuko off abruptly, this of course scared the shit out of me because I wasn't expecting her to show up.

"For fuck sake Mika! What have I told you about appearing out of fin air and scaring the crap out of people" I glared at her angrily only to be met with amused laughter in response.

"Hahaha, oh come on, you and I both know it's hilarious"

"Maybe for you it is, sigh, what are you doing here anyway?"

"Oh right, the team that found the light spirit is on it's way back now, in fact they should be back here in an hour or so. Unfortunately the team that ended up finding her just so happens to be Dai's team" she said with her hands crossed in front of her.

"Oh... poor girl" I said remembering the flirty pervert that just so happens to be a part of that group.

"Elena can be a nightmare to deal with sometimes" Mika said while shaking her head.

"Well at least they found her"

I was really hoping that this Light spirit would have some information on whatever this ritual is. I was a little surprised to know they were a Light spirit, after all, from what little I knew of Light spirits, they usually only show themselves to heroes or people who have the potential to become heroes. I really don't want to attack the cult again, not without at least knowing something about whatever this ritual is first. Of course, I have still been planning our next attack plan in my head for the past couple of days, however, this added with all the work I already have probably wasn't helping my stress levels.

"Would you like me to begin preparations for their arrival?" Fuyuko asked.

"Yes please"

"I'll go get everything ready then, please call me if you need anything at all" she said with a small bow.

"I'll help you with that" Mika said.

"And while you two are getting all that ready I'm going to take a much needed bath" I was really looking forward to this, I mean come on, I haven't had time to relax in ages.

(I really do miss Tempest's hot springs) I thought with a sigh.

"Hehehehe, you smell" Mika said making my eye twitch slightly.



"Please increase Mika's training time for the next week"

"H-hey, I was just joking" Mika said while panicking a little.

"Actually make that two weeks instead"

"I'm sorry, okay!"

"Stop complaining already and except your punishment" Fuyuko said while shaking her head.

"Ooooh, damn it!"

=========Light spirit pov========

"So we're almost their?"

"Yep, you should be able to see it any second now" Grey told me while looking straight ahead.

We had been flying for quite a while now, the sun was even starting to set at this point. Thankfully for us though we hadn't run into any trouble along the way so far, this was probably because the Wraiths were flying so high up, the only thing stopping them from going higher was the barrier that covered the whole island.

"I just got done telling the captain that we'll be back at base any minute now, so it's time for us to pick up the paste" Dai said while flying a head of everyone else.

"Oh look, there it is now" Grey said while pointing forward off into the distance.

I quickly looked in that direction and what I saw made me open my eyes wide in surprise. The thing that shocked me wasn't the castle or the town, no, what shocked me was the different kinds of creatures that inhabited the place. There were normal races like humans and elves but then there were creatures that I hadn't ever even heard of before let alone seen, Giant metal centipedes, moving pieces of armour covered in a shadowy smoke and more. What was a little more surprising was the fact that they were all working together and getting along which wasn't really a sight you see normally in this world.

(I... if these people really are fighting the cult then... then there is a chance to save everyone after all) I thought as the realization hit me.

"I can't wait to get some sleep"

"Pinky, we're Wraiths, we don't need sleep hehe"

"First off, I don't care. Second, STOP CALLING ME THAT GOD DAMN IT!"

"You can always come and stay in my bed~" Elena said after suddenly appearing next to him.

"Oh hell no! No one is stupid enough to fall for that twice" Pinky yelled as he quickly flew away from her as fast as he could.

"Your no fun at all~ I just wanted to play, just a little bit~ how about you Ray, do you want to play with me~?"

"N-no th-thank y-y-you" Ray stuttered while blushing a bright red.

"Elena, no one is stupid enough to 'play' with you a second time... our asses will never feel the same again" Dai said with a depressed shadow covering his face.

(What the hell did she do to them?) I thought to myself while hoping to the heavens that I never found out the answer to that question.

"S-so anyway, let's just land quickly" Dai said while trying his best to ignore the awkward atmosphere.

After that we landed in the courtyard of the small castle, the place looked rather run down but it was slowly being repaired by the many workers walking around the area, most of which were actually Dwarves. As soon as we landed Grey put me down, I was still a little shaky on my feet but for right now I was fine. After I got my balance I looked around, Dai was talking to one of the guards about why they were here while everyone else was just standing around waiting for something.

"They should be here any second now" Dai said as he walked back over to us.


"Them" Grey said while pointing behind me.

"So this is the little escapee that we heard so much about" I turned around after hearing a female voice coming from behind me.

Looking up I saw a group of people walking towards us, one of which looked like a dark green female version of Dai and the others. Besides her was one of those moving armours but this one was different, it looked like a female house maid with sharp shards of metal hovering behind her back like a pair of wings. Finally, there was a being that looked like a humanoid mixed with an insect, they had orange patterns all over their exoskeleton.

"Seemed so" the moving armour said.

"Anyway, hi there, my name is Mika" the green Wraith introduced herself.

"That's Kaen and that's Fuyuko" she said while pointing at the individuals behind her.

"Hey" Kaen said while placing his hands behind his head.

"Greetings" Fuyuko said with a small bow.


"Hahaha, your pretty cute, I'm sure Elena teased the hell out of you" this remark from Kaen made me blush as I remembered all the embarrassing and frankly inappropriate comments she made towards me on the way here.

"Oh come on~ I'm not that bad~" this comment earned her a blank look from everyone in the area, even those that weren't apart of the overall conversation.

"Moving on, I would have liked to start the meeting that were having about you, however, from the look of it your not exactly in any condition to talk in front of everyone right now" Mika said while looking me up and down.

"No wait! I may not be in a good physical condition but I can still speak"

"Why are you in such a hurry anyway? I mean you should take time to rest"

"Every moment that I'm just sitting around resting is another moment they are all suffering" I said with sorrow in my voice while looking at the group in front of me.

"Hmmm, sigh, alright fine but it will take a little while to get everything ready anyway. So while we are doing that, go have some rest and get something to eat while you're at it" Mika said as she stood up and turned to leave with her group.

"Alright then, you heard the boss, let's get you something to eat" Grey said before I had time to argue any more.

"Yay yay, foodies foodies, I love foodies!" Ray yelled while jumping up and down happily.

"Fine, I suppose that we can all go and get something to eat together, you two in?" Dai asked while looking at the other two members of the group.

"Of course~ as long as I get to spend more time with this cute little thing~" Elena said gesturing towards me.

"Why not" Pinky muttered.

"Wait, but aren't you... you know, ghosts? Why do you need to eat anyway?" I asked confused.

"Oh well, technically we don't need to eat but we are still capable of eating food" Dai explained.

"Huh? But you don't have a stomach, where does it all go? I mean, your see through, right? So there is nothing for it to go into, so where does it all go?" I asked still very confused.

"Magic" Pinky answered while waving his hands dramatically.

"That's not an answer"

"MAGIC!" Ray shouted with her arms up in the air.

"I... I'm just not gonna question it"

"Good decision" Grey said, I had a feeling that if he had a mouth he would be grinning right now.... WAIT!

"You don't even have a mouth so how the hell do you eat!?! And don't you dare just say 'magic' again" I said while glaring at them all.

"Alright, do you really want to know?" Dai asked


"You sure?" Pinky asked this time.


"Fine fine, I'll tell you. We do it through the power of spirit, determination and sheer force of will!" Grey said in the most dramatic way he could.

"...Now your just fucking with me aren't you?"

"Yep" they all said at once.

"God damn it"