(A/N. No title name for this chapter because I'm super fucking tired, my sleeping pattern has been really messed up these last couple of days so I really couldn't be bothered to think of one, sorry)
///Name: Suu tempest
///Race: Abyssal Storm Phoenix
///Titles: A lost soul. The forgotten one. First born of the abyss. Ruler of the abyss. Princess of monsters. The black Phoenix of oblivion. Conqueror of the skies.
///Class: Reaper
///Blessing: Storm Crest
///Disaster Rank human form: Special A
///Disaster Rank Phoenix form: S
(White cloak.
Black t-shirt, trousers and shoes.
Red scarf.)
(Blue Ash *scythe and a lot of other things*.
Corrosive poison grenades)
Other types of items:
(Healing potions.
Enchanted mask *suppresses the user's aura*.)
Kuro, (Abyssal demon Orc )
Yin, (2 tailed abyssal cat)
Yang, (2 tailed abyssal cat)
Zeref, (Abyssal basilisk)
Poe, (Abyssal terror bear)
Fuyuko, (Abyssal metallic guardian)
Mika, (Abyssal wraith)
Rai, (Abyssal lightning guardian)
Kaen, (Abyssal harbinger)
Yama, (Abyssal scorched gargoyle)
Abyssal living armours, (912)
Abyssal magma golems, (458)
Abyssal thunderpedes, (257)
Abyssal wraiths, (148)
Abyssal harbingers, (98)
Abyssal gargoyles, (684)
Humans, (1,684)
Elfs, (528)
Dwarfs, (457)
///Species skills:
Abyss gate
Abyssal flame
Flame eater
Flame control
Darkness manipulation
Ultimate regeneration
Thermal fluctuation nullification
Flame body
Undying soul
Ice manipulation
Ice phasing
Soul manipulation
Water breathing
Water sight
Weapon mastery
Night vision
Infrared vision
Quick draw
New, Greater stamina recovery, (massively increases the speed in which the user recovers stamina)
Magic arrows
Tempest arrows
Light arrows
Darkness arrows
Flame arrows
Damage absorption
Thought communication
Magic jamming
Body manipulation
Poison manipulation
Corrosive poison
Poisonous mist
Magic compression cannon
Magic weaving
Magic control
Lightning Speed
Pain nullification
Acid immunity
Poison immunity
Petrification immunity
New, Sleep immunity
Physical attack resistance
Demonic attack resistance
Magic resistance
Hunger resistance
Mental attack resistance
Shadow movement
Crimson lightning
Magic sense
Multilayer deflection barrier
///Unique skills:
Soul creation. (Soul construction, Soul storage. Soul sight)
Joy. (Clear mind. Peaceful aura. Eternal bond, (Rimuru. Yin. Yang. Zeref. Kuro. Milim). Judgement. Replication)
Sorrow. (Mind illusion. Mental decay. Emotional state. Emotion eater. Bottomless Void)
Eyes of the abyss.
Abyssal heart. (Abyssal corruption. Gifted life. Black blood)
///Ultimate skills: none
"Sigh, my Sleep resistance and Stamina recovery skills have both evolved recently... it's probably because of the fact that I have been over working myself for the past couple of days" I said out loud while looking through my status.
I was currently standing outside on a balcony that was apart of the castle leaning against the stone railing. I was unable to get any sleep because of my somewhat chaotic thoughts... anyway, I ended up coming out here to get some fresh air while also taking the time to check my status.
In all honesty I really do enjoy the calmness of the night and can't help but find it relaxing. I always did like this time of the day the most, after all, it was one of the very few times in my past life that I was ever given a break from the constant abuse I had to go through, of course it wasn't always like that but I still liked the quiet and peaceful atmosphere that the night brings. It's was also just much easier for me to think out here.
The reason why I couldn't sleep was not because I was working again, no, this time it was because I was nervous, in just four days we planned to attack the cult again and I am not looking forward to the body count that I'll probably be getting at the end of it. Honestly I'm kind of scared, I mean, it's not every day that you have hundreds of people depending on you to save and protect them.
As for the meeting it, well, it could have gone better if I'm being honest. A small argument had broken out and I had to use my Peaceful aura skill to calm everyone down. After continuing with the meeting we ended up making a simple framework of the plan, however, it was getting late so we put the finer details of the plan on hold until tomorrow.
"Huh?" I turned around to see that one of my guards had opened the door to the balcony and was patiently waiting for my reply.
"What is it?"
"There is someone who wishes to speak to you"
"Who is it?"
"It seems to be that Light spirit, the one that arrived here a few hours ago"
(What could she want? I wonder, hmmm...)
"Well let her in... or... would it be out in this case?" I said the last part when I realized I was outside.
The Harbinger simply nodded at me before they turned back around and closed the door behind them, seconds later the door opened again to reveal the very short Light spirit who was looking a hell of a lot better then the first time I had seen her. She looked much healthier and was wearing a white and blue dress that made her look almost like a princess.
"Your looking better I see"
"O-oh, well the reason why I looked so sickly and starved before was because I was so low on magicules but now most of my strength has returned, so errm, yeah..." she explained while sounding a little nervous.
"Thats good to know, well anyway, what exactly is it that you need?" I asked while tilting my head to the side.
"W-well I just wanted to talk... I guess"
I had a feeling that I knew what this was about now, in the meeting she had wanted to go and free her friends right away but that was quickly shot down by everyone. The reason why is because if we just march on the Sixth's strong hold with out bealing with the other two territorys first then we risked being attacked from behind, also there's the fact that we currently don't have the forces to take that place right now. Finally, even if we were to send the Wraiths in to rescue them stealthily there is no actual guarantee that we could get them out alive safely.
