Chapter 37 Judgement Unleashed part 3

===========Mika pov=========

"What are you doin-aaah?!"

"How do you like being possessed and focused to kill against your own will mother fuckers" I hissed as I used my ribbons to cut down the cultist that stood around me.

I was currently possessing the body of a cultist while allowing my wip like ribbons to flow out of the guys back... or girls back, it's hard to tell what their gender is even when I'm literally controlling one of them. Anyway, me and my Wraiths were currently doing our part of the plan, to put it simply our mission was to not only get as many people to safe areas as we could before the next faze of the plan starts but also spreading as much chaos with in the enemy ranks as possible, and we're doing all of this while we are possessing the body's of cultists.

(Well that's another group of idiots down and dealt with) I thought while retracting all of my ribbons back into the body that I was forcibly controlling.

(Still though... it feels really weird to be possessing a cultist of all things, it just feels down right gross to put it simply and the thought of what they actually do look like isn't helping at al-)


"Oh crap!" I couldn't help the girlish scream I made when I heard that distant yet very loud and animalistic roar that sounded very familiar to me.

"Hehehe.... guess she really let Poe come out to play huh.... I almost feel kind of bad for whoever it is that he is fighting over there, almost" I said as a slight shiver ran down my spine.

"Well I better get back to work" I said while humming to myself.

"I wonder how long it will take Fuyuko and the others to get here, after all, I wouldn't want them to miss the main event after all"

========3rd person pov========

"Damn it!" The Bishop growled through gritted teeth as they quickly jumped out of the way, not even a second later did a massive clawed fist come crashing down from above and crush the building that they were just standing on.


The Bishop was forced to jump out of the way again because just then one of the tendrils that were coming out of Poe's back slammed down where they once were, the tendril also ended up crushing several more buildings in the process and destroying the immediate area around it. The Bishop now seeing a small opening to attack swiped their large sword down in front of themselves sending out a massive red blade of energy towards Poe, however, the attack was blocked by a wall of shadows that had appeared in front of it before the attack could land.

"If only those fucking idiots hadn't died the moment this bloody thing appeared maybe this would be a little easier for me to deal with" the Bishop spoke while glancing over at their subordinates, unsurprisingly they were all very dead and their mangled, broken body's were now littering the ground.

"Where the hell are th-"


"Now they show up... I should have complained five minutes ago" the Bishop said when several explosions went off around Poe's huge body causing him to stumble backwards just a little, of course most of said explosions were block by Poe's barrier that quickly appeared to protect him, not that they would have done much damage to him anyway.

"All of you idiots attack that fucking thing now!" The Bishop yelled at the newly arrived cultists and puppets that had appeared around Poe in the hundreds.

Hearing the Bishop's words all of them began to attack Poe, some of them tried attacking with magic while others tried attacking with more physical weapons, however, most of the attacks were blocked and those that did get through didn't do all that much damage and what little they did do was quickly healed. Poe with a now very pissed off look on his face let of another deafening roar that echoed through the city, unfortunately for the cult this one was different from the others as the moment that someone heard it they immediately began to feel weaker as if it was draining their strength and energy, this ability seemed to only affect the cultist and puppets however making it much harder for them to fight.

Moments later Poe's eyes began to glow blue, they continued to glow brighter and brighter until beams of dark blue energy shot out of all eight of Poe's eyes. What was odd about the beams was that random and somewhat strange effects were given to those hit by the beams, some petrified on the spot, some went insane and killed themselves or started attacking those around them and others just straight up melted into puddles of flesh, blood and bone. These effects didn't just work on living things either because even objects or buildings seemed to be somewhat effected by them as well.

Once most of the reinforcements were dead or fighting each other Poe turned back to look over at the Bishop, currently the Bishop was a bit further away then before and was glowing with chaotic red energy. Also something strange was happening with the large sword in their hand, it almost seemed to be hungrily devouring a large amount of said energy while glowing brightly.

"This one can't believe that it actually has to use this but fuck it, this one is way to bloody pissed off right now to give a single damn about something like that at the moment" the Bishop growled as two pairs of very muscular red arms that were made entirely of muscle ripped out from their back.

"Let's dance you fucking gigantic freak"

Back over with Suu she was currently running across building after building while cutting through anything that tried to get in her way, at this moment she had just sliced through a group of puppets with Blue ash before quickly moving on. Just then however something caused Suu to stop in her tracks, three beams of white light had just shot up into the air above the city and began forming a barrier similar to the one around the island.

"Hmm... seems they're starting to put the barrier up already, they are probably hoping that they will be able to trap us all inside while keeping everyone else out, to bad for them it won't really matter soon" Suu said before quickly activating thought communication and getting moving again.

'Hey, you there?'

'Yes mistress' the familiar voice of Fuyuko answered from the other end of the link.

'How long will it take for you all to get over here?' Suu quickly asked.

'About ten minutes or so'

'Good, that should give me enough time to get over to the last conduit. Oh and please make sure Yama and the Gargoyles don't run ahead of the main force, knowing them they would try something like that just so they can get into a fight faster' Suu said with a shake of her head while continuing to move from building to building.


"Damn, the barrier much be blocking us" Suu quickly shrugged off the slight annoyance she self at that because she soon arrived at the conduit.

