Chapter 46 Relaxation And Dragons

(A/N. Sorry for the late chapter, I've been dealing with a major case of food poisoning and because of this I haven't really been in the mood to write, or do much of anything for that matter. Also, just so you know I'm still not 100% so I didn't put much thought into this, so yeah, don't expect to much from me. Anyway, sorry about that, let's get to the chapter now)

==============Bels Pov=============

"Yummy yummy yummy yummy"

"Where did she even get those from?" I asked as I looked over at Ray who was currently stuffing her face with several dozen cookies.

"No idea" Grey replied while shaking his head.

Me as well as Grey and the gang were currently relaxing after a long day of helping out around the city, Grey and the others had been helping out with reconstruction, I on the other hand had been helping with healing some of the former slaves that were in a much worse state then the others and had yet to properly recover. From where we were currently sitting we could very easily see the large number of people that were slowly trickling in through the entrance of the city. They were all people that had previously stayed back at the fort, they were being moved here because it was not only a far bigger space but it was now far safer for them to stay here then staying back there.

"Annoying little brat"

"What's up with him?" I asked when I noticed that Pinky was angry muttering to himself.

"He is just annoyed that Ray wouldn't give him any of her cookies" Dai said as he took a sip from a leather flask that he had pulled out of nowhere.

(I still don't understand how they are able to actually eat and drink like they do, I mean seriously, they don't have stomachs so where does it all go?) I thought with a puzzled look on my face.

"Poor Pinky~ if you want me to make you feel better I wouldn't mind having some fun with you~"

"SHUT THE HELL UP YOU DAMN PERVERT!" Pinky yelped as he glared over at Elena who was currently smirking at him.

"Grrr~ I like it when you talk all brave and scary like that~ however, you and I both know I would be the one on top~ hehe, I'm always the one on top~" Elena winked at Pinky which caused him to turn a very deep red with both rage and embarrassment.

"Look~ you have become all red and cute after just a little teasing~ hehehe~ should we go ahead and start calling you redy now?"

"THAT'S IT YOU FUCKING PERVERT!" Pinky hissed as he stood up and tried to run at Elena, however, he was quickly stopped in his tracks when Dai grabbed him by the shoulders.

"Let me at her! I'm going to rip her to peaces!"

"Hehehehe~ kinky~"

"Elena, please refrain from pissing him off any more then you already have" Dai sighed while shaking his head in annoyance.

"Fine~ ruin my fun why don't you~" Elena said while pouting to herself.

"What are you guys doing?" A sudden and familiar voice said out of no where surprising us all.

"Captain Kaen" Dai respectfully nodded towards the leader of the Harbingers while still holding on to the struggling Pinky who continued to yell various profanities at Elena.

"Hello!" Ray yelled happily while waving at Kaen as she stuffed more cookies into her face.

"Hey Ray" Kaen replied with an awkward smile before taking a seat next to them.

"Shouldn't you lot be working right now?" He asked with a tilt of his head.

"We're on break!" Ray yelled once again with an innocent and happy expression on her face.

"Fair enough"

"Captain, errm, I heard you got attack by one of those ruby red weapons that stops regeneration?" Grey asked curiously.

"Lady Suu did as well right?" I asked as well because I could vaguely remember hearing that Suu had been hit by a ruby red arrow during the battle.

"Yes, we did"

"How did you manage to get rid of that weird curse thing? I mean did it just fade away over time or what?" We were all honestly a little curious, in fact even Pinky had stop screaming at Elena to listen in on the conversation.

"Oh, well.... it turns out the only way we currently have to remove this strange curse is to cut off the parts of the afflicted person's body, we need to remove the parts of the body that have been covered by said red tattoos, after this we can then either let it regenerate on it's own or we can use healing skills and healing potions to repair the damage" Kaen said with a shiver at the memory of how he had to get the markings off of himself not too long ago.

"That doesn't sound fun" I muttered as I tried not to imagine it.

"Believe me, it REALLY wasn't"

"Don't be such a little bitch!" Pinky scoffed as he rolled his eyes.

"It would seem that Pinky is still the same as ever" Kaen spoke with a large amount of irritation clear in his voice.

"Unfortunately" we all replied in unison.


"And besides I'm not even pink.... I'm more like a.... a lightish red"

"Isn't that just pin-" I tried to argue against him but suddenly something happened that cut me off and made us all look up in stunned silence. From out of nowhere a rip in space appeared above us, seconds later a person in bright pink armour that looked very futuristic popped there head out of it, this person was then soon followed by another person in similar dark blue armour.

"See! See, he gets it!" The pink one yelled as he pointed down at Pinky.

"Oh my god, OH MY GOD! Are we in Narnia? I want to ride Aslan!" The dark blue one said in a somewhat childish sounding voice.

"Donut! Caboose! What in Sam Hill are you two doing over there? Get your asses back in here and help me find my shotgun. Also, when I find the bastard who thought it would be a great idea to open an interdimensional wormhole in here I'm going to have Lopez flatten them with the warthog before I shoot their mangled remains full of lead!" Suddenly a somewhat gruff sounding voice came from behind them, hearing this voice made the two of them freeze up for a second.

"Sorry Sarge"

"Tucker did it!"

The two quickly pulled themselves back to the other side of the portal. Moments later the portal closed up, vanishing completely without a trace that it was ever there to begin with.





"What.... what the hell was that?" Both Pinky and Grey asked in unison.

"I.... I don't... you know what, I don't want to know, let's just forget this ever happened" Kaen said and we all slowly nodded in confusion.


============Suu pov===========

"Interesting, very very interesting, I have previously over heard some of your subordinates calling you Creator, it make so much more sense now that you have explain this skill of yours to me"

(I really hate being call that, it feels so weird) I thought to myself with a sigh.

"I have never in my life seen an ability like this, to think you actually are able to create entirely new kinds of species and sentient life with out much effort. What I'd give to research this extraordinary phenomenon as well as this other dimension you speak of in more depths" Haruko said with a giddy and somewhat childish glint in his eyes.

"Sorry but only creatures of the abyss are able to enter it and the same goes for Black Blood. Only creatures from the abyss can interact with it without being drained of their magicules almost instantly or being transformed into twisted, mindless creatures that can give a war veteran nightmares" I explained, however, Haruko eyes simply shone with even more interest and curiosity.

"Th-that's a s-shame" Vel sighed with a slightly sad expression.

"Anyway, let me get to work, you guys can just sit back and watch if you want"

Cracking my fingers I first summon quite a few souls from my soul storage, I then opened up dozens of portals to the abyss all over the cavern. Moments later a massive amount of Black blood poured out from all of the portals, it didn't take long before the cavern was partially filled with the black particles. Finally, I waved my hands and fused the souls as well as the Black blood with the dragon skeletons that littered the place.

What happened next, however, was definitely not what I was expecting to happen. Instead of the bones turning into something like a zombie or skeleton dragon like what you would probably expect to happen they instead did something that was completely surprising to me. The skeletons of the various dragons simply burst into flames, black and white flames to be more pacific. These flames then quickly took the form of something that looked like a chinese dragon except for two tiny differences. First, they had four wings and second, they were made completely out of black and white flames that for some odd reason reminded me of Black blood.

(A/N. Here is an image that I found a while ago while looking for images for Abyssal Hive members)

"Well... damn, that's not what I was expecting at all..." I said as I looked at the 20 to 35 massive dragons that now stood around us, the biggest of which was standing just several feet in front of me.

"We greet the Creator" the large dragon said in a deep and rumbling male voice that sounded far too ancient for a being that was born like five seconds ago.

"I think I'll call you..."

(A/N. Name suggestions are welcome)