Chapter 35 Judgement Unleashed Part 1

==========3rd person pov===========

In a somewhat large walled city that had been partially built into a mountain side a massive number of cultists had gathered, there had to be at least several thousand of them and that is not even mentioning the atrocious number of puppets that were walking around the whole area. It was quite obvious to anyone that saw this scene that they were preparing for some kind of attack on their city, not that there were any people around to actually see the city except for the few slaves that were working out in the open.

The city it's self had two walls around it on all sized except for the part of the city that had been built into the mountain as there was obviously no need for a wall there, after all, the mountain itself acted as a natural and much more protective wall. However, even though the cult seemed to be on high alert none of them noticed a small black and gold bird fly over them and quietly enter the inner part of the city, the ones that did however seemed to become lazy and unmotivated all of a sudden to the point that they just plainly ignored the bird as if it didn't exist.

"Thank god for my Emotional state skill, after all, it's a lot easier to sneak into an enemy stronghold if they are to lazy to do anything about you on the off chance that they end up seeing you" a female voice came from the Bird as it transformed into a short girl who was of course Suu.

"Now then let's get to work... ninja mode activate!" As she very quietly shouted the last part her clothes almost instantly changed to resemble those that were worn by ninjas.

She then began to slowly make her way through the city while being as stealthy as possible. She was heading towards the far east side of the city and on her way there she easily avoided most of the cultist and puppets that were patrolling the streets with her new detection skill. Those that she couldn't get past because of varying reasons she either silently killed or used her other skills such as Mind illusion to distract them long enough for her to get past them before they noticed her. After some time of sneaking she came to a stop in the middle of a quiet alleyway.

"All that stealth training that I had with Souei really came in handy for this mission, of course my new Magical disturbance detection skill is also helping quite a lot, I mean seriously I can literally detect the... magical vibrations. Is that what I'm going to be calling them... whatever it doesn't really matter right now. Anyway, I can sense the vibrations of magicules that are created when people move around or use their skills and abilities, after all, magicules are pretty much everywhere, in fact I can sense the movements of everything in the city as well as everything in the surrounding area"

(A/N. Magical disturbance detection is similar to toph's vibration sense ability from ATLA, however, Suu can detect everything around her unlike toph who can only detect things that are connected to the ground)

"Anyway, enough talking to myself like a weirdo, let's get moving towards the first conduit" Suu said as she picked up her paste and started moving at a much faster speed then before.

After sometime of sneaking around she seemed to finally arrive at her destination and from the massive numbers of guards and people working around here it was quite obvious that this place was very important for some reason. There in the middle of a small clearing, sitting on a large stone pedestal was what looked like a pure black six meter tall obelisk covered in runes and symbols similar to those that made up the barrier around the island, there was also several cultist that were constantly inspecting the symbols that had been carefully carved into it.

"I am really curious how that thing actually works... it's a shame then that I have to destroy it but hey, maybe I will get a chance to look at the remains after this is over" Suu said sounding a little sad but she soon shrugged it off.

"Now how am I going to get close to it with out anyone noticing hmmm... oh that could work"

'Hey Suu, how is your part of the plan going'

'Jesus fucking christ! Mika I'm trying to be stealthy and you scaring the shit out of me is not helping at all' Suu quietly and very angrily yelled as she quickly hid herself before anyone realized that she was standing there.

'Sorry. Anyway, how is your part of the plan going?' Mika asked again while not sounding very sorry at all about her current actions.

'Sigh... it's going fine if you really must know, I was just about to take out the first of the conduits before you so rudely interrupted me. How about you, is your part working out fine over on your end?'

'Yeah it is, all the Wraiths are in position and ready to start spreading some chaos' Mika said with a mischievous and somewhat excited sounding voice.

'Good, now stop talking to me through thought communication and get back to work already, I need to concentrate'

'Fine fine I'll stop, see you on the battlefield... and good luck completing your part of the plan, hopefully we won't have to resort to plan B' Mika said before cutting the link.

"Now then let's get this done" Suu said to herself before the space around her began to ripple and change.

After a moment of waiting Suu just walked out into the open in full view of everyone who was walking around the area with seemingly not much care about any consequences. However, contrary to what you would probably think would've happened the cultist didn't attack her, no in fact they seemed to just ignore her existence, as if she was just ment to be there in the first place. What Suu had done was make herself look like one of them using her Mind illusion skill.