"I have already explained to you why we can't save them right now" this caused her to flinch slightly and look down at the ground.
(Sigh, it looks like I was right)
"I know that but it's... it's still frustrating"
"Well... at least they have hope now, hope of finally being rescued. I'm sure that they can hold out for a little bit longer"
(Damn it, I'm terrible at this kind of stuff) I thought to myself while rubbing the back of my head
"It's still hurts knowing that I'm here while they're still in that hell hole" she hissed out while clenching her fists.
"I suppose that I can understand that in a way"
"What do you mean by that?" She asked with a puzzled look on her face.
"Let's just say this, I know what it feels like to live in a place were all you feel is emptiness and pain, in fact I probably know how that feels more then most people do"
"Oh... how did you deal with it?" She asked hesitantly.
"At first I couldn't, back then I was just a hollow shell of a person who could barely function normally. Honestly though, I still sometimes question just how I when from that to how I am now. Oh, but don't get me wrong, I'm still fucked up in the head haha-ha... however, I met people... people who help fix me. Well, some what fix me anyway. So yeah, like a friend... yeah friend, like a friend of mine once told me "it will get better, even if only a little bit""
"That... that was a terrible emotional speech" she said with a small smile.
"Hey! My speeches are great... well okay, at least they are better then average..."
"Hahaha, thanks" she said while holding out her had to me.
"No proble-" I was suddenly cut off when I took her hand with my own only for a golden light to envelop us, of course, I immediately pulled my hand away in surprise.
"What was that?!" I asked while looking at my hand in shock.
"I... I don't know" she said while looking honestly confused, also because of my eyes I was able to tell she wasn't lying.
[A bond has been made]
"What is it?"
"...Nothing, it's... it's nothing"
"Hmmm, alright then I guess" she said slightly puzzled before she when back to looking at her hand.
(I shouldn't be able to make a bond with someone who I haven't made a strong emotional attachment with. I mean seriously, I haven't even made a bond with Benimaru or Shuna yet, so just why am I bonded to her all of a sudden when I haven't even known her for a day?)
"How... how strange"
============Pov change==========
[So... it's finally here huh]
{That is correct}
Inside of a dark room two figures stood, well actually one was sitting on the ground while the other was leaning against the shadowy wall, anyway, both of them were shrouded in darkness making it almost impossible to see their actual appearance. They were both looking at what could only be described as a glowing pale white egg that was covered in golden markings.
[Sigh, you know I always found it kind of stupid that we could do this kind of thing, I mean come on, isn't it a little overpowered. Also... now that I think about it, isn't it supposed to be impossible for someone like that thing to get there hands on this? Let alone both of them at the same time] the taller figure said while they looked over at something else that was inside of the room.
Not far from them on the other side of the room was a large black seed that seemed to absorb the light around it, the seed was also covered in bright red patterns that looked something like veins. Both the egg and the seed seemed to be battling for space with each other, one was trying to full the room up with light while the other was trying to full the room up with darkness, however, the two beings in the room seemed to be keeping them in a strange balance with one another.
{Well we aren't exactly what most people would consider normal beings} the shorter one pointed out.
[Fair point I guess]
{What I don't understand is why exactly you are helping me keep them in check. Don't you want her to die?} The short figure asked while looking up at their companion.
[That's were your wrong my friends, if I wanted them dead I wouldn't have helped that damn thing back then. No, what I want, what I really want is to see it fail, miserably]
{Aren't you just the definition of a kind person} the short one said sarcastically.
[Ha, yeah right, you and I both know were terrible people] the taller figure said while laughing darkly.
[Let me guess, you still believe that thing can pull it off, don't you?] It clearly wasn't a question that actually needed an answer but they asked anyway.
{I don't know if they can do it, all I know is that she is the only one who has any chance of succeeding at this point}
[Don't you remember what happened the last time someone tried to use our power?] The taller one said with the smallest amount of pain in their voice.
{How could I forget, she was practically ou-} the shorter figure tried to snap back but got cut off.
[No not her, the other one]
{Oh... yes, that was.... unfortunate}
[That's one way to fucking put it I guess. Unfortunate... haha, if you can describe the deaths of hundreds of thousands and the extinction of an entire race as, unfortunate, then yeah, it was VERY FUCKING unfortunate] they said in disgust while they glared down at their shorter companion.
[It was our damn fault that happened, just like it alwa-]
{You don't think I know that! You think I don't realise that if we we're just a little more patient, just a little less desperate to complete our damn mission that those people wouldn't have had to die a meaningless death! It's been eating away at me for fucking years, I see their faces in my head every time I try to think... I know it's our fault, believe me I do... you don't have to remind me...} this time it was the shorter one who lashed out in anger witch was completely different from their usual calm self.
[So then, when do you think that they will awaken?] The taller one asked trying to get rid of the awkward atmosphere.
{....Probably around the same time as each other if we get lucky, however, I'm hoping she will save us some work by awakening them at the same time}
{If you don't want to stay here then just leave already} the short figure said while continuing to look at the white egg in front of them.
[That thing will never fill her place] the taller one muttered quietly as they turned to leave.
{No one can fill her place...} this actually made the taller figure stop in surprise.
{But... but I'm still doing this, if only to fulfill my promise and to atone for what we have done in the past}