Ask 9

(A/N. Before you read this ask I just want to say this, I'm an idiot. The reason why this is late is because I accidentally deleted a massive part of this ask, thankfully I was able to get most of the work back, however, about five maybe eight questions were completely unrecoverable. Sadly I don't have time to go back through and rewrite the answer for them as I'm extremely busy this week and I really didn't want to push this back any more then I already have. So yeah, if you see that your question is missing that's why and very I'm sorry)


Question 1: m_42

For Rimuru, how does it feel if you see someone eat a slime?


Rimuru: ".....No, just no"

Suu: "I've never eaten a slime before but I hear they taste great"

Benimaru: "Lady Suu slimes are simply amazing, they just melt in your mouth when you eat them"

Shion: "Agreed, slimes are one of the world's greatest types of food"

Rimuru: "Nononononono, I'm not doing this again"

Suu: "Hehehehe"



Question 2: nameless_author

For Veldora and Ifrit, what's was your first impression of Suu?


Ifrit: "A poor soul that has never had someone to care for her"

Veldora: "True... however, I was rather shocked when we found out she was a Phoenix though, the last time I saw a Phoenix they wer-"

Author: "No spoilers!"



Question 3: RougeCazador2

To Milim: how long will your patience hold out till you can't wait to kiss the Suu-ndere again?


Milim: "Hehe, I don't mind waiting a while, after all, a girl needs to have patience but I may tease her just a little the next time we meet"

Suu: *Blush*

Milim: "It's rude to eavesdrop Birdy, hehehe"

Suu: "I-I-I'm ju-just going t-to go now"

Milims: "So cute"



Question 4: ShadyGlasses

How would a war game go between the Abyss troops and tempest?


Suu: "Hmmmm...."

Rimuru: "That's a pretty interesting question... Great sage, what do you think?"

Great sage: [If the war was decided in one all or nothing battle Tempest has a 78% chance of winning, this is because they have more experienced leaders and overall better access to technology such as better weapons and armour, while Suu does have the ability to enchant weapons to make them much more effective she simply does not have the amount of resources that Tempest has at there disposal. However, if the war was prolong for a long period of time Tempest has a 28% chance of winning as even with their allies to help Suu's ability to create a possibly endless number of monsters and unique creatures to fight for her would allow the abyss to win with sheer numbers alone. This however, is all considering that Milim, the other demon lords or any of the other major forces in the world do not get involved]

Rimuru: "I don't think the question meant it that literally but thanks anyway Great sage"



Question 5: Chain_613

To Haruko: Can you tell me where you get the good stuff cause I'm having a party later today?


Haruko: "OhohohinterestedinspicingupyourcelebrationarewewellletmejustsaythatI'musuallyamanofsciencehoweverIhavebeentoquiteafewsocialget-togethersmyselfmostofwhichwereratherblandtosaytheleastnotthatIwouldvoicethisopiniontothehostorhostessasitwouldberatherrudethankfullythoughIhadaccesstoaveryhowtosayuniquepotionthatmydearfriendVelcreateditwasoneofhisearlyprototypeshoweverIcouldn'tjustletsomethingsointerestinggotowastesoImayhavetakensomeofthemwithouthimknowingandletmetellyouapotionthatmakesyounotonlyhallucinatebutalsomakesyoublackoutdrunkandincrediblyhyperallatoncewithbarelyanysideeffectsreallydoesspiceupaget-togetherI'lltellyouthat"

Vel: "Y-you did what with my ex-experimental Haven potion?!"



Question 6: A_Living_Potato

For everyone, are there more doors or wheels in the world?


Suu: "Doors.... I think"

Rimuru: "Yeah, it's got to be doors"

Gobta: "No way, it's definitely wheels"

Gabiru: "I, the great Gabiru know that the answer is wheels"

Shuna: "Doors"

Rai: "Wheels"

Kean: "Doors"

Yama: "Who fucking cares!"

Poe: *Makes a circle shape with his paws*



Question 7: ninijtsu_gaming

To Rimuru, how is everything going in Tempest?


Rimuru: "I'm not in tempest right now, so I don't know"



Question 8: m_42

To suu, can you name a slime and tell Rimuru the slime is your boyfriend?


Suu: "errrrrm... I would but... you see the thing is that the moment I try to do this said slime immediately explodes into a million pieces and I can't seem to figure out why"

Milim: *Currently sitting in the background glaring at the question*



Question 9: Chain_613

To Carrion, I hope you know your a dead man. Suu will have your head on a stick.


