Chapter 45 The Fall Of Eternities

"Errrm, can you please stop" I groaned in annoyance.

"Fascinating, this is just absolutely fascinating. To think that I would get the opportunity to mean a Phoenix in my life time, truly extraordinary" Haruko didn't seem to hear a single word that I just said as he continued moving around me.

"This e-event may just end up going down in history pr-professor" Vel said as he vigorously wrote down notes in a book that he had seemingly pulled out of no where.

They had been at this for what seemed like several hours at this point. They asked me question after question, most of which I didn't know the answer too, they asked me to transform back and forth between my human form and Phoenix form and a whole bunch of other irritating shit. Honestly, I was annoyed, no, annoyed didn't even come close to it, I was starting to completely lose my fucking mind. And to make it worse Elizabeth and Fuyuko were just standing in the back ground with awkward and confused expressions on their faces, they were doing nothing to help me out of this situation.

"Can you please fucking stop already!" I yelled finally having enough of this shit.

"Oh, my apologies my lady I was simply flabbergasted to learn you are indeed a living genuine Phoenix, some kind of unique variant of course but a Phoenix none the less. Thankfully one of my skills helps me with this kind of thing so I know for certain you're not lying to me. Oh and by the way is that how you managed to survive The Fall Of Eternities, you being a variant and all" that last part made me rather curious.

"To be completely honest with you, I have no idea what that is" I admitted.

"Huh?" Both Haruko and Vel looked at me with rather confused expressions.

(From the look on their faces I should probably know what that is and because I don't it probably has something to do with the Phoenixes down fall) I thought as I considered how to explain this to them.

(I really don't want to have to think of some great backstory so I'll just come straight out and tell them, I mean I could just say I have amnesia but I don't know if that would work as he seems to have some kind of lie detecting skill)

"I wasn't born a Phoenix, I was reincarnated, you know, something like a summon" I explained not really knowing if they knew what a reincarnatetor was.

"Ah! That would explain it, your lack of knowledge on the subject, you coming all the way here in search of answers about your species and you somehow managing to survive the event that was said to have wiped out every single phoenix in existence as well as all of their offspring. It all makes perfect sense now"

"Your not disappointed?" I was a surprise that he actually took that as well as he did, I expected him to be a little upset I wasn't a Phoenix that was born and raised by my own species.

"Of course not" Haruko and Vel said at the same time.

"Simply knowing that there is a still living Phoenix is absolutely extraordinary, even if you were reincarnated that doesn't take away from the fact that we got to witness a Phoenix in our life time something that we thought could never possibly happen. In fact I would say that we are extremely grateful to you for giving us this ones in a life time opportunity" Haruko said with a happy smile.

"Mistress, you were reincarnated?" Fuyuko asked from behind me.

"Yeah I was, however, for now I hope we can keep this between us as it's not something I am ready to just go around telling everybody about"

"Absolutely" all four of them said at once.

"Anyway, can we please get back to why mine here"

"Oh yes, I would be lighted to answer any questions you I am have"

"Hmmm... will let me start by asking how the Phoenix's went extinct, you mentioned something about The Fall Of Eternities. I am just guessing here but that has something to do with it, right?" I asked after a second of thinking on what would be best to ask first.

"Ah, a truly terrible event indeed, however, I believe it would be best if we sat down for this" Haruko said as he looked over at Vel.

"Oh yes, one moment please" just like before Vel's hands vanished into thin air and reappeared holding two foldable chairs.

He quickly set them up before his hands once again vanished and reappeared holding a table, which was of course also foldable. Me and Haruko in the meantime took a seat as Vel quickly began to set up the table between the two of us. It only took him a second or two to finish as if he had done this hundreds of times before now.

"Let's start from the beginning shall we" Haruko said as he crossed his arms in front of himself.

"It happened several thousand years ago. One day each human kingdom was visited by a group of individuals that claimed that they could make a person immortal with the blood of a Phoenix, something that was exstrimly hard to get your hands on I might say. Anyway, many of these Kingdoms did not believe these tales because such claims were thought to be nothing more then the ramblings of a group of lunatics, however, some of the less intelligent did believe there words. Then this group revealed that they actually had a weapon, a weapon that could permanently kill a Phoenix and to put it mildly, many more people took interest"

"Why?" I asked slightly confused.

