Chapter 36 Judgement Unleashed Part 2

(Two down and one more left to go) I thought to myself as I walked away from the second obelisk.

(It's a hell of a lot easier to get this done when they think that your one of them) I was currently walking down a street while trying my best to blend into the small crowd that patrolled the area.

(Still though...)

"Please... I can't move anymore..." I couldn't help the sadness and anger that I felt when I saw an adult man, who was incredibly skinny and sickly looking, collapse to the ground because of exhaustion and starvation. I know how it feels to be abused and have to go days with barely anything to eat so having to stand here and watch this brought back a lot of bad memories that I really wish I could forget.

"This one does not have the time to waste on a broken object like the one in front of this one right now, either get back up or be terminated for your current defective and unproductive actions" the Cultist who seemed to be in charge of that group of slave said with what almost sounded like discussed, well as disgusted as a almost completely emotionless being like one of them can sound anyway.


I had actually seen a lot of scenes like this as I traveled through the city and it wasn't getting any easier for me to keep my cool, my Clear mind skill was actually helping quite a bit but it was getting harder and harder not to just go on a killing spree as time went on. Actually, the only thing that was really stopping me from just rampaging through out the city in my Phoenix form was the still very vivid memories of the dead people that I could have saved if I hadn't gone completely berserk last time.

"Don't worry mr, I'll help you" another one of the slaves, this time a young boy around thirteen to fourteen years of age ran up to him and help the man up. Thankfully however, the Cultist seeing that the man was now back on his feet again went back to whatever it was they were doing.

(I'll make sure that you are all set free very soon, that's a promise) I thought as I used a little bit of my Holy healing skill the help the man, my hand slightly glow just a little with a soft golden light before said light quickly vanished soon after. I hadn't really done all that much because I didn't want it to be extremely noticeable but it was enough that he should be able to walk on his own for a while.

After doing what little I could to help I left the area, I definitely didn't want to be spotted just standing around doing absolutely nothing as that would just cause me to get a lot of unwanted attention. I was just about to continue towards the next conduit when something stopped me or more specifically someone.

'Errrrr Suu'

'I told you not to contact me Mika, sigh, this better be important' I grumbled as I quickly moved over into one of the alleyways that were vacant of any prying eyes.

'Yeah about that... we have a problem, a big one' that got my attention really quick.

'What happened?'

'Code five level yellow, it could also possibly be orange but no higher then that... I don't think so anyway' when I heard that I quickly started moving towards the next conduit while keeping out of the view of everyone possible.

'Shit... how the hell did they manage to find out?'

The codes and levels were something that we created back in our last meeting, it was to help us get information faster and stop people who may have skills that let them listen in on us, after all, we didn't want anyone knowing what we're talking about while we are using thought communication. Code five means that they know we are here and level Yellow means how dangerous something is, the levels go from green to black with black being the most dangerous for us.

(A/N. Examples. Green = they don't know where we are, Yellow = they know that we're here but not where, Orange = they know our general location, Red = they know exactly where we are, Black = they have known where we are the whole time and this is most definitely a trap.)

'No idea, it might be possible they have someone that can detect us or someone smart enough to figure it out'

'Great... I don't know what is worse, a cultist with a detection type skill that can locate us or a cultist that has more then two functioning brain cells' I said while shaking my head in annoyance.

'Oh come on Suu don't be like that, your plan isn't that stupid that it takes someone with only two brain cells to figure it out, give yourself some credit, it would take at least three brains cells to figure it out at least' Mika said while giggling.

'Oh fuck you Mika'

'Hahahaha, a-anyway, what are we gonna do about this? I don't think they know our exact location but they seemed to be searching for us, thankfully however, we're hiding in plane site but if they find you it could complicate things a little' I could only roll my eyes in slight irritation at her previous comment before continuing the conversation.

'Okay... okay here is what we're going to do, tell everyone to be on high alert just in case something happens, also tell fuyuko t-OH SHIT!' I suddenly yelled and back peddled as a massive great sword came flying out of nowhere and slammed into the ground in front of me, something that I almost instantly noticed about the sword was the fact that it had a ruby red blade that was unique to the weapons that the Bishops used. I also probably would have been able to detect it with my skill but I was slightly distracted with talking to Mika.