Carrion: "Ha! So she finally met Haruko did she"

Suu: "I will have my vengeance!"

Carrion: "Hey, I warned you he was a bit odd"

Suu: "Odd, ODD! It's like I'm talking to a drug addict who drinks nothing but the strongest type of coffee he can get his hands on"

Carrion: "Like I said, he's a bit odd"



Question 10: Pepega123

To Rimuru and Great sage, how worried are you about Suu after having lost contact with her for so long.


Rimuru: "I am a little worried because thought communication isn't working, however, considering that we are so far away from each other it is very possible that thought communication can't actually reach her at this distance"

Great sage: "The link that was created by the Joy skill is still functioning, unfortunately there is some interference that is blocking any communication, however, there are several things that could be causing this, most of which are not cause for alarm. Also, analysation of this interference reveals nothing of note at this time"



Question 11: B1LLNY3

To Frey: What is your opinion of Suu, like do you see her out of respect of power and/or race, anger from being queen of the skies, or curiously for obvious reasons.


Frey: "Well I-"

Author: "SPOILERS!"

Frey: "..."

Author: "....."

Frey: "I-"

Author: "SPOILERS!"

Frey: "Would you stop that!"

Author: "No"

Frey: "Can you at least let me say one thing"

Author: "Fine"

Frey: "Thank you. Now I have seen no evidence that this Suu is a Phoenix. Yes, she is a giant bird, however, I have no information that leads me to believe she is not just a new massive type of bird monster. Also, Phoenixes were said to be, first, orange, red and gold not black and gold. And second, they were not as big as she is in her more monstrous form"

Frey: "However, if she is a Phoenix the-"

Author: "SPOILERS!"



Question 12: Natural_SSR

For the author: will you be doing the slime diaries as well?


Author: "Maybe, it depends on a little choice that I might need you guys to make later on down the line"



Question 13: Natural_SSR

For Suu: Have you explored more of the Abyss dimension?


Suu: "No because I'm currently trapped inside a massive barrier that blocks me from leaving, I can't even enter the abyss. However, I do plan on looking more into the abyss once I get back to Tempest"



Question 14: Federico_Camergo

If Suu eats someone with her bottomless void ability, and this being has a unique ability, does she can get it?


Author: "Yes... unless I'm an idiot and forget to give it to her then no"



Question 15: m_42

For Rimuru, how does it feel when you see someone eat a slime?



Suu: "Well technically you used to be human so..."

Rimuru: "That still doesn't make it any better"



Question 16: m_42

For Suu and Milim, how do you find the taste of slime ice cream?


Rimuru: "This is the third question today about something related to eating slimes, they were all from the same guy as well"

Milim: "What is slime ice cream anyway?"

Suu: "I think they are talking about the blue shaved ice that is sold in tempest"

Milim: "Ooooooh, I remember that, it was tasty"

Suu: *Thumbs up*



Question 17: nameless_author

For the mysterious two individuals that we know nothing about, what do you do guys in your spare time (since you seem to have a lot of it)?


???: [Why the hell should I tell you?!]

???: {Sigh, I'm sorry about their behaviour}

???: [HEY! Don't just go around apologising for me]

???: {Anyway, to answer the question, we do nothing really, well, nothing that we can tell you at this time anyway}

???: [Tsk... basically we can't tell you as it would ruin too much of the story or whatever. As for what we do when were not doing the crap that we can't tell you, like my annoying friend said, we don't do shit, it's actually really fucking boring here]

???: {Well, that is only to be expected considering where we are right now}

???: [I wish they would hurry the hell up and open one of the Gates because I'm really fucking tired of being stuck in here]

???: {You know very well that we can't rush this, don't you remember what happened last time we tried rushing things? Also, unlike before there is no second chance this time, we have one opportunity to set things right and that's it}

???: [Yeah, you got a point there. Not that I really give a fucking damn what happens to them at this point but still]



Question 18: Tiamat_Sama_

Is it gay if Deidara sucks his pp with his hands?


Suu: "Who the fuck is Deidar-"

Deidara: "Is it gay if you touch yourself you moron?! No, it's fucking not! So stop asking stupid questions before I show you the true meaning of art!"

Deidara: *Vanishes into thin air"

Suu: "....Who the hell was that?!"