"Because the humans of the past as well as several other species were both jealous and terrified of the Phoenixes as even though they were very few in number they were incredibly powerful to the point that some of them even managed to rivalled true dragons. Getting rid of them would only benefit their races in the long run, or so they thought" Haruko explained while shaking his head.

"Why didn't anyone do anything about it? I mean the Phoenixes of old, or at least their allies should have been able to get word of this"

"They did, however, from what I found in my research they didn't take it seriously and who could really blame them. Some of the Phoenixes had probably managed to live for tens of thousands of years, in that long period of time many different races and organisations had probably tried to kill them in various ways but all such attempts probably failed miserably. So tell me, why would this time be any different?" Haruko paused with a somewhat solemn expression on his face before continuing.

"But it was different this time, very, very different. No one truly knows what really happened, even I don't truly understand what happened and I've been studying these events for years, however, from what I have gathered each nation that agreed to the plan was given a weapon, a weapon that was not only incredibly advanced but also only affected Phoenixes and no other species besides them"

"At first no one really knew how to use the weapons, however, one day the weapons that each kingdom was given activated and a massive part of the planet was suddenly covered by a blinding white light, and just like that it was over. Every Phoenix plummeted from the skies or just collapsed to the ground were they stood, in a single moment, a single second, every living Phoenix on the planet had shockingly died without any way of fighting back against this unknown attack, their bodies blanketing the ground of their homes and gathering places"

"Wait... that doesn't make any sense"

"What do you mean?" Haruko asked with a knowing smile as if he already knew what I was about to say.

"When a Phoenix dies there body turns to dust, believe me I know from experience. Actually, now that I think about it, killing a Phoenix is probably the worst way to get their blood as it would all turn to dust the moment they died"

"Exactly. That is one of the exact reasons why I started studying this event in the first place" Haruko said while nodding approvingly at me.

"So what happened next?"

"Well, first the group that started all of this vanished with out a trace the moment this event, also known as The Fall Of Eternities, happened. This of course was a massive problem for the kingdoms that actually decided to help them in this frankly ridiculous plan. Not only because the whole immortality thing was completely fake but because now they had to deal with the very angry and vengeful allies of the Phoenixes, some of which were demon lords and true dragons. To put it simply they didn't last long"

(They got what they deserved) I thought to myself.

"Also, in that time most of the weapons that have been nicknamed "Immortal Killers" had been destroyed, however, from what I've gathered some countries managed to hide some of them for study and research"

"You have mentioned this group alot, who are they?" I asked curiously.

"Who are they? My lady you and your army have been fighting them for awhile now" now that surprised the hell out of me.

"The cult!"

"Yes, dreadful lot really" Haruko replied with a disgusted look on his face.

"That has to be a joke, come on, sure the cultist are evil but they don't exactly strike me as the type smart enough to build weapons of mass destruction. Also, what the hell would they possibly gain from the fall of the Phoenixes?" I was rather sceptical to say the least.

"I don't know what they would gain from it but I do know this, the Sixth, the cult leader here appears to be the weakest of the Six Bloodied Wings" Haruko explained simply.

"Wait, have you had a runnin with them before coming here?"

"No, however, were ever you find information on Phoenixes you can probably find information on the cult as well. It is as if the two are intertwined somehow" Haruko said thoughtfully.

(Great more questions) I thought with a sigh.

"By the way what would happen if you tried to touch the soul of a Phoenix?" I asked trying to take my mind of the dozen or so more questions popping into my mind.

"Haha, what kind of idiot would do something like that?"

"I was dead at the time so I don't know exactly what happened but apparently one of the cults Bishops tried to touch my soul during said time I was dead and their hand immediately turned to ash" as I explained this to them Haruko and Vel started looking at me with growing stupefied expressions on their faces.

"Ha, damn fools I tell you, the lot of em"

"You see from what I have learnt you would have better luck trying to grab a hold of the sun without getting burnt. A Phoenix soul has limitless life energy to the point that anything that isn't a Phoenix would be incinerated by the amount of energy that it can release" Haruko facepalmed while shaking his head in disbelief.

(Hmmm... is it possible to control that energy...? Something for later I guess) I quickly push that thought to the back of my mind for now.

"Well, I think that is plenty of answers for right now" I rub my head as I stood up.

"Before I get back to work though there is one last thing that I need to do"

"A-and errm... what would th-that be?" Vel asked curiously.

"I'm going to raise some dragons"