Chapter 26 Bels

(A/N. Just wanted to apologise for the late upload on my part, like I said last week my sleeping pattern has been all over the place recently so I've had that to deal with. I even had to go get some medicine to help fix it because the lack of sleep was affecting me so much. Anyway, I hope that you all like and enjoy the chapter.

P.S. I know some of you are going to say that I don't need to apologise but I can't help it, I feel bad when I don't upload on time)

"Alright, you ready"


"Okay then"

Currently, deep inside of the tunnels that ran all through out the underneath of the island were a group of Abyssal living armours, also, along with them was a large Thunderpede that had many boxes strapped to it's back. The Living armours were taking these boxes and throwing them down into a very dark cavern that was over to the left of the ledge they were on.




The two that were currently talking to each other swung the box from side to side as they counted down. They then threw the box and watched as it disappeared into the darkness of the cavern, moments later the very quiet sound of the box hitting the ground could be heard. Still having some more work to do, the two of them quickly turned around and headed back over to where the others were unloading the other boxes.

"Hey, why exactly are we throwing boxes filled with food into a massive pit? I know that we don't really need to eat, but still, isn't this just a complete waste of resources?" One of them asked.

"Apparently from what I've heard the creator's new project is down there. As for why were doing this, well, it's to feed it.. or them... I don't really know how many of them there are down there..." the one they were talking to said with a shrug.

"Wouldn't the boxes just break as soon as they come in contact with the ground completely ruining what's inside of them?"

"Nope. The reason why is because the creator has enchanted them so that they will be fine no matter how high they are dropped from" they explained simply.

"Also... why the hell are they in a massive cavern in the first place? And why don't they just come up here and get some food themselves if their so hungry all the time instead of us having to throw it down to them? Actually, how did the creator even find this place to begin with, let alone have time to put whatever she has made down there? Hasn't she been super busy with preparations the last couple of days?"

'From what I've heard, it's because the creator want's to keep it a secret from almost everyone for now. As for how she did it, well, apparently she created the thing before she then put Miss Fuyuko in charge of setting it up down here for her' the Thunderpede said through his Thought communication skill as he turned his head to look over at them.

"Why though? I mean it's not like us knowing will change that much after all" the living armour spoke again still sounding confused about the situation.

"Idiot, think about it this way, if we have the Wraiths spying on them all the time whose to say that they don't have people spying on us. Also if one of you idiots happened to start talking about what you have seen here, even if it's just casual talk between friends, they could find out and prepare for it when we eventually attack them again" this time the answer came from a new Living armour that had walked over to them, they seemed to be the leader of the small group.

"Oh, okay yeah, that... that makes a little more sense"

"Now hurry up and get back to work!"

"Yes sir!" The lot that were talking quickly saluted before getting back to what they were doing.

=============Suu Pov===========

"So... that's the plan done with then" I said looking across the table at everyone who was gathered in the meeting room with me.

"Now if anyone has anything they think we should add to it before I continue on"

"Well, it is always wise to have as many peaces in reserve as possible when playing a game of chest" Gramps said with his typical sagely look as he drank some tea that Poe had given him.

"I understand... the problem is that the junkyard is running out of things for us to use, after all, not everyone was wearing a suit of armour when they came here. We could start just turning the environment around us into more allies but to do that we will need the Mistress to create a lot more souls and that will take time to do. Also, we could use the body's of the puppets we captured but I don't think the Wraiths want to have to fight along side their ex-prisons" Fuyuko said thoughtfully.

"We do have my little secret project but just to make sure that we have all the bases covered I have another idea that we can talk about later" I spoke while smiling to myself because I had the suspicion dad would probably like this idea of mine.

"As for right now, if no one has anymore suggestions I would like to say something" I said getting everyone's attention.

"Hey, Light spirit" I looked over at the almost fairy like girl, she has been just sitting quietly until now.


"I'm guessing that you're going to want to help in this?" I asked already knowing the answer.

"Of course I do"

"Well I can't really stop you, after all it's your own decision, however, just to make sure that your strong enough to fight would you mind if I named you?"

"I... if it will help me save the others then... yes" she answered with determination in her eyes after a moment of thought.

"How about I name you... Bels" I said with a small smile.

"Okay..." as she some what shyly said that her body began to be covered in a black and golden light.

"I wonder what she will look like after this" Mika said as we all sat patiently waiting for the transformation to finish. After a minute or so the light that covered her finally started to fade revealing her new form.