"It's unfortunate that this skill drains my magicules the longer I use it or I would definitely use it far more often for things like this" she said under her breath so no one could hear.

"This one wishes to know what you are doing in the place that is this place?" One of the Cultists suddenly asked as Suu walked over to the obelisk while trying to act as inconspicuous as possible.

"Errrrm... this one is... is doing what this one is doing" Suu awkwardly said, surprisingly she sounded just like one of the Cultists, emotionless robotic voice and all, she had used her body manipulation skill to change her vocal chords so that she would sound like one of them.

".....This one understands, please continue the thing that you are doing in this place"

"Affirmative... this one shall continue to do... that thing this one is doing at this moment... that is happening right now" the cultist seemed to look at her strangely before turning around and walking away.

"How the hell did that work...?" Suu quietly asked herself before walking over and placing a small object in a hidden place next to the obelisk.

"Well that's one down two to go"

==============Bels pov============

(I wonder how things are going out there... I hope that everyone is okay and are doing well in their missions. Oh no, what if they're hurt and in need of help right now... n-no I'm sure that they are all fine, yeah, they'll be fine... right?) I unsurely thought to myself as I stood on the outskirts of a medical camp we were building for the upcoming battle.

"Bels!" A sudden shout nearly caught me to jump out of my skin.

"Eeeeeek! What! What is it, who's there?" I asked startled before looking around a little panicked as I tried to find the person who had yelled all of a sudden.

"Hahahaha don't worry it's just me" a very familiar grey coloured Wraiths appeared right next to me with a curious glint in his eyes.

"O-oh Grey I-it's you"

"Hahaha, I've been calling you for the last five or so minutes yet you've just been standing there looking up at the sky like a lost puppy who doesn't know where she is. What are you day dreaming about anyway?" I couldn't help but blush a little in embarrassment when I heard that.


"Come on you can tell me" as he spoke he looked at me with that oddly charming look of his.

(Damn it, why does he have to look at me like that! Come on Bels he's a ghost for god sake, it could never work out in the end... could it... no bad thoughts bad thoughts!)

"Bels... your doing it again" he said while rolling his eyes at me.

"O-oh errrr s-sorry. Anyway, I... I just feel like I'm not doing all I can to help... you know" I blurted out as I tried to hide my ever growing embarrassment at the whole situation.

"What are you talking about? Your helping a lot, I mean your literally one of the very few people we have with any kind of healing skills, we can't rely on the limited healing potions that Suu gave us unless it's life threatening so skills like yours are very helpful. So once all the fighting actually gets started you are going to be needed way more around here then you will be out there on the battlefield" he explained as he patted my shoulder.

"But still..."

"Hey think of it this way, your helping way more then Elena is, after all, she has been doing nothing but flirting with random people for the past hour or so"

"Hehehe... thanks for the support" I said with a small smile.

"It's no problem at all and besides, it isn't like I'm going to be out there fighting as well so we're in a similar position. Me and the others have volunteered to stay back here and help in the defense of the injured just in case something goes wrong... even so... me, Pinky and everyone else wants to be out there fighting but protecting the injured here is far more important then having a few more people on the battlefield" I could tell he was being sincere, however, I could also see a small hint of frustration in his eyes.

"yeah... yeah your righ-"

"MY NAME ISN'T PINKY!" The very loud voice of Pinky cut me off as it echoed from the other side of the camp, which was quite the large distance I might note.

"How the heck did he hear us from all the way over there?" Grey asked with a confused and somewhat surprised look on his face.

"Hehe, sorry Pinky!" I yelled back at him only to notice that I had just called him it again without even realizing it.


"No! It's not happening my darling little Pinky~" suddenly Elena joined in on the conversation out of nowhere and just like Pinky she should have been way to far away to have actually heard us but somehow did.

"But your welcome to come and stop me if you like darling~, after all, I do like guys that try and fight back~"


"Hehehe~ go ahead and play hard to get all you want~ it won't matter once I catch you~"

"Anyway, just keep doing what you've been doing up until now" Grey said as he turned back to me while ignoring the two shouting in the background.

"Thanks, I'll do that"

(A/N. I hope that you all had a great Christmas and new year. Also hope you have enjoyed the chapter even if I'm a bit rusty at writing after my long break)