This conduit or the black obelisk as you could also call it was a little different from the other two that Suu had seen before. First, all the symbols that covered the thing were glowing white and a large group of cultist were channeling magic into it. The second thing that was different about it was the beam of light that was coming out of the top of the obelisk which seemed to be helping to build the barrier.

(Finally her-) Suu thoughts were almost instantly cut off as an arrow with a familiar rudy red tip came flying at her, thankfully because of her detection skill she saw it coming rather quickly.

"What is up with people attacking me out of no were today?" She asked herself as she dodged out of the way before it could get close to her.

"Sorry but this one can't allow you to get any closer" a person said as they suddenly appeared next to the arrow that had been shot at her.

"Great another Bishop, fantastic" Suu said sarcastically while rolling her eyes and looking at the newly arrived person.

"Well then, shall we get straight to it then" the new Bishop said as they pointed a ruby red bow with bladed edges at her.

"What? No fancy evil monologue?"

"That isn't this one's style" the bishop said with a shrugged.

(This guy seems more mentally there compared to most Bishops I've met before... not that I've actually met many Bishops before now) Suu thought to herself.

"Well then let's just get right to the fight then" Suu smiled before vanishing and reappearing in front of them

"Teleportation?" The Bishop asked while they blocked a slash from Blue ash with their bow.

"Something like that" Suu answered as she kick them in the torso sending them crashing into a nearby building.

The two of them then began to battle against one another, surprisingly though Suu didn't really use many of her skills instead focusing on using her scythe and other variations of Blue ash's forms, the only time that she actually did use magic or other types of skills was when other cultist or puppet tried to get involved in the fight.

"You know... your a terrible shot" Suu mocked as she dodged out of the way of several more arrows while letting a few others simply pass right through her.

"You are really annoying you know that"

"Oh! You can feel annoyed? Congratulations, I know it was hard but good job on feeling a basic human emotion, slow clap everyone, slow clap" Suu said while smiling in amusement.

"Are the sass and sarcasm really necessary?" The Bishop asked sounding very irritated.

"Hey! Those are two of my best qualities I'll have you know"

'Suu, everyone is out of the way and in the safe areas, you can now start the next part of the mission without any worries' Mika suddenly said through thought communication causing Suu to smile.

"It's about time" Suu said as she abruptly stopped attacking the Bishop and vanished from where she once was, she then reappeared above the obelisk and preceded to bombard the area with crimson lightning destroying it completely as well as everything nearby.

"That's one, now for the rest of them" she then snapped her fingers causing two different explosions to go off in the distance where the other two obelisks would have been.

"Aaaaand there goes your fancy little barrier that you were so proud of"

"Damn it!"

"Mind if I ask you a question?" Suu asked out of nowhere as the Bishop sent dozens of arrows at her.


"That barrier didn't just block surface attacks but it also blocks anything from coming up from underground as well, right?" This caused the Bishop to stop attacking and pause for a second.


"Don't tell this one that your plan was to stop the barrier so you could sneak people out through the underground tunnels, do you really think we wouldn't have thought of that, that we would let you do something like that again?"

"Who said that we were hoping to take down the barrier for that?" Suu asked with a small smirk.

"Huh?" If suu could see under the Bishop's hood she suspected that they would have a look of confusion on their face.

"Like I just said, who said that we're hoping to take down the barrier for that?" She said as the ground beneath them began to shake ever so slightly, it was slow at first but it soon became much more violent.

"W-what? What did you do?!"

"We never wanted to sneak our forces in through the tunnels, that would have been stupid like you said, no, no we just wanted the barrier out of the way so that we could move on to the next stage of our plans" as she said that the shaking only seemed to increase even more.

"What... what is this?" The Bishop spoke in surprise while something began to happen, massive sink holes that seemed to go down forever opened up in select places all over the city. This of course ended up causing large parts of the city to simply fall into the deep dark pits that were created by all the shaking.

(Thankfully for us we managed to get everyone out of the way before we did this, all the slaves that is) Suu thought to herself while glancing over at the nearest sink hole that was to her right before continuing were she left off.

"You see, you thought that the army outside was our whole invasion force, however unfortunately for you, you were only half right. Come on think about it, you have to have found it just a little strange that I didn't just blink over to the conduit and destroy it the moment that I got here instead of fighting you like I have been" Suu pointed out while smiling even more as she could feel that the Bishop was becoming more and more nervous.

"We wanted you to put all your attention on the army outside your walls, we wanted you to focus on us while we spread chaos through this city and finally, I wanted you to focus on me while I gave you this long stupid speech about our plans and what we have been doing this whole time"

At this point the sound of buzzing and clicking had begun to fill the air, the sounds were obviously coming from the sink holes but it was hard to tell what it actually was at first as it was far too quiet to make out, however, the sound soon grew to the point that it couldn't be ignored. The Bishop obviously noticed, it was nearly impossible for them not to notice the sounds with how loud it was getting at this point but they continued to look over at Suu.

"But why?!"

"First, because I'm distracting you so that you can't warn your little friends in time and second... well... it's because we didn't want you to notice the army that was massing deep under your feet" at that moment hundreds if not thousands of creatures poured out of the sink holes, some crawled on the ground while others swarmed up into the sky.

"Let me introduce you to the Hive"

(A/N. Sorry that I didn't post this yesterday, I was far too tired and ended up falling asleep before I had the chance to do so)