Her body had changed quite a bit to say the very least. She had grown about a foot taller and her body had become a little more mature looking, also her eye colour was now black with blue pupils, they were similar to mine in a way. Her wings had changed to resemble the wings of a wasp or Hornet and the golden aura that surrounded her had become much darker in colour overall. Her short blond hair had also changed becoming slightly longer and now had streaks of black running through it. Finally, the white dress she was wearing changed completely, it became a black gothic looking dress with blue patterns near the bottom of it.


///Name: Bels

///Race: Greater abyssal light spirit

///Titles: none

///Blessing: Abyssal Crest

///Class: Mage

///Disaster Rank: A-

///Items: none

////Followers: None

///Species skills:

Abyssal gate

Illuminate. (The user can create several bright lights to brighten the surrounding area)

Light javelin. (The user can create hundreds of weak light javelins that they can send on mass at their enemies or they can combine all of them together into one much larger and more powerful javelin)

Ray of light. (The user can create a beam of light that can burn through metal and flesh)

Holy healing. (The user can heal any one around them, the skill can be used to regenerate limbs and cure illnesses)

Spear of the abyss. (The user can create a spear out of Black blood that will drain the magicules of anyone it touches)

Abyssal light. (The user can create an area of affect around themselves were everything is covered in dark almost black light. Anyone who is within the light of the skill will have their magicules slowly drained from them over time, the closer they are to the user the faster it will be drained away. Note, the user can specify who is affected by the skill and who isn't)

Illusionary embodiment. (The user can create a duplicate of themselves out of light that they can then use to cast skills through, however, if the duplicate is hit even once it will vanish)

Light manipulation

Abyssal manipulation, (the user is capable of manipulating the Black blood in the abyss to a very minor degree)


Light prison. (The user can trap a target inside of a massive white space that is extremely hard to escape from)

Prism barrier. (The user can create a triangular barrier around themselves, this barrier can also absorb several magical attacks, however, eventually it will break if it is attacked constantly)

Flash burst. (The user can send dozens of beams of light out from all over their body, this not only blinds nearby opponents but also can kill them if they are hit)

Evil detection. (The user can sense the alignment of the people around them, this skill basically let's the user tell if someone is good or bad)

Magic sense

Magic battery. (The user can store large amounts of magical power inside of themselves. This allows them to quickly replenish themselves if they ever run out of magicules)

Pain resistance

Physical attack resistance

Hunger resistance

Magic draining nullification

///Unique skills: none

///Ultimate skills: none


"Huh... this is... well different" the newly named Bels said as she looked over at her new wings.

"You get used to it" Mika said with a shrug.

"Hey, look on the bright side of things, you aren't as handsome and as great looking as me but at least you look way better then you could have turned out" Yama spoke while nodding to himself.

"That was very uncharacteristically nice of you" Mika said with a look of scepticism on her face as if she couldn't believe his words.

"I mean seriously, you could have ended up as hideous and disgusting as this metal bastard over here" Yama said with a grin as he pointed with his thumb at Rai who was currently glaring at him.

"Sigh, there it is"

"Errm... thank you... I gues-" however, before she could finish her sentence she was cut off, this was because Rai had thrown a dagger made of lightning at Yama's face which he barely dodged.

"Oh, now it's on! Get ready to die you walking lightning rod" Yama growled.

"Sigh, Kaen could you take the idiots outside so that they can sort out their childish issues" Fuyuko asked while shaking her head in disappointment as the two in question started fighting each other.

"Very well"

I however, wasn't really paying much attention to them as I looked through her status, I was honestly surprised to see Abyssal manipulation as one of her skills because up until now none of my other subordinates have been able to use it. I was a little thankful about the fact that it seemed she wasn't able to create living beings with the skill but I would still have to tell her to be careful with it just in case I'm wrong about that.

(Let's just hope that she doesn't make something like Abomination by accident like I did) I thought to myself as Kaen threw the two arguing children out of the room to continue there squabble elsewhere.

"Well let's end the meeting here, after all, we have a lot of things to get ready in only a few days so it would be for the best if we get to work now"

"Understood" everyone that was still in the room replied back at the same time.

"Also would someone tell Yama and Rai that if they continue to keep fighting during these meetings I'm going to beat the ever living shit out of them"

"On it" Kaen said with a long sigh.

"Good, now everyone get to it"