'What! What happened? Are you okay?' I heard Mika yelp in surprise from the other end of the link as she started asking question after question.

'I'm okay I'm okay, however, it would seem that I have some very rude individuals to deal with' now that I was more focused on what I was doing I quickly sensed several people that were heading my way and got ready for them.

'Mika, I need you to tell Fuyuko to start marching everyone over here, it shouldn't be hard for me to deal with the last conduit so it should be fine to start now. Also one more thing, once that is done you have my permission to start spreading some chaos, it's time for us to go loud' I said dropping all the funny crap and getting serious.

'Plan B?'

'Plan B' I confirmed before cutting the link off.

Just at that very moment a large muscular Cultist landed on top of the grip of the sword in a crouching position. Not even a second after that did several dozen cultist and puppets appear as well blocking my path to the last conduit.

"Sup bitch"

"Oh look, isn't this a rare sight, a wild douchebag appeared, quick take a picture before it runs all the way back to it's crappy little hole in the ground" I smirked as I dropped my illusion and deactivated ninja mode returning to my normal look.

"Very funny, I'm here to give you an offer little bitch so I suggest that you listen, very, very carefully because this ones patience is already very strained" the person I presumed to be a Bishop stepped down from the sword and easily pulled it out of the ground.

"Oh and now it is actually spitting bullshit at us, it is not every day that you get to see a douchebag using it's natural defence mechanism folks, truly a sight to be hold" I said with as much sass as humanly possible which of course seemed to piss him of even more.

"The great lord Sixth sees promise in you, this one doesn't see it but still, he offers you this deal, join us and be saved from the Cleansing or die" the Bishop said while trying to ignore my sass.

"What is the Cleansing or whatever?"

"Join us and find out"

"Hmmmm" I hummed while making a thinking face.

"Tempting offer, a real tempting offer, however, I have a counter offer for you. It's a once in a lifetime deal so I hope you listen carefully as you wouldn't want to miss out on this amazing deal that I have for you. My offer is this, leave right now or I tell my little friend to shove that shiny sword of yours so far up your ass that it will come out of your mouth, then again you would probably enjoy it as all of you cultist are masochistic weirdos"

"What friend? There is no one else here you stupid littl-" I cut them off by activating my eyes and causing him to flinch while tightening his grip on his sword.

"Who's the bitch now?"

"You fucking insolent bird! Even if you are a Phoenix you can still bie, even if just temporarily"

(Guess they really do know that I'm a Phoenix, well it doesn't really change anything so it doesn't matter) I thought while smiling calmly.

"You know what... just kill her" he said while gesturing for his lackeys to attack.

"Wow... I'm terrified, here catching" I grinned before throwing something at him.

"What is this and where the hell did you pull this out from?" He asked looking down at the object in his hand.

"Hey Poe" this made the object, that was Poe, tilt his head to the side curiously while looking over at me.

"You see those guys over there" the little bears head quickly twisted 180° to look at the cultists, the Bishop seeing this immediately dropped him and backed away from him.


Poe's body suddenly started to twist and contort violently as he started to grow, as he grew the fabric that made up his body began to tear in several places and from these rips a black tar like liquid began to leak out staining his fur black. Not long after this did tendrils of varying sizes that were made of the same liquid form out of the rips all over his body with the biggest six coming out of his back like spider legs. The next thing that happened was that large claws made of a hardened version of the black tar ripped out from his paws. Finally, the area around his face ripped revealing eight insect like eyes that glowed an ominous red colour and a mouth made of the same liquid as the rest of his true body that was filled with several rows of sharp jagged teeth.

Once Poe finally stop growing he was over fifty metres tall and had unsurprisingly destroyed all the buildings that were once around him simply by transforming, also he was now releasing a frankly terrifying aura that caused crippling fear in anyone that looked directly at him. His eyes were no longer filled with an adorable innocence but instead were filled with malice and a strange almost twisted excitement.

"Have fun fuckers!" I yelled as I ran past the stunned and frankly terrified cultists.

"...Son of a bitc-"