Question 19: DON_FLUFFLES

To Suu, aren't you afraid that if you become Milim's girlfriend the FBI will get her?


Suu: "First, The FBI doesn't exist here... at least I don't think it does anyway. And second, Milim can destroy mountains single handedly, so what the hell could they possibly do to her?"



Question 20: Router_1937

For Elizabeth, since you are a queen, how do you view yourself in comparison to Suu? Am equal? A subordinate? Or something else?


Elizabeth: "How do I feel about my queen?"

Suu: "...."

Elizabeth: "What a simply preposterous question you have decided to ask, my queen is the most magnificent being in existence"

Suu: "Oh god, please no"

Elizabeth: "She is beautiful, elegant and simply perfect in every possible way. I would be a fool to even compare myself to her, after all, without her generosity and benevolence I would not even exists at this very moment"

Suu: "Can we please move on"

Elizabeth: "But my queen, I have not yet finished conveying my endless devotion to you"

Suu: "Next question, NOW!"



Question 21: Router_1937

For Haruko: Do you consume hyper potions rarely, or is not finding you in a hyperactive state of mind the uncommon thing?


Vel: "The latter one"

Haruko: "HowpreposteroushowcouldyouaccusemeofdoingsuchaterriblethingIamamanofscienceyetyouclaimthatIwouldcasuallydrinksomethingthataltersmystateofmindtosuchadegreeIwouldneverdosuchathingandIaminsultedthatyouwouldeventhinkofaccusingmeofthisheinouscrime"

Suu: "You are not helping your case whatsoever"



Question 22: Aractur

What can the bees wax do?


Author: "I'm guessing your talking about the wax like stuff the Hive workers can create. As for the answer, well, I'll let Elisabeth take this one"

Elisabeth: "Why of course, the wax the workers make can be used as building material or as a way to reinforce unstable tunnels, the Workers can also use it to restrain and trap enemies. Oh and finally it can actually be eaten, however, it doesn't taste all that good and should only be consumed in desperate or life threatening situations"



Question 23: Federico_Camergo

To the students of Rimuru: has your teacher told you about his daughter? And if so, what did he tell you about her? And would you like to meet her?


Gale: "Sensei hasn't told us much about her but he has told as a little"

Ryota: "Like what she looks like"

Alice: "I wouldn't mind meeting her at some point"

Chole: "I'm sure that she would be a nice person to meet"

Kenya: "I want to fight her!"



Question 24: Federico_Camergo

Will Suu weapon become a genesis-class weapon at some point?


Author: "Yes"



Question 25: Federico_Camergo

For the author: When the story begins Suu is 14 years old, as it progresses she will get older, in fact she may already 15, my question is will you ever celebrate Suu's birthday in Tempest.


Suu: "She is already 15, she probably turned 15 just before or while she was on the island. As for the birthday thing, probably, I may end up doing it as a special side chapter or something like that"



Question 26: Federico_Camergo

For the author: in the novel it is said that the shield that can create Michael's ultimate ability is impenetrable, but is Suu uses the Black blood of the abyss could she gradually absorb or eat the shield? Also, when the empire invades tempest, will Suu fight velgrynd? The way we will know who rules over flames.


Author: "Simply put, I have no idea. That's a long way away from right now so I don't really know yet. Honestly, I'm not even going to say anything more as I will probably end up changing my mind later down the line. So for now just know that it's a maybe for both of those"



Question 27: Federico_Camergo

For the author: Rimuru at the end of the novel can travel through time, will you make Suu at some point able to travel through time and go save her creations that died on the island?


Author: "Like the last question I haven't thought that far ahead yet, so I honestly don't know"



Question 28: Federico_Camergo

Will Suu destroy Falmuth?


Author: "No, Suu would probably want to wipe out Falmuth, however, she wouldn't because not only will she know that not everyone who is apart of Falmuth is evil but she would also straight up refused to kill innocent women and children. If she actually did something like that she would just be proving that her old father was right about her"



Question 29: Federico_Camergo

For the Author: "Do you plan to give Suu, when she evolves or sooner, any healing abilities that are associated with the tears of the Phoenix? Like Harry Potter's phoenix tears.


Author: "Maybe, I actually like that idea so the chances are high that I may do something like that later on"



Question 30: ninjitsu_gaming

Suu, you found the researcher now what happens next?


Suu: "We relax for a bit, maybe raise some dragons back from the dead and then, then we march on the final enemy stronghold and burn it to the ground"
